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1 - Overview

How ready4 aims to improve policy and system planning in youth mental health.

What is ready4?

ready4 is a modular computational model of the systems that shape young people’s mental health that is being developed as an open source project led by researchers at Orygen and Monash University.

What is a computational model?

A computational model is a simplified representation of a system of interest that is implemented in computer code.

What makes it modular?

The paradigms we use for computational model development allow individual model components (modules) to be independently reused (in other models) and safely and flexibly combined (to model more extensive systems).

How is that achieved?

To facilitate interoperability between modules developed by multiple modelling teams, we have defined a framework for model development that comprises a set of explicit standards and the software (currently, written in R) to implement modules that adhere to those standards.

Why is that useful?

Modelling youth mental health systems is a complex task - that means it is easy to make mistakes and is more likely to be done well if models are implemented to be accountable, reusable and updatable. We hope that ready4 will support these goals and in so doing help to share data, improve the replicability and transferability of modelling analyses and generate valuable insights for youth mental health policymakers and system planners.

Who is it for?

ready4 is designed to be primarily used by coders, modellers and planners, working collaboratively on computational modelling projects in which other stakeholders such as funders, researchers and young people make essential contributions.

Can I use it?

ready4 is free for you to assess (to verify and validate), apply (to generate novel insights into decision problems of interest to you) and to derive your own derivative works from (to leverage and enhance the work of others) under liberal terms of use.

Can I help?

ready4 is a collaborative project and we’d love your help in progressing our priorty project goals! You can help fund our development, contribute code improvements, enhance our documentation and community support, give us advice and/or lead a modelling project.

Why is it called ready4?

ready4 is shorthand for “readyforwhatsnext”, the title of the research project that catalysed this model and a reference to both how good mental health can equip young people for better lives and how computational models can improve the preparedness of decision makers and system planners.

Where should I go next?

We’d recommend reading the documentation in the order in which sections appear in the table of contents (so go next to Examples, then to Getting started and so on).

2 - Examples

See how ready4 has been applied to real world decision problems.

Some examples of practical applications of ready4 include:

3 - Getting started

What you need to know to start using ready4.

3.1 - Motivation

To be accountable, flexible and up to date, ready4 is being implemented as a modular and open source computational model.


Improving the mental health and wellbeing of young people is a global public health priority. However, identifying the optimal policy and system design choices to meet this challenge is not straightforward. Models are a potentially useful tool to help decision makers navigate complexity, but can have significant limitations such as:

  • Mistakes: Errors, common in even relatively simple health economic models, become both more likely to occur and more difficult to detect as model complexity grows;

  • Poor transparency: the validity of model analyses can be difficult to adequately ascertain if it is not clear who contributed to the model, what assumptions they made, how model algorithms were implemented, how those algorithms were tested and what data they were applied to;

  • Contested legitimacy: the value judgments of the model development team (e.g. what types of question are most important for a model to address, what parts of the workings of the system of interest to represent and in what detail, what outcome variables to include, which stakeholders to consult, etc) may differ from those using or affected by model outputs;

  • Narrow applicability: a model might be too simple to adequately explore some problems and too complex to reliably address others and be hard to transfer beyond a very specific decision context (e.g. within a specific jurisdiction);

  • Limited interoperability: different approaches to model implementation, dissemination, ownership and reporting makes it more difficult for multiple models to be efficiently and safely combined;

  • Ease of misuse: in the absence of clear documentation and prominent caveats, a model can easily be applied to decision problems to which it is poorly suited (potentially supporting decisions with serious negative consequences);

  • Restricted access: a potential overcompensation for fear of model misuse is constructing high barriers to accessing model code and data - thus limiting model testing, reuse and refinement; and

  • Growing stale: health economic models are rarely updated, meaning they can lose validity with time (e.g. input data becomes less relevant, new better performing algorithms are not incorporated, sudden major changes in environment / epidemiology / policy / service system are not accounted for).


To help address these issues, ready4 is being implemented as a modular and open source computational model of youth mental health that aims to be accountable, reusable and updatable.


Model code and data are publicly available in online code repositories and data collections. Algorithms are documented and transparently and regularly tested. Model development occurs in the open and invites community participation, with each individual’s contribution publicly identifiable. Analyses are reproducible and replicable.


Model modules and datasets originally developed in one modelling project can be independently reused in other projects. As they share a common framework, model modules can be combined in other models and analyses to address multiple topics. Due to ready4’s code implementation paradigms, model modules are easier to transfer for use in other decision contexts.


Model code, data and analyses are versioned, with an ongoing program of making new and updated releases. Software is maintained, with opportunities for users and contributors to flag issues, request features and supply code contributions.

3.2 - Concepts

A number of concepts are helpful to understand prior to using ready4.

3.2.1 - Model

ready4 represents youth mental health systems in computer code.

A model is a simplified representation of a system of interest. In the way we use the term, we also mean that a model is:

  • abstract and general (i.e. largely free of non-modifiable data, including numeric values, that are assumption- or context- specific) and
  • a tool (i.e. a model can be used to help undertake an analysis, it is not the analysis itself).

If a model is developed primarily to inform a decision or set of decisions (e.g. relating to youth mental health policy and system design) it can be called a decision model.

Ideally, a model should have three inter-related representations - conceptual, mathematical and computational.

Conceptual Model

A conceptual model refers to underlying theory and beliefs about a system of interest that can be described in words and pictures.

Mathematical Model

A mathematical model formalises a conceptual model as a set of equations.

Computational Model

A computational model implements the conceptual and mathematical models of a system of interest as computer code.

ready4 is a computational model of youth mental health. More specifically, the ready4 computational model is the complete set of ready4 modules.

3.2.2 - Module

ready4 is comprised of self-contained, reusable components called “modules”.

A modular computational model is one that constructed from multiple self-contained components, called modules. Each ready4 module describes a data structure and the set of algorithms that can be applied to it.

The advantages of developing ready4 as a modular model include:

To ensure that all ready4 modules can be safely and flexibly combined, each module is created from a template using authoring tools that support standardisation.

3.2.3 - Modelling project

A ready4 modelling project develops a computational model, adds data and runs analyses.

As a complex, collaborative and long-term undertaking, it is not feasible for ready4 to be financed by a single funder or progressed as a single project. Instead, our mode of development is via multiple independent modelling projects, each with their own project governance and funding, but which adopt a common framework.

A ready4 modelling project will involve the three steps of:

  • Developing and validating a computational model;

  • Adding context-specific data to that computational model; and

  • Applying the computational model to the supplied data to undertake analyses.

The key components of each step are summarised here.

3.2.4 - Reproducible research

Some core concepts relating to reproducible research have multiple conflicting definitions - this is how we use them.

Although there is widespread support from the scientific community on the importance of reproducible research, the definition of key terms such as reproducibility and replicability can vary across disciplines and methodologies (e.g. the extent to which computational modelling is used). In some cases, entirely different terms (e.g. repeatability) are preferred. The meanings we intend when using these terms are described below.

Reproduction and Replication

The distinctions we make between reproduction and replication have been guided by the approach outlined in a report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. However, we have adapted their definitions slightly as the meanings in that report were framed in terms of study findings / outcomes, whereas our usage relates more to intended objectives when deploying tools.



Applying the same analysis code to the same input data with the expectation of generating identical outputs (with the exception of trivial artefacts like datestamps for when analysis reports were produced).


Applying analysis code used in a study to new input data. The analysis code is reused with only minimal edits that are necessary to account for differences in input data paths and variable names and to study metadata (e.g. investigator names, sample descriptions). The new data can be real or fake, but will include the same structure and concepts / measures as those found in the original study’s dataset. If the new data is a sample from the same population as the original study, then the expectation when undertaking replications is for results across studies to be broadly similar.


Examples of both reproduction and replication code are available. When publishing analysis code we try to adopt (there are exceptions) the following rules of thumb:

  1. If the data required to re-run a study analysis are publicly available (or declared by the analysis program itself), then we publish the code as a reproduction program (e.g. this program for creating a synthetic population).

  2. If the data required to re-run a study analysis are not publicly available, we publish the replication version of the code. The replication version of the code may be configured to ingest a synthetic (fake) representation of the study dataset as with this utility mapping replication program. Details of the (minimal) steps required to revert the replication code to a version that can be used for reproduction purposes are typically embedded within the program itself.

3.2.5 - Transferability

Some models have the potential to be used in multiple contexts - but will often need adaptation for this to be appropriate.

It is common for discussions of scientific studies to consider the extent to which findings can be generalised (e.g. if a well conducted study concludes with high confidence that an intervention is cost-effective in Australia, is it valid to infer that it is likely to be cost-effective in the United Kingdom?). However, we are more interested in the transferability of computational models (e.g. the extent to which the data-structures and algorithms from a computational model developed for an Australian context can be used to explore similar topics in the United Kingdom). Our usage of the term “transferring” (and by extension “transferability”, “transferable”, “transfers”) reflects this motivation.

Transferring - our meaning

Adapting a computational model, in whole or in part, to extend the types of data and/or research questions to which it can be applied. The new types of data will possess some differences in structure and / or concepts from that to which the computational model had previously been applied and these differences may be why research questions need to be reformulated.

When we use the term transferring, we are typically referring to either (a) authoring or (b) using on of the following:

  1. An analysis program (or sub-routine) that has been adapted from an executable from another study to account for differences in the input data / research question.

  2. Inheriting data-structures and algorithms that selectively re-use, discard and replace elements of a study’s computational model based on an alternative use-case.

  3. (Multi-purpose) function libraries that have been created by decomposing a study’s (single purpose) analysis program.


The scorz module library was originally developed to provide an R implementation of algorithms in other languages for scoring adolescent AQoL-6D health utility as part of a utility mapping study (which also used the analysis program mentioned above). Examples of all three approaches mentioned in the previous section can be seen by examining the documentation and source code of the scorz library:

  1. Two vignette programs from the scorz library website score different utility instruments. The first program scores adolescent AQoL-6D health utility and acts as a template for the second, which has been modified to score EQ-5D health utility.

  2. Inspecting those example programs shows that one of the key adaptations in the EQ-5D program is to use the ScorzEuroQol5 module instead of the ScorzAqol6Adol module. Both of these modules inherit from ScorzProfile. This arrangement means that all three modules share some features (in terms of both structure and algorithms) but selectively differ (e.g. aspects that are necessarily different for scoring different instruments).

  3. The algorithms attached to each module from the scorz library are principally implemented by functions (the source code for which can be viewed here) that were created when decomposing an early draft of the above mentioned study algorithm. These functions are called by module methods (source code viewable here).

3.3 - Users

How you use and contribute to ready4 will depend on the type of work you do.

3.3.1 - Coders

Coders can use ready4 to enhance the impact and re-usability of their algorithms.

If you are a coder, you may be a data scientist or software engineer by training or are perhaps a quantitative researcher who spends a high proportion of their time writing code to undertake their work.


The primary role of coders in ready4 modelling projects is to author modules that implement computational models.

Benefits of using ready4

ready4 provides an opportunity to write software that matters! Our aim is to help improve the lives of young people through empowering decision makers with better models. If you already write code for youth mental health modelling projects, ready4 may also be helpful to you by enhancing your impact (providing a framework for modular models that facilitate re-use by others) and efficiency (through partial automation of code development and quality-assurance workflows).

Contributing to ready4

The types of contribution you can make to ready4 include:

3.3.2 - Modellers

Modellers can use ready4 to leverage the work of other modellers and to implement reproducible modelling analyses.

If you are a modeller, you are responsible for the overall implementation of a modelling study from initial conceptualisation through to analysis and reporting. You are likely to be an economist, epidemiologist or statistician and are probably reasonably comfortable with writing analysis scripts in statistical software (potentially including R), without necessarily being a coding wizard.


The primary role of modellers in ready4 modelling projects is to use modules to undertake analyse as part of modelling projects.

Benefits of using ready4

We hope that ready4 can be of benefit to you by helping you to efficiently build on work by other modellers, to implement more reproducible workflows, and to share your work so that it can be reused.

Contributing to ready4

The types of contribution you can make to ready4 include:

3.3.3 - Planners

Planners can use ready4 decision aids to generate useful insights.

If you are an planner, you contribute to policy development or service planning to help immprove the mental health of young people. You probably value the role of modelling to inform your work, but are likely to rely on others to provide much of the technical expertise to implement computational models.


The primary role of planners in ready4 modelling projects is co-design of decision aids that provide user-interfaces for allow easy configuration of models to run bespoke analyses.

Benefits of using ready4

We hope that ready4 can provide you with accountable, reusable and updatable decision support.

Contributing to ready4

The types of contribution you can make to ready4 include:

3.4 - Stakeholders

In addition to the main types of intended user, a number of other stakeholders can benefit from and contribute to ready4.

3.4.1 - Funders

ready4 provides funders with opportunities to improve the quality, breadth and accountability of supports provided to youth mental health policymakers and system planners.

There are six main types of funder that can provide cash and/or in kind support to ready4:

  1. Grant making research bodies can support modelling project proposals submitted to their existing funding schemes. These types of funder could also consider making a number of changes to how they work including the assessment weightings and levels of financial support given to the reproducibility, replicability and transferability components of research proposals and initiating targeted calls for proposals to improve the accountability, flexibility and maintenance of models to inform policy.

