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ready4 provides funders with opportunities to improve the quality, breadth and accountability of supports provided to youth mental health policymakers and system planners.

There are six main types of funder that can provide cash and/or in kind support to ready4:

  1. Grant making research bodies can support modelling project proposals submitted to their existing funding schemes. These types of funder could also consider making a number of changes to how they work including the assessment weightings and levels of financial support given to the reproducibility, replicability and transferability components of research proposals and initiating targeted calls for proposals to improve the accountability, flexibility and maintenance of models to inform policy.

  2. Government departments can support the development of ready4 as part of programs to enhance data analysis and modelling capability in youth mental health by providing support to develop core ready4 infrastructure (e.g. our software maintenance and community development priorities). When commissioning new modelling projects, governments could make providing open access to code and (to the greatest extent feasible, balancing confidentiality considerations) data a requirement of all applicants.

  3. Youth mental health service commissioners can commission data analysis and modelling projects that develop novel decision aids and to apply existing ready4 modules to undertake new analyses.

  4. Philanthropic donors can help accelerate our development and enhance our impact by supporting us to bring our existing in-development software to launch and to further extend the ready4 model.

  5. Corporate sponsors can provide cash, expertise and free product licenses to support both our core open-source infrastructure and individual modelling projects.

  6. Individual givers can provide support by donating to Orygen (please remember to specify as the reference for the project you would like to support!).