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Current libraries

ready4 libraries include tools for applying a modelling framework and for implementing computational models.

1 - Framework libraries

There are two types of framework libraries - a foundational library and libraries of authoring tools.

The two types of framework library are:

  • - the foundational ready4 module and syntax; and

  • - tools to implement standardised, semi-automated workflows for authoring and documenting computational models.

Currently available framework libraries are summarised below.

Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Implement a Modular, Open Source Computational Model of Youth Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 1, 2, 3, 4
Retrieve, Label and Share Ready4 Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 5, 6, 7
Author Literate Programs to Implement and Report Ready4 Analyses Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 8
Author R Packages of Ready4 Model Modules Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 9
Author and Document Functions to Implement Ready4 Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 10
Author Ready4 Model Modules Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev, Archive 11

2 - Model module libraries

There are three types of model module libraries - those for describing input data, developing models and making predictions.

Computational models developed with ready4 are intended to be both transferable (they are tools that can be used in multiple decision contexts) and modular (they are comprised of self-contained components, each of which performs a narrow sub-set of tasks). For these reasons, ready4 computational models are developed and distributed as libraries of modules.

The three types of computational module libraries are:

  • - modules for describing and quality assuring model data;

  • - modules to specify, assess and report statisitical models; and

  • - modules for making predictions.

Currently available libraries of computational model modules are summarised below.

Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Describe and Validate Ready4 Person Record Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 1, 2
Score Ready4 Model Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 3, 4
Model Youth Choice Behaviours with Ready4 Citation , Website , Citation Dev , Archive
Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 5
Explore and Characterise Heterogeneity in Quality of Life Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Specify Inverse Problems to Solve with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 6
Transform Youth Outcomes to Health Utility Predictions with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 7