  2. Government departments can support the development of ready4 as part of programs to enhance data analysis and modelling capability in youth mental health by providing support to develop core ready4 infrastructure (e.g. our software maintenance and community development priorities). When commissioning new modelling projects, governments could make providing open access to code and (to the greatest extent feasible, balancing confidentiality considerations) data a requirement of all applicants.

  3. Youth mental health service commissioners can commission data analysis and modelling projects that develop novel decision aids and to apply existing ready4 modules to undertake new analyses.

  4. Philanthropic donors can help accelerate our development and enhance our impact by supporting us to bring our existing in-development software to launch and to further extend the ready4 model.

  5. Corporate sponsors can provide cash, expertise and free product licenses to support both our core open-source infrastructure and individual modelling projects.

  6. Individual givers can provide support by donating to Orygen (please remember to specify as the reference for the project you would like to support!).

3.4.2 - Researchers

Researchers can use ready4 to enhance the reproducibility, replicability and transferability of their work.

Researchers in multiple discipline enhance prior, current or planned future projects related to how economic, environmental, service, social and technical systems shape young people’s mental health by using ready4 to:

Researchers considering using ready4 should ensure they understand the development status of the tools they wish to use. If the required software is not yet a production release (a process we are working on!) we’d suggest only using it for testing or exploratory work that is not designed to inform decision making. All our software is free and open source so you don’t need to ask our permission to use it. We are however, very happy to discuss ideas for potential collaborations - contact the project lead to arrage a chat.

We also welcome advice from researchers about how we can make ready4 more relevant and useful.

3.4.3 - Young people

Young people can help ensure that ready4 remains accountable for addressing topics of importance to them.

Young people have an important role to play in both the development of the overarching ready4 model and the applicability of ready4 to specific decision problems.

One of the main contributions that young people can make is to provide advice. To date, the advice we have elicited from young people has related to shaping the design and conduct of individual modelling projects. The process we have previously used to engage young people in modelling projects normally begins with the advertisement for expressions of interest via a range of social media platforms (always including those maintained by Orygen). We plan to supplement these opportunities to shape individual project with opportunities to shape the overall development of the ready4 model though growing a ready4 support community.

3.5 - Software

ready4 is a suite of software, with each included item performing a distinctive role.

3.5.1 - System requirements

What you need in order to be able to use ready4 software on your machine.

Currently, all ready4 software is written in R (for libraries), R Markdown (for programs and sub-routines) and JavaScript (for the user interface component of Shiny applications). Therefore:

  • to use ready4 libraries and programs / subroutines you must have an up to date version of R installed on your machine and it is recommended that you install the RStudio IDE; and

  • the requirements for using ready4 user interfaces depend on whether you are running a version we have deployed to the web (in which case you just need a supported browser) or whether you are running the app on your local machine (in which case you will need both R and RStudio).

3.5.2 - Code repositories

ready4 software is freely available from multiple open access repositories.


We have yet to issue production releases of any of our R packages, but once these are finalised we will be submitting them to the Comprehensive R Archive Network.

3.5.3 - Release statuses

Whether and how you should use a specific version of ready4 software depends in part on its release status. - Unreleased code

Some work in progress code has yet to be publicly released or fornmally acknowledged as part of the ready4 suite.

Currently, a new ready4 software project initiated by the ready4 core team will by default be made public as a pre-release version in the ready4 GitHub organisation. However, there are some important exceptions. Principally, these exceptions relate to code that we authored in the initial phase of ready4’s development to which some or all of the following apply:

  • the code is highly unstable because it has not been (fully) updated to account to major changes implemented in core dependencies;
  • the code uses outdated naming conventions and is potentially confusing when used in conjunction with other elements of the ready4 suite; and/or
  • the code repository has yet to be cleansed of artefacts that are not yet appropriate for public dissemination (e.g. renders of draft scientific manuscripts).

Depending on which of the above issues apply to a code repository, that repository will either be:

  • a private repository (not accessible to anyone outside the core development team); or
  • a public repository stored in a location other than the ready4 GitHub organisation. - Development releases

Development releases provide the most comprehensive and up to date public record of a ready4 project’s source code but may be poorly documented and tested.

A complete record of all publicly available versions of a ready4 software project’s code over its entire development history (including the most up to date version) is stored in the ready4 GitHub organisation. We refer to these comprehensive publicly available source code resources as “development releases” (even though these records will include versions of our code that we have not formally labelled as “releases”).

Public access to development releases allows individuals to install, test and preview code in advance of production versions being released. Development releases also provide transparency as to who contributed what to a software project and when these contributions were made. Accessing the latest development version of the code is particularly useful to people who wish to contribute bug fixes or new features to our code.

Limitations of development releases include the likelihood that some or all of this code may be inadequately documented or tested. In peer reviewed publications, it is generally considered preferable to avoid citing the copies of code stored in GitHub repositories as these repositories are impermanent (they can be moved, renamed or deleted at any time). - Production releases

Production releases are the versions of software intended for end-users.

Production releases of our code are intended for end-users and signal that they have undergone a number of quality assurance checks and have some supporting documentation.

We have yet to make any production releases of ready4 software, but plan to do this in 2023. Production releases of ready4 R packages will be submitted to CRAN. Unless and until a software item is submitted to a production code repository like CRAN, the recommended platform from which to install our software is that software’s GitHub repository. - Archived releases

Archived releases are permanent, uniquely identified records of key project milestones.

Software items that we have formally issued as “releases” are archived as permanent, uniquely identified (with DOI) and citable records within the ready4 Zenodo community. Archived releases of ready4 software are useful as they are snapshots of a project at key milestones in its development (e.g. at the time an analysis was undertaken). As these milestones are purposely selected, archived releases are more likely to have undergone some testing and documenting prior to being released than code not selected for release.

A limitation of archived code libraries is that a greater knowledge of R is required to appropriately install R packages from Zenodo compared to the simpler installation process for the versions of code libraries stored on either GitHub or CRAN.

3.5.4 - Code libraries

Code libraries are used to distribute software for applying our framework and implementing computational model modules. - Current libraries

ready4 libraries include tools for applying a modelling framework and for implementing computational models. - Framework libraries

There are two types of framework libraries - a foundational library and libraries of authoring tools.

The two types of framework library are:

  • - the foundational ready4 module and syntax; and

  • - tools to implement standardised, semi-automated workflows for authoring and documenting computational models.

Currently available framework libraries are summarised below.

Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Implement a Modular, Open Source Computational Model of Youth Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 1, 2, 3, 4
Retrieve, Label and Share Ready4 Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 5, 6, 7
Author Literate Programs to Implement and Report Ready4 Analyses Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 8
Author R Packages of Ready4 Model Modules Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 9
Author and Document Functions to Implement Ready4 Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 10
Author Ready4 Model Modules Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev, Archive 11 - Model module libraries

There are three types of model module libraries - those for describing input data, developing models and making predictions.

Computational models developed with ready4 are intended to be both transferable (they are tools that can be used in multiple decision contexts) and modular (they are comprised of self-contained components, each of which performs a narrow sub-set of tasks). For these reasons, ready4 computational models are developed and distributed as libraries of modules.

The three types of computational module libraries are:

  • - modules for describing and quality assuring model data;

  • - modules to specify, assess and report statisitical models; and

  • - modules for making predictions.

Currently available libraries of computational model modules are summarised below.

Type Package Purpose Documentation Code Examples
Describe and Validate Ready4 Person Record Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 1, 2
Score Ready4 Model Datasets Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 3, 4
Model Youth Choice Behaviours with Ready4 Citation , Website , Citation Dev , Archive
Implement Transfer to Utility Mapping Algorithms Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 5
Explore and Characterise Heterogeneity in Quality of Life Data Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive
Specify Inverse Problems to Solve with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 6
Transform Youth Outcomes to Health Utility Predictions with Ready4 Citation , Website , Manual - Short (PDF) , Manual - Full (PDF) Dev , Archive 7 - Code library documentation

Each ready4 code library is supported by a standardised set of documentation resources.

All ready4 code libraries have:

All ready4 code libraries include interactive help. Once you have installed and loaded a library, you can view its contents by using the command library(help="PACKAGE_NAME") (for example, library(help="ready4")).

Note that the manuals and files used by the interactive help are currently all automatically authored by tools from our ready4fun package and are therefore quite basic (and in some cases use clumsy English). In the future we hope to augment this machine generated documentation with human-authored documentation.

Most ready4 libraries (the exceptions are those at very early stages of development) have one or more vignette articles that provide examples of how to use it. These are available from the “Articles” section of each library’s website. - Dependencies

Search for ready4 library and function dependencies using our interactive app.

As an open-source project, ready4 depends on the software created and shared by others. Using the DependenciesGraphs R package, we have created the Shiny app below to:

  • explore the inter-dependencies between ready4 libraries;
  • highlight how our software depends on other R packages;
  • itemise the contents each ready4 library;
  • display function help files; and
  • map function inter-dependencies across multiple ready4 libraries.

To use the app, choose one of the two potential pathways:

  • For Pathway 1, start at Step 1 (choose the libraries you wish to profile from the drop down menu and click on the Go button), before proceeding to Step 2 (click on one library that you wish to view the contents of), then Step 3 (click on the view functions button) and finally Step 4 (click on the function for which you would like to view documentation);
  • For Pathway 2, start at Step 1 (choose libraries from the drop down menu), then Step 2 (click on the Find functions button), then Step 3 (select functions from the drop down menu) and finally Step 4 (click on the Make graph button).

Note, as the app is displayed on this page via an iFrame, it may be difficult to view on a phone. If so, you can try the following link: - Installation and set-up

Important information to review before installing and using our software

ready4 libraries are currently only available as development releases, so you will need to use a tool like devtools to assist with installing ready4 R packages directly from our GitHub organisation. If you do not have devtools on your machine you can install it with the following command.

utils::install.packages("devtools") - Installing the ready4 framework foundation library

The ready4 framework foundation is the first ready4 library you should install.

Before you install

If you plan to use ready4 for any purpose, you will need to install the ready4 foundation library.

However, please note that the ready4 library is not yet available as a production release. You should therefore understand the limitations of using ready4 software development releases before you make the decision to install this software.

As all software in the ready4 suite depends on the ready4 library, so in most cases you do not need to install this library directly (it will come bundled with whatever other ready4 suite software you install).

If you can run the following command without producing an error message, then you already have it.



You can install the ready4 library directly from its GitHub repository.


Try it out!

Before you apply ready4 tools to your own project, you should make sure you can run some or all of the example code included in the package vignettes. - Installing authoring tools

Depending on how you plan to use ready4, you may need to install some or all of its authoring tools. - Installing tools for authoring model modules

Instructions for installing the ready4class, ready4fun and ready4pack libraries.

Before you install

If you are a coder planning on using ready4 to author model modules, then you may wish to install the ready4class, ready4fun and ready4pack libraries.

However, please note that none of these libraries are yet available as a production release. You should therefore understand the limitations of using ready4 software development releases before you make the decision to install this software. We use these authoring tools intensively to help us write highly standardised model modules. However, we feel that these tools are most likely to be helpful to you once much more comprehensive documentation and training resources become available. Without this training and support, the requirements for complying with our house-style, file-naming, directory structure and workflow standards are unlikely to be sufficiently clear. We will be making these improvements, but for the mean time we recommend that, if you wish to use these authoring tools, you first get in touch with the project lead.


As ready4class and ready4fun are bundled as dependencies of ready4pack, you can install all three from our GitHub organisation using one command.



To use these computational model authoring tools, you will need to have set-up and appropriately configured your own accounts in:

  • GitHub (you will need write permissions to a GitHub organisation and to then enable GitHub actions and GitHub pages support for the repositories you create in that organisation);
  • Zenodo (you will need to have linked each GitHub repository used for your ready4 projects to your Zenodo account); and
  • Codecov (linked to your GitHub organisation).

The machine onto which you install ready4pack will also need to be securely storing your GitHub credentials (i.e. the value for the GITHUB_PAT token).

Try it out!

It should be noted that the development workflow supported by our computational model authoring tools is not yet well documented. We don’t recommend undertaking R package development with these tools until this has been rectified. However, if you still want to try these tools out, the best place to start is review the examples in the ready4class, ready4fun and ready4pack vignettes. - Installing tools for authoring and managing model datasets

Instructions for installing the ready4use library.

Before you install

If you are a coder or modeller planning to create, share and access model datasets with ready4, then you will need the ready4use library.

However, please note that ready4use is not yet available as a production release. You should therefore understand the limitations of using ready4 software development releases before you make the decision to install this software.

You may already have ready4use installed on your machine (e.g. if you have previously installed other ready4 framework and module libraries that include ready4use as a dependency). If you can run the following command without producing an error message, then you already have it.



You can install ready4use directly from its GitHub repository.



If one of your intended uses of ready4use is to share outputs in online datasets, you will need to have set up an account on a Dataverse installation (we recommend using the Harvard Dataverse). Some of the key terms and concepts relating to using a Dataverse installation in conjunction with ready4use are described in this tutorial.

You need to ensure that you have write permissions to any Dataverse Datasets that you plan to use to post files to. Furthermore, the machine on which you install ready4use should also securely store your Dataverse account credentials (specifically, values for the DATAVERSE_KEY and DATAVERSE_SERVER tokens). Details of how to do this are described in documentation for the dataverse R package, an important third party dependency package for ready4use.

Try it out

You should now be able to run the example code included in the package vignettes. To run all of this code you will need to replace the details of the Dataverse Dataset to which files are being written to those of your own Dataverse Dataset. - Installing tools for authoring reproducible analyses

Instructions for installing the ready4show library.

