Version v0.0 of the documentation is no longer actively maintained. The site that you are currently viewing is an archived snapshot. For up-to-date documentation, see the latest version.


Executables (programs and sub-routines) are used to apply computational models to data and to report the resulting analyses.

Currently all ready4 programs and subroutines are written in R Markdown. Each ready4 program and subroutine depends on at least one ready4 framework library as well as one or more ready4 module libraries. The required libraries will vary based on the purpose of the program. ready4 programs and subroutines typically generate reporting documents in file formats such as PDF, Word and HTML.


Programs are used to generate and report a model analysis.


Subroutines perform part of an analysis and reporting algorithm.

Last modified January 10, 2023: reform of tags and categories (822812e)