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Using ready4 modules

ready4 modules can be be used to model the people, places, platforms and programs that shape young people’s mental health.

Modules for modelling people

Modules to model the characteristics, relationships, behaviours, risk factors and outcomes of young people and individuals who interact with young people are collectively referred to as the “Spring To Life” model. The currently available modules listed here will be supplemented by additional unreleased work in progress.

Modules for modelling places

Modules for spatio-temporal modelling of the environments that shape young people’s mental health are collectively referred to as the “Springtides” model. No places modules are yet available - just an app built using unreleased work in progress modules.

Modules for modelling platforms

Modules that model the processes, eligibility requirements, staffing and configurations of youth service platforms are collectively referred to as the “First Bounce” model. No platforms modules are yet available - see details on unreleased work in progress.

Modules for modelling programs

Modules for modelling the efficacy, cost-effectiveness and budget impact of youth mental health programs (e.g. interventions for prevention, treatment and wellbeing) are collectively referred to as the “On Target” model. No programs modules are yet available - see details on preliminary work in progress.

Last modified January 30, 2023: menu updates (a0500c5)