Before you install

If you are a coder or modeller planning to implement a reproducible analysis with ready4, you will need to install the ready4show library.

However, please note that ready4show is not yet available as a production release. You should therefore understand the limitations of using ready4 software development releases before you make the decision to install this software.

If you have installed other ready4 libraries, then ready4show may have already been installed as a dependency. If you can run the following command without producing an error message, then you already have it.



The ready4show library can be installed directly from its GitHub repository.


Try it out!

Before you apply ready4show tools to your own project, you should make sure you can run some or all of the example code included in the package vignettes. - Installing ready4 computational model modules

To implement a modelling analysis with ready4 you need to install computational model modules.

Before you install

If you plan on using existing ready4 modules for a modelling project, you can review currently available module libraries, to identify which libraries are relevant to your project.

However, please note that no ready4 module library is yet available as a [production release](/docs/getting-started/software/status/production-releases/. You should therefore understand the limitations of using ready4 software development releases before you make the decision to install this software.


The command to install each ready4 module takes the following format.


For example, if you are planning to predict health utility using some of the mapping algorithms that we have previously developed, you can install the youthu library with the following command.



A small number of ready4 modules require that you configure some of the dependencies installed with them before they can be used. In particular:

  • if you are using modules from the TTU package to undertake a utility mapping study, you will need to have both installed and configured the cmdstanr R package as per the instructions on that package’s documentation website; and

  • if you are using the mychoice package to undertake a discrete choice experiment study and are using a Mac, you need to ensure that you have a Fortran compiler installed. Some relevant advice on this: .

Try it out!

Before you apply ready4 modules to your own project, you should make sure you can run some or all of the example code included in relevant library vignette articles. The package website URL takes the form of (e.g. the vignettes for the youthvars package are available at

3.5.5 - Executables

Executables (programs and sub-routines) are used to apply computational models to data and to report the resulting analyses.

Currently all ready4 programs and subroutines are written in R Markdown. Each ready4 program and subroutine depends on at least one ready4 framework library as well as one or more ready4 module libraries. The required libraries will vary based on the purpose of the program. ready4 programs and subroutines typically generate reporting documents in file formats such as PDF, Word and HTML. - Programs

Programs are used to generate and report a model analysis.

What are ready4 programs?

Programs can be executed in their current form without the need for additional input data and, unless modified or run interactively (prompting a user for inputs during execution), will always generate the exact same output. They are typically deployed for configuring the run specifications of a computational model, specifying the data to which it will be applied and reporting analysis results.

Why are they useful?

ready4 programs can be used for the following purposes:

  • to reproduce a study analysis, in which case you will need access to the original study data, and may also need to modify the program to specify the path to this data from your machine;
  • to replicate a study analysis (ie to apply the study algorithm to similar but different input data [this can be a new sample from the same population or, if used for demonstration purposes, fake data representative of the original study dataset]), in which case you will need to modify the program to specify the path to this data; and
  • to transfer a study analysis, in which case you use the program as a template to be modified to reflect key differences between the original study and your study.

Current ready4 programs

Currently available ready4 programs are summarised in the below table.

Program Release Date Description Source
aqol6dmap_fakes 02-Mar-2022 This program generates a purely synthetic (i.e. fake - no trace of any real records) population that is reasonably representative of the input data we used for the utility mapping study described in the article Dev, Archive
aqol6dmap_use 0.1 13-Sep-2022 Apply AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Models To New DataThis release includes minor formatting change and an updated version number. Dev, Archive
dce_sa_analysis 0.1.1 28-Oct-2022 A self-documenting R Markdown program for analysing responses to a discrete choice experiment exploring the online help-seeking preferences of socially anxious young people. Dev, Archive
dce_sa_design 26-Oct-2022 An R Markdown program to create the experimental design for a Discrete Choice Experiment (DCE) exploring online help seeking in socially anxious young people.This release uses functions from the mychoice R package ( Dev, Archive
ttu_lng_aqol6_csp 0.1 16-Sep-2022 Complete study program to reproduce all steps from data ingest through to results dissemination for a study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D health utility. Dev, Archive


ready4 programs are typically self-documenting, meaning that each section of code is integrated with plain English descriptions of the purpose it fulfills. The only programs that are not self-documenting are those whose primary purpose is to produce a document (normally an analysis report). Self-documenting programs and sub-routines will be typically documented as a PDF or HTML render of the RMarkdown source file. This rendered document will be bundled with the program, but in some cases may also be shared in online data repositories. - Subroutines

Subroutines perform part of an analysis and reporting algorithm.

What are ready4 subroutines?

Sub-routines need to be called by parent programs that supply them with input data. Sub-routines can be called by multiple programs and will produce output that varies based on the input values they are supplied with. They are typically deployed to implement parts of a model’s analysis and reporting algorithm.

Why are they useful?

ready4 subroutines can be used for the following purposes:

  • to help execute a program or function written by a third party (in which case you probably won’t need to modify the subroutine and may not even be aware that it is being used);
  • to help execute a program or function that you write (in which case, you shouldn’t have to modify the subroutine, but may find it useful to customise it to your purposes); and
  • to serve as a template for subroutines you write yourself that perform similar tasks (in which case you will be rewriting the subroutine’s code).

Current ready4 subroutines

Currently available ready4 subroutines are summarised in the below table.

Subroutine Release Date Description Source
ms_tmpl 19-Apr-2022 A collection of files to provide a template for generating scientific manuscripts describing open source mental health systems models projects that use the ready4 framework.This release is a minor patch to correct an incorrectly specified version number. Dev , Archive
mychoice_results 0.1 07-Nov-2022 Report results from a Discrete Choice Experiment implemented with the mychoice R package. Dev, Archive
ttu_lng_ss 09-Sep-2022 This software extends the R package TTU ( by providing a toolkit for automatically authoring a first draft of a scientific manuscript describing a utility mapping study using metadada generated by TTU classes and methods. The extension can produce manuscripts in PDF / LaTex and Word formats - see for examples. It should be noted that the Word output requires some manual editing to adapt section numbering, modify table headers and resize tables to page boundaries.This version fixes some bugs in how software versions were referenced in the generated manuscript. Dev , Archive
ttu_mdl_ctlg 09-Sep-2022 Generate a template utility mapping (transfer to utility) model catalogueThis update fixes an issue with the display size of plots. Dev, Archive


ready4 programs are currently minimally documented, typically in the form as notes contained in a README file in the source code bundle.

3.5.6 - User interfaces

User interfaces make it easier for non-technical users to explore and use ready4 models.

ready4 user-interfaces (UIs) enable individuals, especially planners, to explore, configure and use ready4 tools without needing to enter any computer code. Our UIs are typically deployed as Shiny apps an may have deployments via the web (accessed through your browser) or to your desktop (installed as part of a ready4 library).

The main purposes of ready4 user-interfaces are:

  • to make it easy for non-technical users to configure a computational model and apply it to selected input data; and

  • as an accessible and interactive means of demonstrating key concepts relating to ready4.

The user interface for exploring the dependencies of ready4 libraries is an example of the latter use.

We do not have any current releases of ready4 user interfaces for running models. However, an old and deprecated user interface for running the Springtides model is available for purely illustrative purposes.

3.5.7 - Terms of use

ready4 is distributed without warranties under open source licenses - we just ask you to appropriately cite it. - Open source licensing

ready4 is freely available to all under copy-left licensing arrangements.

To help ensure the models we develop are as transparent as possible and to make their algorithms as useful to others as possible, all ready4 software is free and open-source. You are encouraged to make as widespread use of our software, including the creation of derivative works, as you see fit, so long as it is consistent with each item’s license. Our software is typically licensed under GPL-3, a copy-left open-source licensing regime. - Citing ready4

If you find ready4 useful, please cite it appropriately - it is easy to do!

To make it easier to cite our software, each software item bundle includes a CITATION.cff file. Inclusion of this file means that the repositories storing our software can generate appropriate citations in the format of most relevance to you.


  • Zenodo provides a free text field under the heading “Cite as” which enables you to generate a wide range of citation manager and journal specific citation outputs. There is also an “Export” tool that will generate citation metadata in multiple output formats;
  • OpenAire Explore has a “Cite this software” button that allows you to generate a citation in multiple journal formats or to download BibTeX or RIS files;
  • Github repositories have a “Cite this repository” button that can generate both BibTeX and APA output as well as link to the Citation.cff file.

Additionally, we have included a CITATION file in each of our R libraries so that you can generate a citation from within an R session using the citation function (for example: citation("ready4"). - Disclaimer

ready4 is distributed without any warranties.

All ready4 software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.

Furthermore, no ready4 software is yet sufficiently well documented and tested to be given a production release. All ready4 software should therefore viewed as experimental development releases.

4 - Framework

The ready4 framework comprises a set of standards and the software to implement it.

4.1 - Standards

The ready4 framework identifies a set of standards to which the ready4 model, its datasets and analyses are expected to adhere.

An essential component of the ready4 framework is standardisation. Defining and adhering to a common set of standards is important because:

We have therefore developed a set of standards that we believe support good practice in the development of open source computational models. We are describing these standards, their rationale and how ready4 implements them, in a manuscript being prepared for publication. When it is publicly available we will provide a link in an updated version of this page.

4.2 - Implementation

The software to help ensure that the ready4 model adheres to consistent standards is distributed as a collection of framework code libraries.

4.2.1 - Paradigms

ready4 software is implemented using a combination of object-oriented and functional programming paradigms. - Why ready4 is object oriented

ready4 uses an object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm to implement computational models.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4 library. You can use the following links to:


The practical utility and ease of use of computational models of mental health systems are in part shaped by the choice of programming paradigm used to develop them. ready4 adopts an object oriented programming (OOP) paradigm which in practice means that the framework principally consists of classes (representations of data structures useful for modelling mental health systems) and methods (algorithms that can be applied to these data-structures to generate insight useful for policy-making). Adopting an OOP approach is particular useful for making the ready4 model both modular and transparent.


Modular Computational Models

Two commonly noted features of OOP - encapsulation and inheritance are particularly useful when developing modular computational models.


Encapsulation allows us to define the data structures (“classes”) used in computational modelling projects in a manner that allows them to be safely combined. For example, assume there are two computational models, one (A) focused on predicting the types and intensity of services used by individuals that present to mental health services and the other (B) that predicts outcomes for recipients of these services. It may be desirable to develop a new model (C) that combines A and B to model both service use and outcomes. Using encapsulated code allows all of the features and functionality of A can be made available to B in a manner that protects the integrity of A. Specifically, B can only interact with A using the algorithms (“methods”) that have been already defined for A.

Furthermore, if appropriately implemented, methods associated with a class will work with any combination of input values that can be encapsulated by that class - making computational models more transferable. For example, imagine a class (X) that is used to structure summary data relevant to mental health systems. Methods associated with X (e.g. a method to derive an unmet need statistic) can then applied to two instances of X - one containing data relevant to the Australian context and one with data from the UK context.


The examples highlighted in the previous section have some potential limitations. What if the developers of A didn’t define methods that would allow B to interact with it in the desired way? Or what if there are a number of differences between the Australian and UK system that need to be accounted for when transfering a method from the former to the latter? These types of issues can be addressed by another key feature of OOP - inheritance. Inheritance allows for a “child” class to be created from a “parent” class. By default, the “child” inherits all of the features of the “parent” including all methods associated with the “parent” class. Importantly however, alternative or additional features can also be specified for the “child” to allow it to implement different methods where necessary. For example, when developing our new computational model C we could create a number of new classes that are children of the classes defined in A. We can then define any additional/alternative methods for these classes that overcome any integration issues between the classes and methods of A and B. In this way, we can enjoy the best of both worlds - leveraging all relevant algorithms from A and B (as there is no need to re-invent the wheel), while ensuring that we transparently develop the additional code required for C. This approach also ensures that the respective contributions of the (potentially different) authorship teams behind A, B and C is clearer.

Similarly, inheritance would allow re-use of much of the code from a model of the Australian mental health system when exploring similar topics within the UK context, while making it straightforward to develop additional code that addresses relevant divergence in features between the two jurisdictions. In practical terms, this would mean developing two child classes of X - class Y for use with Australian data and class Z for use in the UK system. All methods that are not specific to a particular jurisdiction are defined for X and inherited by Y and Z. Methods that are only appropriate for use in the Australian context are defined for Y, while UK specific methods are defined for Z.

Transparent Computational Models

To make analyses implemented using the ready4 model more readily understood, the ready4 package provides the model’s simple and consistent syntax. Such simplified approaches are facilitated by two other commonly noted features of OOP - polymorphism and abstraction.


Polymorphism allows for similar concepts to be represented using consistent syntax. The same top level code can therefore be transferred to multiple model implementations, making algorithms simpler to understand and easier to re-use.

Returning to a previous example, the exact same command (e.g. a call to the method exhibit) can be applied to both Y (used for Australian data) and Z (used for UK data). However, the algorithm implemented by that command can vary based on the class that each method is applied to (ie a different algorithm is applied when the data is specified as being from the UK compared to being specified as Australian).


