A modular, open source
computational model
of youth mental health

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ready4 takes an accountable, reusable and updatable approach to modelling systems that shape the mental health and wellbeing of young people.


Currently available modules and unreleased work-in-progress modules for modelling human characteristics, relationships, behaviours, risk factors and outcomes.


A currently available app and unreleased work-in-progress modules for modelling environmental and proximity drivers of access, equity and outcomes.


Unreleased work-in-progress modules for modelling the staffing, eligibility, processes, referral networks and resource use of support services.


Highly preliminary modules for modelling the affordability, value for money and appropriate targeting of interventions.

ready4 is advanced through multiple independent modelling projects, that can be combined because they adopt a common framework and which are implemented in three steps.

1. Develop model

Abstract and transferable data structures and algorithms are written in computer code.

2. Add Data

Data specific to a decision context and set of assumptions are added to data structures.

3. Run Analyses

Algorithms are applied to data contained in data structures to generate insight.

ready4 has been developed for three main types of user.


Contribute to software with a social purpose - help author ready4 modules.


Use ready4 modules to undertake novel modelling analyses and to author and share model datasets.


Co-develop, commission and use decision-aids built from ready4 modules and data.

Other stakeholders are invited to join and contribute to the ready4 community.


Accelerate and enhance our impact by financing our development.


Develop and implement reproducible, replicable and generalisable research.