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Author a draft scientific manuscript for a utility mapping study

A subroutine for generating a scientific manuscript of a longitudinal utility mapping study undertaken with the TTU library.

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Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study

This sub-routine program extends the R package TTU ( by providing a toolkit for automatically authoring a first draft of a scientific manuscript from results generated by TTU functions.

The program is intended for use and as the last component of TTU’s reporting workflow for longitudinal modelling projects. An example of this workflow is available at: . This program generalises a program that produced the manuscript for a real world study (

The program can produce manuscripts in PDF / LaTex (example - and Word (example - It should be noted that the Word output requires some manual editing to adapt section numbering, modify table headers and resize tables to page boundaries.

There are two suggested workflows to further develop the algorithm-authored first draft into something that could be submitted for publication:

Suggested citation (bibTeX):

@software{hamilton_matthew_2022_6931146, author = {Hamilton, Matthew and Gao, Caroline}, title = {{ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study}}, month = jul, year = 2022, note = {{Matthew Hamilton and Caroline Gao (2022). ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study. Zenodo. Version}}, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5976987}, url = {} }