The simplicity enabled by polymorphism is enhanced by Abstraction, which basically means that only the briefest and easiest to comprehend parts of the code are exposed by default to potential users. Once an instance of a class is created, the entire program to ingest model data, analyse it and produce a scientific summary can be represented in a few brief lines of code, readily comprehensible to non-coders. When using open source languages, the elegance and simplicity of abstraction does not restrict the ability of more technically minded users exploring the detailed workings of the underpinning code. - The role of functional programming in ready4 development

ready4 uses functional programming to maximise the re-usability of model algorithms.

Although the object-oriented programming (OOP) approach ready4 implements has many advantages, it can also have some limitations. Some of these limitations have been colorfully highlighted by a popular quote attributed to Joe Armstrong:

“The problem with object-oriented languages is they’ve got all this implicit environment that they carry around with them. You wanted a banana but what you got was a gorilla holding the banana and the entire jungle.”

In practical terms, this means that if not carefully planned, using OOP can create barriers to code-reuse as algorithms come bundled with artefacts of no/low relevance to many potential users. To help maximise the accessibility and re-usability of ready4 algorithms, these algorithms are primarily written using the functional programming paradigm. Only once an algorithm has been implemented using functions are they then linked to a data-structure by means of a calling method. The typical development workflow for a ready4 computational modelling project might therefore look something the following three step process:

  1. A modelling study algorithm is implemented as a program.

  2. To help transfer the methods used in the study algorithm, it is decomposed into functions, which are bundled as a code library (or libraries). The program is updated to use the newly authored functions.

  3. A ready4 module is authored to define a data-structure along with a method (or methods) that call the functions to implement the transferable version of the study algorithm. The new module is added to the previously created code library and the program is again updated so that the algorithm is now implemented by supplying data to the ready4 module and then calling the desired method(s).

Modellers using ready4 for the most part will only use ready4 modules and will rarely interact directly with the functions that implement module methods. However, these functions are potentially of significant usefulness to coders authoring new algorithms. A helpful way of exploring currently available functions is to use the ready4 dependencies app. All ready4 functions are created with minimal, but consistent documentation with the aid of tools from the ready4fun library.

4.2.2 - Modularity

ready4 supports a modular approach to computational model development.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4 library. You can use the following links to:


A potentially attractive approach to modelling complex youth mental health systems is to begin with a relatively simple computational model and to progressively extend its scope and sophistication. Such an approach could be described as “modular” if it is possible to readily combine multiple discrete modelling projects (potentially developed by different modelling teams) that each independently describe distinct aspects of the system being modelled. This modular and collaborative approach is being used in the development of ready4 - an open source health economic model of the systems shaping mental health and wellbeing in young people. The ready4 package provides the foundational tools to support the development and application of the ready4 modular model.


The ready4 model is being implemented in R and its modular nature is enabled by the encapsulation and inheritance features of Object Oriented Programming (OOP). Specifically, ready4 uses two of R’s systems for implementing OOP - S3 and S4. An in-depth explanation of R’s different class system is beyond the scope of this article, but is explored in Hadley Wickham’s Advanced R handbook. However, it is useful to know some very high level information about S3 and S4 classes:

  • S4 classes are frequently said to be “formal”, “strict” or “rigorous”. The elements of an S4 class are called slots and the type of data that each slot is allowed to contain is specified in the class definition. An S4 class can be comprised of slots that contain different types of data (e.g. a slot that contains a character vector and another slot that contains tabular data).

  • S3 classes are often described as “simple”, “informal” and “flexible”. S3 objects attach an attribute label to base type objects (e.g. a character vector, a data.frame, a list), which in turn is used to work out what methods should be applied to the class.

ready4 Model Modules

A ready4 model module is a data-structure and associated algorithms that is used to model a discrete component of a system relevant to young people’s mental health. Each ready4 model module is created using the ready4 package’s Ready4Module class. We can create an instance (X) of Ready4Module using the following command.

X <- ready4::Ready4Module()

However, if we inspect X we can see it is of limited use as it contains no data other than an empty element called dissemination_1L_chr.

#> Formal class 'Ready4Module' [package "ready4"] with 1 slot
#>   ..@ dissemination_1L_chr: chr NA

The Ready4Module class is therefore not intended to be called directly. Instead, the purpose of Ready4Module is to be the parent-class of all ready4 model modules. Ready4Module and all of its child-classes (ie all ready4 model modules) are “S4” classes.

ready4 Concept


A formal (S4) Ready4Module child-class and its associated methods used to implement a discrete sub-component of the ready4 youth mental health model.

ready4 includes two child classes of Ready4Module. These are Ready4Public and Ready4Private and both are almost as minimally informative as their parent (the only difference being that their instances have the values “Public” or “Private” assigned to the dissemination_1L_chr slot).

Y <- Ready4Public()
#> Formal class 'Ready4Public' [package "ready4"] with 1 slot
#>   ..@ dissemination_1L_chr: chr "Public"
Z <- Ready4Private()
#> Formal class 'Ready4Private' [package "ready4"] with 1 slot
#>   ..@ dissemination_1L_chr: chr "Private"

Like the Ready4Module class they inherit from, the purpose of Ready4Public and Ready4Private is to be used as parent classes. Using either of Ready4Public and Ready4Private can be a potentially efficient way of partially automating access policies for model data. If all the data contained in a module can always be shared publicly, it may be convenient to note this by using a module that has been created as a child-class of Ready4Public. Similarly, if at least some of the data contained in a module will always be unsuitable for public dissemination, it can be useful to use a module that is a child of Ready4Private. When the dissemination policy for data contained in a module will vary depending on user or context, it is more appropriate to use a module that inherits from Ready4Module without being a child of either Ready4Public and Ready4Private. In this latest case, users may choose to add descriptive information about the data access policy themselves using the renewSlot method. The dissemination policy can be inspected with the procureSlot method.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               "Staff and students of research institutes")
#> [1] "Staff and students of research institutes"

ready4 Model Sub-modules

In ready4, S3 classes are principally used to help define the structural properties of slots (array elements) of model modules and the methods that can be applied to these slots. S3 classes created for these purposes are called sub-modules.

ready4 Concept


An informal (S3) class and its associated methods that describes, validates and applies algorithms to a slot of a ready4 module.

Module and Sub-module Methods

All methods associated with ready4 modules and sub-modules adopt a common syntax. However, the algorithms implemented by each command in that syntax will vary depending on which module it is applied to. A limited number of methods are defined at the level of the Ready4Module parent class and are therefore inherited by all ready4 modules. Currently, the only methods defined for Ready4Module are slot-methods and these can be itemised using the get_methods function.

#>  [1] "authorSlot"        "characterizeSlot"  "depictSlot"       
#>  [4] "enhanceSlot"       "exhibitSlot"       "ingestSlot"       
#>  [7] "investigateSlot"   "manufactureSlot"   "metamorphoseSlot" 
#> [10] "procureSlot"       "prognosticateSlot" "ratifySlot"       
#> [13] "reckonSlot"        "renewSlot"         "shareSlot"

4.2.3 - Syntax

ready4 modules use a simple and consistent syntax.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4 library. You can use the following links to:


Transparency is one of the underpinning principles of open science. One way to improve the transparency of the ready4 model is to ensure that the programs implementing analyses using this model can be meaningfully inspected by readers with different levels of technical expertise. Even non-technical readers should be able to follow the high-level logic implemented by model algorithms. By using a simple programming syntax that can be consistently used across all model analyses programs, ready4 can help ensure that readers need to contend with relatively few new concepts when reviewing analysis code.


ready4 provides a simple syntax that can be consistently applied to all ready4 model modules. It does so by taking advantage of the polymorphism and abstraction features of Object Oriented Programing and R’s use of generic functions. Generic functions don’t obviously do anything by themselves - their most salient features are a name and a high level description of the type of task that any method using that name should perform. Whenever a method is defined for classes that use R’s S4 and S3 systems (the types used for ready4 model modules and sub-modules), it is assigned to the generic that is the best match for the algorithm it implements.

Finding ready4 Methods

A table that summarises the syntax used by ready4 model module methods, can be generated by web-scraping using make_methods_tb (which produces up to date results but can be a little slow to excecute) or alternatively be downloaded from a periodically updated database using get_methods_tb (which is quicker to implement, but may miss the most recent additions).

# Not run
# x <- make_methods_tb()

Core generics

ready4 includes a number of core generic functions which describe the main types of method to be implemented by ready4 model modules. Notably, the ready4 package does not define methods for any of these core generics. Instead, methods are defined for these generics in R packages that contain ready4 modules. A HTML table of the core generics bundled with ready4 and examples of methods that implement each generic can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "core" argument.

              return_1L_chr = "core",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%") 
Method Purpose Examples
author Author and save files 5 , 6
characterize Characterize data by generating (tabular) descriptive statistics
depict Depict (plot) features of a dataset 2, 3 , 4
enhance Enhance a dataset by adding new elements
exhibit Exhibit features of a dataset by printing them to the R console 2, 3 , 4 , 6
ingest Ingest data 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
investigate Investigate solutions to an inverse problem 6
manufacture Manufacture a new object
metamorphose Metamorphose data from one model module (or sub-module) instance to an instance of a different model module or sub-module 5 , 6
procure Procure items from a dataset 6
prognosticate Prognosticate (make predictions) by solving a forward problem
ratify Ratify that a dataset meets validity criteria 2, 6
reckon Reckon (calculate) a value
renew Renew values in a dataset 2, 3 , 4 , 5 , 6
share Share data via an online repository 2, 3 , 4

Slot generics and methods

Each of the “core” generics also has a “slot” version, for use when applying a core method to a specified slot of a class. The ready4 package defines methods for each of these “slot” generics for the Ready4Module class. Two of these “slot” methods can also be used for additional purposes:

  • procureSlot is a “getter” method - its default behaviour is to return the value of a specified slot. If the argument use_procure_mthd_1L_lgl = T is included in the method call, procureSlot will instead apply the procure method to a specified slot.

  • renewSlot is a “setter” method - if any value other than “use_renew_mthd” (the default) is passed to the new_val_xx argument, that value will be assigned to the specified slot.

A HTML table of the slot generics bundled with ready4 can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "slot" argument.

              return_1L_chr = "slot",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%")
Method Purpose Examples
authorSlot Apply the author method to a model module slot 5
characterizeSlot Apply the characterize method to a model module slot
depictSlot Apply the depict method to a model module slot
enhanceSlot Apply the enhance method to a model module slot 5
exhibitSlot Apply the exhibit method to a model module slot 5 , 6
ingestSlot Apply the ingest method to a model module slot
investigateSlot Apply the investigate method to a model module slot 5
manufactureSlot Apply the manufacture method to a model module slot 5
metamorphoseSlot Apply the metamorphose method to a model module slot 5
procureSlot Procure (get) data from a slot 3 , 5 , 6
prognosticateSlot Apply the prognosticate method to a model module slot
ratifySlot Apply the ratify method to a model module slot 5
reckonSlot Apply the reckon method to a model module slot
renewSlot Apply the renew method to a model module slot 2, 3 , 5 , 6
shareSlot Apply the share method to a model module slot 5

Extended author generics

Finally, there are a small number of other generics that are more general extensions of the core functions. Currently, these extended generics are all variants on the author generics, with each specifying the type of output to be authored by the method. The ready4 package does not include methods for any of these extended generics. A HTML table of the extended generics bundled with ready4 can be displayed using the print_methods function, using the return_1L_chr = "extended" argument.

              exclude_mthds_for_chr = "Ready4Module",
              return_1L_chr = "extended",
              scroll_width_1L_chr = "100%")
Method Purpose Examples
authorClasses Author and document classes
authorData Author and document datasets 5 , 6
authorFunctions Author and document functions
authorReport Author and save a report

5 - Model

The ready4 computational model is the complete collection of all modules developed with the ready4 framework. These modules can be re-used and combined to create other computational models.

5.1 - Finding modules and sub-modules

How to find individual ready4 modules and sub-modules.

You can search for ready4 modules and sub-modules using tools from the ready4 R package.

To search for themed collections of modules, you can review the current list of module libraries.

An itemised list of individual ready4 model modules and sub-modules can be generated by scraping the websites of these libraries make_modules_tb function (this may take a couple of minutes).

modules_tb <-  make_modules_tb()

A slightly quicker method to achieve a similar (but potentially less up to date) result is to use the get_modules_tb function.

