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Add metadata to datasets of individual human records

Appending appropriate metadata to datasets of individual unit records can facilitate partial automation of some modelling tasks. This tutorial describes how a module from the youthvars R package can help you to add metadata to a youth mental health dataset so that it can be more readily used by other ready4 modules.

This below section renders a vignette article from the youthvars library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

Youthvars provides a two classes - YouthvarsProfile and YouthvarsSeries that are useful for describing features of datasets. The tools in youthvars build on the metadata included in a Ready4useDyad.

Ingest data

To start we ingest X, a Ready4useDyad (dataset and data dictionary pair) that we can download from a remote repository.

X <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                               dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                               dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
  ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = "ymh_clinical_dyad_r4",
         metadata_1L_lgl = F)

Add metadata

We could add metadata about X, such as the unique identifier variable name, by transforming it to a YouthvarsProfile instance.

## Not run
# X <- YouthvarsProfile(a_Ready4useDyad = X,
#                       id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID")

However, in this case the data we ingested includes a longitudinal dataset. It is therefore preferable to transform X into a YouthvarsSeries instance. YouthvarsSeries objects contain all of the fields of YouthvarsProfile objects, but also include additional fields that are specific for longitudinal datasets (e.g. timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr and timepoint_vals_chr that respectively specify the data-collection timepoint variable name and values and participation_var_1L_chr that specifies the desired name of a yet to be created variable that will summarise the data-collection timepoints for which each unit record supplied data).

X <- YouthvarsSeries(a_Ready4useDyad = X,
                     id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID",
                     participation_var_1L_chr = "participation",
                     timepoint_vals_chr = c("Baseline","Follow-up"),
                     timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr = "round")

YouthvarsSeries methods

Currently, only methods for YouthvarsSeries (and not yet YouthvarsProfile) have been included with the youthvars package. These methods are summarised in the following sections.

Validate data

We use the ratify method to ensure that X has been appropriately configured for methods examining datasets reporting measures at two timepoints.

X <- ratify(X,
            type_1L_chr = "two_timepoints")

Inspect data

We can now specify the variables that we would like to prepare descriptive statistics for using the renewSlot and renew methods. The variables to be profiled are specified in arguments beginning with “compare_”. Use compare_ptcpn_chr to compare variables based on whether cases reported data at one or both timepoints and compare_by_time_chr to compare the summary statistics of variables by timepoints, e.g at baseline and follow-up. If you wish these comparisons to report p values, then use the compare_ptcpn_with_test_chr and compare_by_time_with_test_chr arguments.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               compare_by_time_chr = c("d_age","d_sexual_ori_s","d_studying_working"),
               compare_by_time_with_test_chr = c("k6_total", "phq9_total", "bads_total"),
               compare_ptcpn_with_test_chr = c("k6_total", "phq9_total", "bads_total")) %>%
  renew(type_1L_chr = "characterize")

The tables generated in the preceding step can be inspected using the exhibit method.

X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 1L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 2L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 3L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))

The depict method can create plots, comparing numeric variables by timepoint.

       type_1L_chr = "by_time",
       var_nms_chr = c("c_sofas"),
       label_fill_1L_chr = "Time",#
       labels_chr = c("SOFAS"),#
       y_label_1L_chr = "")
#> Warning: `stat(width * density)` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#>  Please use `after_stat(width * density)` instead.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the youthvars package.
#>   Please report the issue to the authors.
SOFAS total scores by data collection round

SOFAS total scores by data collection round

Share data

If and only if the dataset you are working with is appropriate for public dissemination (e.g. is synthetic data), you can use the following workflow for sharing it. We can share the dataset we created for this example using the share method, specifying the repository to which we wish to publish the dataset (and for which we have write permissions) in a (Ready4useRepos object).

Y <- Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/youthvars", # Replace with your repository 
                          gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0"), # (need write permissions).
Y <- share(Y,
           obj_to_share_xx = X,
           fl_nm_1L_chr = "ymh_YouthvarsSeries")

X is now available for download as the file ymh_YouthvarsSeries.RDS from the “Documentation_0.0” release of the youthvars package.