# Not run
# modules_tb <- get_modules_tb()

If you wish to display the table of modules as HTML, you can use the print_modules function. You can choose to display only ready4 sub-modules (which always use R’s “S3” class type).

              what_1L_chr = "S3")
Class Description Examples
specific_models Candidate models lookup table
specific_predictors Candidate predictors lookup table
youthvars_aqol6d_adol youthvars S3 class for Assessment of Quality of Life Six Dimension Health Utility - Adolescent Version (AQoL6d Adolescent)) 1
youthvars_bads youthvars S3 class for Behavioural Activation for Depression Scale (BADS) scores 1
youthvars_gad7 youthvars S3 class for Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) scores 1
youthvars_k6 youthvars S3 class for Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) - US Scoring System scores 1
youthvars_oasis youthvars S3 class for Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS) scores 1
youthvars_phq9 youthvars S3 class for Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) scores 1
youthvars_scared youthvars S3 class for Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders (SCARED) scores 1
youthvars_sofas youthvars S3 class for Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS) 1

To display only ready4 modules, restrict returns to R’s “S4” class type.

              what_1L_chr = "S4")
Class Description Examples
ScorzAqol6 A dataset and metadata to support implementation of an AQoL-6D scoring algorithm
ScorzAqol6Adol A dataset and metadata to support implementation of a scoring algorithm for the adolescent version of AQoL-6D 3
ScorzAqol6Adult A dataset and metadata to support implementation of a scoring algorithm for the adult version of AQoL-6D
ScorzEuroQol5 A dataset and metadata to support implementation of an EQ-5D scoring algorithm 4
ScorzProfile A dataset to be scored, its associated metadata and details of the scoring instrument
SpecificConverter Container for seed objects used for creating SpecificModels modules 6
SpecificFixed Modelling project dataset, input parameters and complete fixed models results
SpecificInitiator Modelling project dataset, input parameters and empty results placeholder
SpecificMixed Modelling project dataset, input parameters and complete mixed models results
SpecificModels Modelling project dataset, input parameters and model comparison results
SpecificParameters Input parameters that specify candidate models to be explored
SpecificPredictors Modelling project dataset, input parameters and predictor comparison results
SpecificPrivate Analysis outputs not intended for public dissemination
SpecificProject Modelling project dataset, parameters and results
SpecificResults Analysis results
SpecificShareable Analysis outputs intended for public dissemination
SpecificSynopsis Input, Output and Authorship Data For Generating Reports
TTUProject Input And Output Data For Undertaking and Reporting Utility Mapping Studies 5
TTUReports Metadata to produce utility mapping study reports 5
TTUSynopsis Input, Output and Authorship Data For Generating Utility Mapping Study Reports 5
YouthvarsDescriptives Metadata about descriptive statistics to be generated
YouthvarsProfile A dataset and its associated dictionary, descriptive statistics and metadata 2
YouthvarsSeries A longitudinal dataset and its associated dictionary, descriptive statistics and metadata 2

5.2 - Using ready4 modules

ready4 modules can be be used to model the people, places, platforms and programs that shape young people’s mental health.

5.2.1 - Modules for modelling people

Modules to model the characteristics, relationships, behaviours, risk factors and outcomes of young people and individuals who interact with young people are collectively referred to as the “Spring To Life” model. The currently available modules listed here will be supplemented by additional unreleased work in progress. - Add metadata to datasets of individual human records

Appending appropriate metadata to datasets of individual unit records can facilitate partial automation of some modelling tasks. This tutorial describes how a module from the youthvars R package can help you to add metadata to a youth mental health dataset so that it can be more readily used by other ready4 modules.

This below section renders a vignette article from the youthvars library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

Youthvars provides a two classes - YouthvarsProfile and YouthvarsSeries that are useful for describing features of datasets. The tools in youthvars build on the metadata included in a Ready4useDyad.

Ingest data

To start we ingest X, a Ready4useDyad (dataset and data dictionary pair) that we can download from a remote repository.

X <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                               dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                               dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
  ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = "ymh_clinical_dyad_r4",
         metadata_1L_lgl = F)

Add metadata

We could add metadata about X, such as the unique identifier variable name, by transforming it to a YouthvarsProfile instance.

## Not run
# X <- YouthvarsProfile(a_Ready4useDyad = X,
#                       id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID")

However, in this case the data we ingested includes a longitudinal dataset. It is therefore preferable to transform X into a YouthvarsSeries instance. YouthvarsSeries objects contain all of the fields of YouthvarsProfile objects, but also include additional fields that are specific for longitudinal datasets (e.g. timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr and timepoint_vals_chr that respectively specify the data-collection timepoint variable name and values and participation_var_1L_chr that specifies the desired name of a yet to be created variable that will summarise the data-collection timepoints for which each unit record supplied data).

X <- YouthvarsSeries(a_Ready4useDyad = X,
                     id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID",
                     participation_var_1L_chr = "participation",
                     timepoint_vals_chr = c("Baseline","Follow-up"),
                     timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr = "round")

YouthvarsSeries methods

Currently, only methods for YouthvarsSeries (and not yet YouthvarsProfile) have been included with the youthvars package. These methods are summarised in the following sections.

Validate data

We use the ratify method to ensure that X has been appropriately configured for methods examining datasets reporting measures at two timepoints.

X <- ratify(X,
            type_1L_chr = "two_timepoints")

Inspect data

We can now specify the variables that we would like to prepare descriptive statistics for using the renewSlot and renew methods. The variables to be profiled are specified in arguments beginning with “compare_”. Use compare_ptcpn_chr to compare variables based on whether cases reported data at one or both timepoints and compare_by_time_chr to compare the summary statistics of variables by timepoints, e.g at baseline and follow-up. If you wish these comparisons to report p values, then use the compare_ptcpn_with_test_chr and compare_by_time_with_test_chr arguments.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               compare_by_time_chr = c("d_age","d_sexual_ori_s","d_studying_working"),
               compare_by_time_with_test_chr = c("k6_total", "phq9_total", "bads_total"),
               compare_ptcpn_with_test_chr = c("k6_total", "phq9_total", "bads_total")) %>%
  renew(type_1L_chr = "characterize")

The tables generated in the preceding step can be inspected using the exhibit method.

X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 1L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 2L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
X %>%
  exhibit(profile_idx_int = 3L,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))

The depict method can create plots, comparing numeric variables by timepoint.

       type_1L_chr = "by_time",
       var_nms_chr = c("c_sofas"),
       label_fill_1L_chr = "Time",#
       labels_chr = c("SOFAS"),#
       y_label_1L_chr = "")
#> Warning: `stat(width * density)` was deprecated in ggplot2 3.4.0.
#>  Please use `after_stat(width * density)` instead.
#>  The deprecated feature was likely used in the youthvars package.
#>   Please report the issue to the authors.
SOFAS total scores by data collection round

SOFAS total scores by data collection round

Share data

If and only if the dataset you are working with is appropriate for public dissemination (e.g. is synthetic data), you can use the following workflow for sharing it. We can share the dataset we created for this example using the share method, specifying the repository to which we wish to publish the dataset (and for which we have write permissions) in a (Ready4useRepos object).

Y <- Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/youthvars", # Replace with your repository 
                          gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0"), # (need write permissions).
Y <- share(Y,
           obj_to_share_xx = X,
           fl_nm_1L_chr = "ymh_YouthvarsSeries")

X is now available for download as the file ymh_YouthvarsSeries.RDS from the “Documentation_0.0” release of the youthvars package. - Validate variable total scores

Vector based classes can be used to help validate variable values. This tutorial describes how to do that with sub-module classes exported as part of the youthvars R package.

This below section renders a vignette article from the youthvars library. You can use the following links to:

Variable classes and data integrity

The youthvars package defines a number of vector based classes that can be used to quality assure the data recorded for individual variables. youthvars variable classes are potentially useful for:

  1. facilitating automated data integrity checks that verify no impermissible values (e.g. utility scores greater than one) are present in source data, transformed data or results; and
  2. automating the selection of the appropriate method to apply to each data type.

Included classes

The initial set of classes included in the youthvars package are one class for Assessment of Quality of Life (Adolescent) health utility and one for each of the predictors used in the utility prediction algorithms included in the related youthu package.

Assessment of Quality of Life Six Dimension (Adolescent) Health Utility

The youthvars_aqol6d_adol class is defined for numeric vectors with a minimum value of 0.03 and maximum value of 1.0.

#> [1] 0.4
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_aqol6d_adol"
#> [2] "numeric"
#> [1] 0.03 0.20 1.00
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_aqol6d_adol"
#> [2] "numeric"

Non numeric objects and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_aqol6d_adol(x): is.numeric(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_aqol6d_adol object must be greater than or equal to 0.03.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_aqol6d_adol object must be less than or equal to 1.

Behavioural Activation for Depression Scale (BADS)

The youthvars_bads class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and maximum value of 150.

#> [1] 143
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_bads" "integer"
#> [1]   1  15 150
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_bads" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_bads(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_bads object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_bads object must be less than or equal to 150.

Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7)

The youthvars_gad7 class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 21.

#> [1] 15
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_gad7" "integer"
#> [1]  0 14 21
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_gad7" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_gad7(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_gad7 object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_gad7 object must be less than or equal to 21.

Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6) - US Scoring System

The youthvars_k6 class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 24.

#> [1] 21
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_k6" "integer"
#> [1]  0 13 24
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_k6" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_k6(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_k6 object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_k6 object must be less than or equal to 24.

Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale (OASIS)

The youthvars_oasis class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 20.

#> [1] 15
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_oasis" "integer"
#> [1]  0 12 20
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_oasis" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_oasis(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_oasis object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_oasis object must be less than or equal to 20.

Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9)

The youthvars_phq9 class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 27.

#> [1] 11
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_phq9" "integer"
#> [1]  0 13 27
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_phq9" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_phq9(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_phq9 object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_phq9 object must be less than or equal to 27.

The youthvars_scared class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 82.

#> [1] 77
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_scared" "integer"
#> [1]  0 42 82
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_scared" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_scared(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_scared object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error in make_new_youthvars_scared(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE

Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale (SOFAS)

The youthvars_sofas class is defined for integer vectors with a minimum value of 0 and a maximum value of 100.

#> [1] 44
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_sofas" "integer"
#> [1]  0 23 89
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "youthvars_sofas" "integer"

Non-integers and values outside these ranges will produce errors.

#> Error in make_new_youthvars_sofas(x): is.integer(x) is not TRUE
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_sofas object must be greater than or equal to 0.
#> Error: All non-missing values in valid youthvars_sofas object must be less than or equal to 100. - Score health utility

Using modules from the scorz R package, individual responses to a multi-attribute utility instrument survey can be converted into health utility total scores. This tutorial describes how to do for adolescent AQoL-6D health utility.

This below section renders a vignette article from the scorz library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making. Some of the methods illustrated in this AQoL-6D vignette can also be used to score other health utility instruments - see a vignette about scoring EQ-5D.

AQoL-6D scoring

To derive a health utility score from the raw responses to a multi-attribute utility instrument it is necessary to implement a scoring algorithm. Scoring algorithms for the Assessment of Quality of Life Six Dimension (AQoL-6D) are publicly available in SPSS format (

However, to include scoring algorithms in reproducible research workflows, it is desirable to have these algorithms available in open science languages such as R. We therefore developed an R implementation of the adult and adolescent versions of the AQoL-6D scoring algorithms and have made them available as part of the scorz package.

Ingest data

To begin, we ingest an unscored dataset as an instance of the Ready4useDyad class (from the ready4use package). In this case we download our data from a remote repository.

X <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                               dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                               dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
  ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = "ymh_clinical_dyad_r4",
         metadata_1L_lgl = F) 

To make the ingested dataset easier to interpret, we can add labels from the dictionary.

X <- X %>%
  renew(type_1L_chr = "label")

We can now inspect our ingested dataset using the exhibit method.

        display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Unique client identifier Round of data collection Date of data collection Age Gender Sex at birth Sexual orientation Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country Of birth Speaks English at home Native English speaker Education and employment status Relationship status Service centre name Primary diagnosis Clinical stage Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (6 Dimension) Patient Health Questionnaire Behavioural Activation for Depression Scale Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 1 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 2 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 3 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 4 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 5 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 6 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 7 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 8 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 9 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 10 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 11 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 12 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 13 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 14 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 15 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 16 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 17 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 18 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 19 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 20
Participant_1 Baseline 2020-03-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual No Australia Yes Yes Not studying or working In a relationship Southport Other 0-1a 8 7 96 6 6 28 69 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1
Participant_2 Baseline 2020-06-15 19 Female Female Heterosexual Yes Other No No Studying only In a relationship Regional Centre Anxiety 0-1a 13 13 63 12 12 41 58 3 3 1 1 3 2 1 3 2 4 4 3 4 3 1 2 2 2 1 1
Participant_3 Baseline 2020-08-20 21 Female Female Other NA NA NA NA Studying only Not in a relationship Canberra Anxiety 1b 12 17 72 16 12 43 72 2 3 2 5 1 1 1 2 4 5 2 4 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 1
Participant_4 Baseline 2020-05-23 12 Female Female Heterosexual Yes Other No No Not studying or working In a relationship Southport Depression and Anxiety 2-4 17 17 75 12 10 51 88 1 2 1 1 3 3 1 4 4 3 3 3 4 2 1 1 2 1 3 1
Participant_5 Baseline 2020-04-05 19 Male Male Heterosexual Yes Other No No Not studying or working Not in a relationship Southport Depression and Anxiety 0-1a 12 22 82 14 14 51 67 2 2 1 3 5 1 1 1 1 5 4 4 3 2 1 2 1 3 2 3
Participant_6 Baseline 2020-06-09 19 Male Male Heterosexual Yes Other No No Studying only In a relationship Regional Centre Anxiety 1b 11 8 105 8 3 46 60 1 2 2 1 2 2 4 1 3 3 4 3 4 2 1 2 1 2 1 1

We now add meta-data that identifies our dataset as being longitudinal using the YouthvarsSeries class of the youthvars package.

X <- youthvars::YouthvarsSeries(a_Ready4useDyad = X,
                                id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID",
                                timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr = "round",
                                timepoint_vals_chr = levels(X@ds_tb$round))

We now use the data and meta-data we have created in the previous steps to create an instance of the ScorzAqol6Adol class. This class is specifically designed to facilitate scoring of the adolescent version of the AQoL-6D instrument.

Y <- ScorzAqol6Adol(a_YouthvarsProfile = X)

By default, instances of the ScorzAqol6Adol class are created with a slot specifying a value for the prefix for AQoL-6D questionnaire item responses.

            slot_nm_1L_chr = "itm_prefix_1L_chr")
#> [1] "aqol6d_q"

If this default value needs to be updated to match the prefix used in your dataset, use the renewSlot method.

# Not run
# Y <- renewSlot(Y, slot_nm_1L_chr = "itm_prefix_1L_chr", new_val_xx = "new_prefix")

Calculating scores

To calculate AQoL 6D adolescent utility scores, use the renew method.

Y <- renew(Y)

Viewing the updated dataset

We can inspect our updated dataset using the exhibit method. We can see that the updated dataset now has additional variables that include the intermediate and final calculations for AQoL-6D adolescent utility scores.

        display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Unique client identifier Round of data collection Date of data collection Age Gender Sex at birth Sexual orientation Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Country Of birth Speaks English at home Native English speaker Education and employment status Relationship status Service centre name Primary diagnosis Clinical stage Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (6 Dimension) Patient Health Questionnaire Behavioural Activation for Depression Scale Generalised Anxiety Disorder Scale Overall Anxiety Severity and Impairment Scale Screen for Child Anxiety Related Disorders Social and Occupational Functioning Assessment Scale Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 1 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 2 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 3 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 4 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 5 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 6 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 7 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 8 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 9 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 10 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 11 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 12 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 13 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 14 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 15 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 16 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 17 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 18 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 19 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) question 20 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue1 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue2 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue3 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue4 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue5 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue6 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue7 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue8 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue9 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue10 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue11 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue12 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue13 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue14 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue15 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue16 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue17 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue18 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue19 Assessment of Quality of Life (6 Dimension) item disvalue20 Disvalue Score for Dimension 1 - Independent Living Disvalue Score for Dimension 2 - Relationships Disvalue Score for Dimension 3 - Mental Health Disvalue Score for Dimension 4 - Coping Disvalue Score for Dimension 5 - Pain Disvalue Score for Dimension 6 - Senses Adult Score Dimension 1 - Independent Living Adult Score Dimension 2 - Relationships Adult Score Dimension 3 - Mental Health Adult Score Dimension 4 - Coping Adult Score Dimension 5 - Pain Adult Score Dimension 6 - Senses Overall score on a 0-1 disvalue scale Overall score on a life-death disutility scale AQoL-6D Adolescent Disutility Score (Untransformed) AQoL-6D Adolescent Disutility Score (Transformed) Instrument utility score Instrument utility score rotated AQOL-6D (weighted total) AQOL-6D (unweighted total)
Participant_1 Baseline 2020-03-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual No Australia Yes Yes Not studying or working In a relationship Southport Other 0-1a 8 7 96 6 6 28 69 2 3 1 2 3 1 1 2 4 3 3 4 2 4 2 2 2 2 2 1 0.073 0.240 0.000 0.040 0.461 0.000 0.000 0.133 0.824 0.330 0.368 0.722 0.055 0.826 0.133 0.2 0.072 0.033 0.024 0.000 0.19334101 0.2964368 0.7312060 0.7708396 0.2619285 0.03009428 0.8066590 0.7035632 0.2687940 0.2291604 0.7380715 0.9699057 0.6436897 0.7286568 0.55838936 0.55838936 0.4416106 0.5078265 0.5698492 46
Participant_10 Baseline 2020-08-05 15 Female Female Other Yes Other No No Studying and working Not in a relationship Canberra Other 0-1a 11 17 34 13 15 38 60 1 2 2 3 5 1 3 3 4 4 3 4 3 3 1 2 2 3 2 1 0.000 0.033 0.041 0.297 1.000 0.000 0.648 0.392 0.824 0.784 0.368 0.722 0.382 0.423 0.000 0.2 0.072 0.223 0.024 0.000 0.27064870 0.7770111 0.8683514 0.6579841 0.1935407 0.13938313 0.7293513 0.2229889 0.1316486 0.3420159 0.8064593 0.8606169 0.7541542 0.8537026 0.74739738 0.74739738 0.2526026 0.3413671 0.3916050 52
Participant_10 Follow-up 2020-11-07 15 Female Female Other Yes Other No No Not studying or working Not in a relationship Regional Centre Depression 1b 7 17 95 14 10 48 64 2 3 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 5 3 2 3 1 2 2 3 2 0.073 0.240 0.041 0.000 0.074 0.193 0.197 0.133 0.142 0.330 0.368 1.000 0.382 0.057 0.642 0.0 0.072 0.033 0.205 0.187 0.18835933 0.2602305 0.5155772 0.5858738 0.4342728 0.21476953 0.8116407 0.7397695 0.4844228 0.4141262 0.5657272 0.7852305 0.6473112 0.7327563 0.56418597 0.56418597 0.4358140 0.5027214 0.5645345 47
Participant_100 Baseline 2020-07-19 25 Female Female Other Yes Other No No Working only In a relationship Canberra Depression and Anxiety 0-1a 7 0 120 3 0 21 76 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.074 0.000 0.197 0.133 0.142 0.097 0.064 0.056 1.000 0.423 0.133 0.0 0.338 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.00000000 0.1433888 0.2505682 0.7769222 0.2866694 0.00000000 1.0000000 0.8566112 0.7494318 0.2230778 0.7133306 1.0000000 0.4558633 0.5160373 0.29587849 0.29587849 0.7041215 0.7390198 0.7978085 36
Participant_1000 Baseline 2020-09-06 16 Male Male Heterosexual Yes Other No No Not studying or working Not in a relationship Canberra Anxiety 0-1a 0 0 128 0 0 0 71 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 0.073 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.193 0.000 0.133 0.000 0.097 0.064 0.000 0.055 0.423 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.033 0.000 0.000 0.02813508 0.1346642 0.1819574 0.3514811 0.0000000 0.01916297 0.9718649 0.8653358 0.8180426 0.6485189 1.0000000 0.9808370 0.2379252 0.2693314 0.08939064 0.08939064 0.9106094 0.9208737 0.9511345 29
Participant_1000 Follow-up 2020-12-20 16 Male Male Heterosexual Yes Other No No Not studying or working Not in a relationship Southport Anxiety 1b 5 0 117 5 1 14 71 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 0.073 0.033 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.197 0.000 0.392 0.000 0.064 0.338 0.055 0.057 0.000 0.0 0.000 0.000 0.024 0.000 0.04719190 0.1002056 0.2658587 0.2080310 0.0000000 0.01111253 0.9528081 0.8997944 0.7341413 0.7919690 1.0000000 0.9888875 0.2228889 0.2523102 0.07926885 0.07926885 0.9207312 0.9297879 0.9576133 31

Creating summary plots

To create plots, we use the depict method.

We can create a list of summary plots by timepoint for all individual items.

plot_ls <- depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "item_by_time")

We can then select a desired item’s summary plot by using its index number.

AQoL-6D Item 1 scores by data-collection round

AQoL-6D Item 1 scores by data-collection round

Alternatively, we can generate individual plots by passing the item index number to the var_idcs_int argument of depict.

depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "item_by_time", var_idcs_int = 2L)
AQoL-6D Item 2 scores by data-collection round

AQoL-6D Item 2 scores by data-collection round

We can also plot domain scores by time.

depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "domain_by_time", var_idcs_int = 1L)
AQoL-6D Independet Living Domain weighted scores by data-collection round

AQoL-6D Independet Living Domain weighted scores by data-collection round

Total AQoL-6D scores can also be plotted using the same approach, where var_idcs_int = 1L is used to plot the weighted total distribution and var_idcs_int = 2L is used for plotting the unweighted total.

depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "total_by_time", var_idcs_int = 1L)
AQoL-6D item total weighted scores by data-collection round

AQoL-6D item total weighted scores by data-collection round

Composite plots can be generated as well, though these are not currently optimised to reliably produce quality plots suitable for publication.

depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "comp_item_by_time")
AQoL-6D item responses by data-collection round

AQoL-6D item responses by data-collection round

depict(Y, type_1L_chr = "comp_domain_by_time")
AQoL-6D weighted domain scores by data-collection round

AQoL-6D weighted domain scores by data-collection round

Share output

We can now publicly share our scored dataset and its associated metadata, using Ready4useRepos and its share method as described in a vignette from the ready4use package.

Z <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/scorz", # Replace with details of your repo.
                               gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0") # You must have write permissions.
Z <- share(Z,
           obj_to_share_xx = Y,
           fl_nm_1L_chr = "ymh_ScorzAqol6Adol")

Y is now available for download as the file ymh_ScorzAqol6Adol.RDS from the “Documentation_0.0” release of the scorz package. - Explore candidate utility mapping models

Using modules from the specific R package, it is possible to undertake an exploratory utility mapping analysis. This tutorial illustrates a hypotehtical example of exploring how to map to EQ-5D health utility.

This below section renders a vignette article from the specific library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette uses fake data - it is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used to inform decision making.

The steps in this exploratory analysis workflow may need to be performed iteratively, both in order to identify the optimal model types, predictors and covariates to use and modify default values to ensure model convergence.

Import data

We start by ingesting our data. As this example uses EQ-5D data, we import a ScorzEuroQol5 ready4 framework module (created using the steps described in this vignette from the scorz pacakge) into a SpecificConverter Module and then apply the metamorphose method to convert it into a SpecificModel module.

X <- SpecificConverter(a_ScorzProfile = ready4use::Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/scorz", 
                                                                  gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0") %>%
                         ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = "ymh_ScorzEuroQol5",
                                metadata_1L_lgl = F)) %>%
#> [1] "SpecificModels"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "specific"

Inspect data

The dataset we are using has a total of 1786 records at two timepoints on 1068 study participants. The first six records are reproduced below.

Unique identifier Data collection round Date of data collection Age Gender (grouped) Sex at birth Sexual orientation Relationship status Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Region of residence (metropolitan or regional) Education and employment status EQ5D - Mobility domain score EQ5D - Self-Care domain score EQ5D - Usual Activities domain score EQ5D - Pain / Discomfort domain score EQ5D - Anxiety / Depression domain score Kessler Psychological Distress - 10 Item Total Score Overall Wellbeing Measure (Winefield et al. 2012) EuroQol (EQ-5D) - (weighted total) EuroQol (EQ-5D) - (unweighted total)
1 BL 2019-10-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual In a relationship No No Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 1 2 11 87 0.879 6
2 BL 2019-10-17 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 1 2 1 1 1 14 65 0.846 6
2 FUP 2020-02-14 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 3 1 1 1 1 10 71 0.850 7
3 BL 2020-02-15 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 3 1 1 13 74 0.883 7
3 FUP 2020-06-14 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 2 1 1 10 64 0.906 6
4 BL 2019-12-14 12 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 3 1 18 40 0.796 7

To source dataset of X is contained in the a_YouthvarsProfile slot and is a YouthvarsSeries module. For more information about methods that can be used to explore this dataset, read this vignette from the youthvars package.

Specify parameters

In preparation for exploring our dataset, we need to declare a set of model parameters in a b_SpecificParameters slot of X. This can be done in one step, or in sequential steps. In this example, we will proceed sequentially.

Dependent variable

The dependent variable (total EQ-5D utility score) has already been specified when we imported the data from the ScorzEuroQol5 module.

#> [1] "eq5d_total_w"

We can now add details of the allowable range of dependent variable values.

X <- renewSlot(X,

Candidate predictors

We can now specify the names of candidate predictor variables.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               new_val_xx = c("K10_int","Psych_well_int")) 

We next add meta-data about each candidate predictor variable in the form of a specific_predictors object.

X <- renewSlot(X, 
               short_name_chr = c("K10_int","Psych_well_int"),
               long_name_chr = c("Kessler Psychological Distress - 10 Item Total Score",
                                 "Overall Wellbeing Measure (Winefield et al. 2012)"),
               min_val_dbl = c(10,18),
               max_val_dbl = c(50,90),
               class_chr = "integer",
               increment_dbl = 1,
               class_fn_chr = "as.integer",
               mdl_scaling_dbl = 0.01,
               covariate_lgl = F)

The specific_predictors object that we have added to X can be inspected using the exhibitSlot method.

            scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Variable Description Minimum Maximum Class Increment Function Scaling Covariate
K10_int Kessler Psychological Distress - 10 Item Total Score 10 50 integer 1 as.integer 0.01 FALSE
Psych_well_int Overall Wellbeing Measure (Winefield et al. 2012) 18 90 integer 1 as.integer 0.01 FALSE


We also specify the covariates that we aim to explore in conjunction with each candidate predictor.

X <- renewSlot(X, 
               new_val_xx = c("d_sex_birth_s", "d_age",  "d_sexual_ori_s", "d_studying_working"))

Descriptive variables

We also specify variables that we will use for generating descriptive statistics about the dataset.

X <- renewSlot(X,
                 "d_sexual_ori_s", "Region", "d_studying_working")) 

Temporal variables

The name of the dataset variable for data collection timepoint and all of its unique values were imported when converting the ScorzEuroQol5 module.

#> [1] "Timepoint"
#> [1] "BL"  "FUP"

However, we also need to specify the name of the variable that contains the datestamp for each dataset record.

X <- renewSlot(X,

Candidate models

X was created with a default set of candidate models, stored as a specific_models sub-module, which can be inspected using the exhibitSlot method.

            scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Model types lookup table
Reference Name Control Familty Function Start Predict Transformation Binomial Acronym (Fixed) Acronymy (Mixed) Type (Mixed) With
OLS_NTF Ordinary Least Squares (no transformation) NA NA lm NA NA NTF FALSE OLS LMM linear mixed model no transformation
OLS_LOG Ordinary Least Squares (log transformation) NA NA lm NA NA LOG FALSE OLS LMM linear mixed model log transformation
OLS_LOGIT Ordinary Least Squares (logit transformation) NA NA lm NA NA LOGIT FALSE OLS LMM linear mixed model logit transformation
OLS_LOGLOG Ordinary Least Squares (log log transformation) NA NA lm NA NA LOGLOG FALSE OLS LMM linear mixed model log log transformation
OLS_CLL Ordinary Least Squares (complementary log log transformation) NA NA lm NA NA CLL FALSE OLS LMM linear mixed model complementary log log transformation
GLM_GSN_LOG Generalised Linear Model with Gaussian distribution and log link NA gaussian(log) glm -0.1,-0.1 response NTF FALSE GLM GLMM generalised linear mixed model Gaussian distribution and log link
BET_LGT Beta Regression Model with Binomial distribution and logit link betareg::betareg.control NA betareg::betareg -0.5,-0.1,3 response NTF FALSE GLM GLMM generalised linear mixed model Binomial distribution and logit link
BET_CLL Beta Regression Model with Binomial distribution and complementary log log link betareg::betareg.control NA betareg::betareg -0.5,-0.1,3 response NTF FALSE GLM GLMM generalised linear mixed model Binomial distribution and complementary log log link

We can choose to select just a subset of these to explore using the renewSlot method. As this is an illustrative example, we have restricted the models we will explore to just four types, passing the relevant row numbers to the slice_indcs_int argument.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               slice_indcs_int = c(1L,5L,7L,8L))

Other parameters

Depending on the type of analysis we plan on undertaking, we can also specify parameters such as the number of folds to use in cross validation, the maximum number of model runs to allow and a seed to ensure reproducibility of results. In this case we are going to use the default values generated when we first created X.

#> [1] 10
#> [1] 300
#> [1] 1234

Model testing

Before we start to use the data stored in X to undertake modelling, we must first validate that it contains all necessary (and internally consistent) data by using the ratify method. The call to ratify will update any variable names that are likely to cause problems when generating reports (e.g. through inclusion of characters like “_” in the variable name that can cause problems when rendering LaTeX documents).

X <- ratify(X)

Set-up workspace

We add details of the directory to which we will write all output. In this example we create a temporary directory (tempdir()), but in practice this would be an existing directory on your local machine.

X <- renewSlot(X,

It can be useful to save fake data (useful for demonstrating the generalisability and replicability of an analysis) and real data (required for write-up and reproducibility) is distinctly labelled directories. By default, X is created with a flag to save all output in a sub-directory “Real”. As we are using fake data, we can override this value.

X <- renewSlot(X,

We can now write a number of sub-directories to our specified output directory.

X <- author(X,
            what_1L_chr = "workspace")


The first set of outputs we write to our output directories is a set of descriptive tables and plots.

X <- author(X,
            what_1L_chr = "descriptives",
            digits_1L_int = 3L)

Model comparisons

The investigate method can now be used to compare the candidate models we have specified earlier. In so doing it will transform X into a SpecificPredictors object.

X <- investigate(X,
                 depnt_var_max_val_1L_dbl = 0.99,
                 session_ls = sessionInfo())
#> [1] "SpecificPredictors"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "specific"

The investigate method will write each model to be tested to a new sub-directory of our output directory.

The investigate method also outputs a table summarising the performance of each of the candidate models.

        what_1L_chr = "mdl_cmprsn",
        type_1L_chr = "results"
Comparison of candidate models using highest correlated predictor

Training model fit (averaged over 10 folds)

Testing model fit (averaged over 10 folds)

Model R-Squared RMSE MAE R-Squared RMSE MAE
Beta Regression Model with Binomial distribution and logit link 0.4318533 0.0742448 0.0587307 0.4128497 0.0741236 0.0587733
Beta Regression Model with Binomial distribution and complementary log log link 0.4174181 0.0751836 0.0593447 0.3996947 0.0750880 0.0594047
Ordinary Least Squares (no transformation) 0.4106104 0.0756222 0.0596955 0.3933147 0.0755461 0.0597672
Ordinary Least Squares (complementary log log transformation) 0.4105040 0.0756284 0.0597793 0.3913360 0.0755268 0.0598295

We can now identify the highest performing model in each category of candidate model based on the testing R2 statistic.

        what_1L_chr = "prefd_mdls") # Fix for NA_ returns (one option within ctg)
#> [1] "BET_LGT" "OLS_NTF"

We can override these automated selections and instead incorporate other considerations (possibly based on judgments informed by visual inspection of the plots and the desirability of constraining predictions to a maximum value of one). We do this in the following command, specifying new preferred model types, in descending order of preference.

X <- renew(X,
           new_val_xx = c("BET_LGT", "OLS_CLL"),
           type_1L_chr = "results",
           what_1L_chr = "prefd_mdls")

Use most preferred model to compare all candidate predictors

We can now compare all of our candidate predictors (with and without candidate covariates) using the most preferred model type.

X <- investigate(X)
#> [1] "SpecificFixed"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "specific"

Now, we compare the performance of single predictor models of our preferred model type (in our case, a Beta Regression Model with Binomial distribution and logit link) for each candidate predictor. The last call to the investigate saved the tested models along with model plots in a sub-directory of our output directory. These results are also viewable as a table.

        what_1L_chr = "predr_cmprsn",
        type_1L_chr = "results",
        scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Comparison of all candidate predictors using preferred model
predr_chr %IncMSE IncNodePurity
K10 0.0066197 3.888246
Psychwell 0.0011094 2.342784

The most recent call to the investigate method also saved single predictor R model objects (one for each candidate predictors) along with the two plots for each model in a sub-directory of our output directory. The performance of each single predictor model can also be summarised in a table.

        type_1L_chr = "results",
        what_1L_chr = "fxd_sngl_cmprsn")
Preferred single predictor model performance by candidate predictor

Training model fit (averaged over 10 folds)

Testing model fit (averaged over 10 folds)

Model R-Squared RMSE MAE R-Squared RMSE MAE
K10 0.4318533 0.0742448 0.0587307 0.4128497 0.0741236 0.0587733
Psychwell 0.1507472 0.0907813 0.0699606 0.1341090 0.0909203 0.0700686

Updated versions of each of the models in the previous step (this time with covariates added) are saved to a new subdirectory of the output directory and we can summarise the performance of each of the updated models, along with all signficant model terms, in a table.

        type_1L_chr = "results",
        what_1L_chr = "fxd_full_cmprsn",
        scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))

We can now identify which, if any, of the candidate covariates we previously specified are significant predictors in any of the models.

        type_1L_chr = "results",
        what_1L_chr = "signt_covars")
#> [1] NA

We can override the covariates to select, potentially because we want to select only covariates that are significant for all or most of the models. However, in the below example we have opted not to do so and continue to use no covariates as selected by the algorithm in the previous step.

# X <- renew(X,
#             new_val_xx = c("COVARIATE OF YOUR CHOICE", "ANOTHER COVARIATE"),
#                                               type_1L_chr = "results",
#                                   what_1L_chr = "prefd_covars")

Test preferred model with preferred covariates for each candidate predictor

We now conclude our model testing by rerunning the previous step, except confining our covariates to those we prefer.

X <- investigate(X)
#> [1] "SpecificMixed"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "specific"

The previous call to the write_mdls_with_covars_cmprsn function saves the tested models along with two plots for each model in the “E_Predrs_W_Covars_Sngl_Mdl_Cmprsn” sub-directory of “Output”.

Apply preferred model types and predictors to longitudinal data

The next main step is to use the preferred model types and covariates identified from the preceding analysis of cross-sectional data in longitudinal analysis.

Longitudinal mixed modelling

Prior to undertaking longitudinal mixed modelling, we need to check the appropriateness of the default values for modelling parameters that are stored in X. These include the number of model iterations, and any custom control parameters and priors (by default, empty lists).

#> [1] 4000

In many cases there will be no need to specify any custom control parameters or priors and using the defaults may speed up execution.

#> [[1]]
#> list()
#> [[1]]
#> list()

However, in this example using the default control parameters would result in warning messages suggesting a change to the adapt_delta control value (default = 0.8). Modifying the adapt_delta control parameter value can address this issue.

X <- renewSlot(X,
             slot_nm_1L_chr = "b_SpecificParameters@control_ls",
             new_val_xx = list(adapt_delta = 0.99))
X <- investigate(X)
#> [1] "SpecificMixed"
#> attr(,"package")
#> [1] "specific"

The last call to investigate function wrote the models it tests to a sub-directory of the output directory along with plots for each model.

Create shareable outputs

The model objects created by the preceding analysis are not suitable for sharing as they contain duplicates of the source dataset. To create model objects that can be shared (where dataset copies are replaced with fake data) use the authorData method.

X <- authorData(X)

Purge dataset copies

For the purposes of efficient computation, multiple objects containing copies of the source dataset were saved to our output directory during the analysis process. We therefore need to delete all of these copies by supplying “purge_write” to the type_1L_chr argument of the author method.

       type_1L_chr = "purge_write")

A copy of the module X is available for download as the file eq5d_ttu_SpecificMixed.RDS from the “Documentation_0.0” release of the specific package. - Implement a utility mapping study

Using modules from the TTU R package, it is possible to implement a fully reproducible utility mapping study. This tutorial illustrates the main steps using a hypothetical AQoL-6D utility mapping study.

This below section renders a vignette article from the TTU library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette uses fake data - it is for illustrative purposes only and should not be used to inform decision making.


Youth mental health services do not typically collect health utility data from their clients, which makes it more difficult to place an economic values on outcomes attained in these services. One strategy for addressing this gap is to use data from similar samples of young people that contain both health utility and the types of outcome measures that are collected in clinical services. The TTU package provides a toolkit for conducting and reporting a utility mapping (or Transfer to Utility) study.


TTU has been developed for use with the ready4 model and combines and extends multiple types of ready4 modules:

  • Modules for labeling, validating and summarising youth mental health datasets from the youthvars package;
  • Modules for scoring health utility from the scorz package;
  • Modules for specifying and testing statistical models from the specific package;
  • Modules for generating reports from the ready4show package; and
  • Modules for sharing data via online data repositories from the ready4use package.

Additionally, TTU relies on two RMarkdown programs:


Background and citation

The following workflow illustrates (using fake data) the same steps we used in a real world study, a summary of which is available at Citation information for that study is:

@article {Hamilton2021.07.07.21260129,
    author = {Hamilton, Matthew P and Gao, Caroline X and Filia, Kate M and Menssink, Jana M and Sharmin, Sonia and Telford, Nic and Herrman, Helen and Hickie, Ian B and Mihalopoulos, Cathrine and Rickwood, Debra J and McGorry, Patrick D and Cotton, Sue M},
    title = {Predicting Quality Adjusted Life Years in young people attending primary mental health services},
    elocation-id = {2021.07.07.21260129},
    year = {2021},
    doi = {10.1101/2021.07.07.21260129},
    publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press},
    URL = {},
    eprint = {},
    journal = {medRxiv}

The program applied in that study, which this workflow closely resembles is available at and can be cited as follows:

  author       = {Hamilton, Matthew and
                  Gao, Caroline},
  title        = {{Complete study program to reproduce all steps from 
                   data ingest through to results dissemination for a
                   study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D
                   health utility}},
  month        = feb,
  year         = 2022,
  note         = {{Matthew Hamilton and Caroline Gao  (2022). 
                   Complete study program to reproduce all steps from
                   data ingest through to results dissemination for a
                   study to map mental health measures to AQoL-6D
                   health utility. Zenodo.
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.6212704},
  url          = {}

Load required packages

We begin by loading our required packages.

Add dataset metadata

We use the Ready4useDyad and Ready4useRepos modules to retrieve and ingest and to then pair a dataset and its data dictionary.

A <- Ready4useDyad(ds_tb = Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                                          dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                                          dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
                     ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb"),
                            metadata_1L_lgl = F) %>%
                   dictionary_r3 = Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "TTU", 
                                                  dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "", 
                                                  dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
                     ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = c("dictionary_r3"),
                            metadata_1L_lgl = F)) %>%
  renew(type_1L_chr = "label")

We use the YouthvarsSeries module to supply metadata about out a longitudinal dataset vignette.

A <- YouthvarsSeries(a_Ready4useDyad = A,
                     id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID",
                     timepoint_var_nm_1L_chr = "round",
                     timepoint_vals_chr = levels(procureSlot(A,

Score health utility

We next use the ScorzAqol6Adol module to score adolescent AQoL-6D health utility.

A <- TTUProject(a_ScorzProfile = ScorzAqol6Adol(a_YouthvarsProfile = A))
A <- renewSlot(A, "a_ScorzProfile")
#> Joining, by = c("fkClientID", "match_var_chr")

Evaluate candidate models

Over the next few steps we will use modules from the specific package to to specify and assess a number of candidate utility mapping models.

A <- renewSlot(A, "b_SpecificParameters", SpecificConverter(a_ScorzProfile = A@a_ScorzProfile) %>%
                 metamorphose() %>%
A <- renewSlot(A, "b_SpecificParameters@predictors_lup", Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "TTU", 
                                                                        dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "", 
                                                                        dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
                 ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = c("predictors_r3"),
                        metadata_1L_lgl = F)) 

We can inspect the metadata on candidate predictors that we have just ingested.

exhibitSlot(A, "b_SpecificParameters@predictors_lup",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Variable Description Minimum Maximum Class Increment Function Scaling Covariate
BADS BADS total score 0 150 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_bads 0.01 FALSE
GAD7 GAD7 total score 0 21 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_gad7 0.01 FALSE
K6 K6 total score 0 24 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_k6 0.01 FALSE
OASIS OASIS total score 0 20 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_oasis 0.01 FALSE
PHQ9 PHQ9 total score 0 27 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_phq9 0.01 FALSE
SCARED SCARED total score 0 82 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_scared 0.01 FALSE
SOFAS SOFAS total score 0 100 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_sofas 0.01 TRUE

We add additional metadata about variables in our dataset that will be used in exploratory modelling.

A <- renewSlot(A, "b_SpecificParameters@depnt_var_min_max_dbl", c(0.03,1)) %>% # Inherit From TTUAqolAdol
  renewSlot("b_SpecificParameters@candidate_predrs_chr", c("BADS","GAD7", "K6", "OASIS", "PHQ9", "SCARED")) %>%
  renewSlot("b_SpecificParameters@candidate_covars_chr", c("d_sex_birth_s", "d_age",  "d_sexual_ori_s", 
                                                           "d_studying_working", "c_p_diag_s", "c_clinical_staging_s",
                                                           "SOFAS")) %>%
  renewSlot("b_SpecificParameters@descv_var_nms_chr", c("d_age","Gender","d_relation_s", "d_sexual_ori_s", 
                                                        "Region", "d_studying_working", "c_p_diag_s", 
                                                        "c_clinical_staging_s","SOFAS")) %>%
  renewSlot("b_SpecificParameters@msrmnt_date_var_nm_1L_chr", "d_interview_date") 
A <-  renewSlot(A, "b_SpecificParameters@fake_1L_lgl", T) 
A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject", SpecificModels(a_YouthvarsProfile = A@a_ScorzProfile@a_YouthvarsProfile,
                                                      b_SpecificParameters = A@b_SpecificParameters,
                                                      paths_chr = tempdir())) 
A <- ratifySlot(A, "c_SpecificProject")
A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject", 
               authorSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject", what_1L_chr = "workspace"))

We now generate tables and charts that describe our dataset. These are saved in a sub-directory of our output data directory, a copy of which is available for download. One of the plots is also reproduced here.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               authorSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject", what_1L_chr = "descriptives",
                          digits_1L_int = 3L))

We next compare the performance of different model types. This step saves model objects and plots to a sub-directory of our output directory, a copy of which is available for download.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               investigateSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
                               depnt_var_max_val_1L_dbl = 0.99,
                               session_ls = sessionInfo()))

After inspecting the output of the previous command, we can now specify the preferred model types to use from this point onwards.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               renew(procureSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject"),
                     new_val_xx = c("GLM_GSN_LOG", "OLS_CLL"),
                     type_1L_chr = "results",
                     what_1L_chr = "prefd_mdls"))

Next we assess multiple versions of our preferred model type - one single predictor model for each of our candidate predictors and the same models with candidate covariates added. A number of model/plot objects saved to a sub-directory of our output directory, a copy of which is available for download.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",

After reviewing the output of the previous step, we specify the covariates we wish to add to the models.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               renew(procureSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject"),
                     new_val_xx = "SOFAS",
                     type_1L_chr = "results",
                     what_1L_chr = "prefd_covars"))

We now assess the multivariate models. More model/plot objects are saved to a sub-directory of our output directory, a copy of which is available for download.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               investigateSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject"))

We next reformulate the models we finalised in the previous step so that they are suitable for modelling longitudinal change.

For our primary analysis, we use the longitudinal formulation of the models we previously selected. A series of large model files are written to the local output data directory.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               investigateSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject"))

For our secondary analyses, we specify alternative combinations of predictors and covariates.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               investigateSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
                               scndry_anlys_params_ls = make_scndry_anlys_params(candidate_predrs_chr = c("SOFAS"),
                                                                                 candidate_covar_nms_chr = c("d_sex_birth_s", 
                                                                                 prefd_covars_chr = NA_character_) %>%
                                 make_scndry_anlys_params(candidate_predrs_chr = c("SCARED","OASIS","GAD7"),
                                                          candidate_covar_nms_chr = c("PHQ9", "SOFAS", 
                                                          prefd_covars_chr = "PHQ9")))

Report and disseminate findings

Create shareable models

The model objects created and saved in our working directory by the preceding steps are not suitable for public dissemination. They are both too large in file size and, more importantly, include copies of our source dataset. We can overcome these limitations by creating shareable versions of the models. Two types of shareable version are created - copies of the original model objects in which fake data overwrites the original source data and summary tables of model coefficients.

A <- renewSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject",
               authorData(procureSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject")))

Specify study reporting metadata

We create a TTUSynopsis object that contains the fields necessary to render and share reports.

A <- renewSlot(A, "d_TTUReports",
                 Y <- metamorphoseSlot(A, "c_SpecificProject")
                 Y <- TTUSynopsis(a_Ready4showPaths = Y@a_Ready4showPaths,
                                  b_SpecificResults = Y@b_SpecificResults,
                                  c_SpecificParameters = Y@c_SpecificParameters,
                                  d_YouthvarsProfile = Y@d_YouthvarsProfile,
                                  rmd_fl_nms_ls = Y@rmd_fl_nms_ls)
                 Y <- TTUReports(a_TTUSynopsis = Y)

We add metadata relevant to the reports that we will be generating to these fields. Note that the data we supply to the Ready4useRepos object below must relate to a repository to which we have write permissions (otherwise subsequent steps will fail).

A <- renewSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis",
               procureSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis") %>% 
                 renewSlot("authors_r3", ready4show::authors_tb) %>%
                 renewSlot("institutes_r3", ready4show::institutes_tb) %>%
                 renewSlot("digits_int", c(3L,3L)) %>%
                 renewSlot("outp_formats_chr", c("PDF","PDF")) %>%
                 renewSlot("title_1L_chr", "A hypothetical utility mapping study using fake data") %>%
                 renewSlot("correspondences_r3", old_nms_chr = c("PHQ9", "GAD7"), new_nms_chr = c("PHQ-9", "GAD-7")) %>%
                 renewSlot("e_Ready4useRepos", Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes", 
                                                              dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "", 
                                                              dv_server_1L_chr = ""))) 

Author model catalogues

We download a program for generating a catalogue of models and use it to summarising the models created under each study analysis (one primary and two secondary). The catalogues are saved locally.

authorSlot(A, "d_TTUReports", what_1L_chr = "Catalogue", download_tmpl_1L_lgl = T)

Share model catalogue

We share the catalogues that we created, uploading a copy to our study online repository. To run this step you will need write permissions to the online repository.

shareSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis", type_1L_chr = "Report", what_1L_chr = "Catalogue") 

Share models

We share tables of coefficients and other meta-data about the models we have created by posting them to the online repository. The object we create and share is designed to be used in conjunction with the youthu package to make it easier to make predictions with these models using new data. Again, you will need write permissions to the online repository.

shareSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis", type_1L_chr = "Models", what_1L_chr = "ingredients")

Author manuscript

We add some content about the manuscript we wish to author.

A <- renewSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis",
               procureSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis") %>% 
                 renewSlot("background_1L_chr", "Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs) are often used in economic evaluations, yet utility weights for deriving them are rarely directly measured in mental health services.") %>%
                 renewSlot("coi_1L_chr", "None declared") %>%
                 renewSlot("conclusion_1L_chr","Nothing should be concluded from this study as it is purely hypothetical.") %>%
                 renewSlot("ethics_1L_chr", "The study was reviewed and granted approval by no-one." ) %>%
                 renewSlot("funding_1L_chr", "The study was funded by no-one.") %>%
                 renewSlot("interval_chr", "three months") %>%
                 renewSlot("keywords_chr", c("anxiety", "AQoL","depression", "psychological distress", "QALYs", "utility mapping")) %>%
                 renewSlot("sample_desc_1L_chr", "The study sample is fake data.") )

We create a summary of results that can be interpreted by the program that authors the manuscript.

A <- renewSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis@abstract_args_ls",
               manufactureSlot(A,"d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis", what_1L_chr = "abstract_args_ls",
                               depnt_var_nms_chr = c("AQoL-6D", "Adolescent AQoL Six Dimension"))) 
A <- enhanceSlot(A, "d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis", with_1L_chr = "results_ls",
                 depnt_var_nms_chr = c("AQoL-6D", "Adolescent AQoL Six Dimension")) 

We create and save the plots that will be used in the manuscript.

authorSlot(A, "d_TTUReports", type_1L_chr = "Plots",
           depnt_var_desc_1L_chr = A@d_TTUReports@a_TTUSynopsis@b_SpecificResults@a_SpecificShareable@shareable_outp_ls$results_ls$study_descs_ls$health_utl_nm_1L_chr)

We download a program for generating a template manuscript and run it to author a first draft of the manuscript.

authorSlot(A, "d_TTUReports", type_1L_chr = "Report", what_1L_chr = "Manuscript_Auto", download_tmpl_1L_lgl = T)

We can copy the RMarkdown files that created the template manuscript to a new director (which we call “Manuscript_Submission”) so that we can then manually edit those files to produce a manuscript that we can submit for publication. Note that in this example we have not made any edits to the template manuscript.


Once any edits to the RMarkdown files for creating the submission manuscript have been finalised, we can run the following command to author the manuscript. The below commands will generate a Microsoft Word format manuscript and a PDF technical appendix. Unlike the template manuscript, the figures and tables are positioned after (and not within) the main body of the manuscript. Note that the Word version of the manuscript generated by these commands will require some minor formatting edits (principally to the display of tables and numbering of sections).

A <- renewSlot(A, "d_TTUReports",
               procureSlot(A, "d_TTUReports") %>%
                 renewSlot("a_TTUSynopsis@tables_in_body_lgl",  F) %>%
                 renewSlot("a_TTUSynopsis@figures_in_body_lgl", F) %>%
                 renewSlot("a_TTUSynopsis@outp_formats_chr", c("Word","PDF")))
authorSlot(A, "d_TTUReports", what_1L_chr = "Manuscript_Submission", download_tmpl_1L_lgl = F)

Tidy workspace

The preceding steps saved multiple objects (mostly R model objects) that have embedded within them copies of the source dataset. We can now purge all such copies from our output data directory.

       type_1L_chr = "purge_write") - Find and deploy utility mapping models

Using tools (soon to be formalised into ready4 modules) from the youthu R package, it is possible to find and deploy relevant utility mapping algorithms. This tutorial illustrates the main steps for predicting AQoL-6D utility from psychological and functional measures collected on clinical samples of young people.

This below section renders a vignette article from the youthu library. You can use the following links to:

This vignette outlines a workflow for:

  • Searching, selecting and retrieving transfer to utility models;
  • Preparing a prediction dataset for use with a selected transfer to utility model; and
  • Applying the selected transfer to utility model to a prediction dataset to predict Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs).

The practical value of implementing such a workflow is discussed in the economic analysis vignette and a scientific manuscript. Note, this example uses fake data - it should should not be used to inform decision making.

Search, select and retrieve transfer to utility models

To identify datasets that contain transfer to utility models compatible with youthu (ie those developped with the TTU package), you can use the get_ttu_dv_dss function. The function searches specified dataverses (in the below example, the TTU dataverse) for datasets containing output from the TTU package.

ttu_dv_dss_tb <- get_ttu_dv_dss("TTU")

The ttu_dv_dss_tb table summarises some pertinent details about each dataset containing TTU models found by the preceding command. These details include a link to any scientific summary (the “Article” column) associated with a dataset.

Transfer to Utility Datasets
ID Utility Predictors Article
1 aqol6dtotalw BADS total score , GAD7 total score , K6 total score , OASIS total score , PHQ9 total score , SCARED total score, SOFAS total score

To identify models that predict a specified type of health utility from one or more of a specified subset of predictors, use:

mdls_lup <- get_mdls_lup(ttu_dv_dss_tb = ttu_dv_dss_tb,
                         utility_type_chr = "AQoL-6D",
                         mdl_predrs_in_ds_chr = c("PHQ9 total score",
                                                  "SOFAS total score"))

The preceding command will produce a lookup table with information that includes the catalogue names of models, the predictors used in each model and the analysis that generated each one.

Selected elements from Models Look-Up Table
Catalogue reference Predictors Analysis
PHQ9_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG PHQ9 Primary Analysis
PHQ9_1\_OLS_CLL PHQ9 Primary Analysis
PHQ9_SOFAS_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG PHQ9 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
PHQ9_SOFAS_1\_OLS_CLL PHQ9 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
K6_SOFAS_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG K6 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
K6_SOFAS_1\_OLS_CLL K6 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
GAD7_SOFAS_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG GAD7 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
GAD7_SOFAS_1\_OLS_CLL GAD7 , SOFAS Primary Analysis
SOFAS_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG SOFAS Secondary Analysis A
SOFAS_1\_OLS_CLL SOFAS Secondary Analysis A
OASIS_PHQ9_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG OASIS, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B
OASIS_PHQ9_1\_OLS_CLL OASIS, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B
GAD7_PHQ9_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG GAD7, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B
GAD7_PHQ9_1\_OLS_CLL GAD7, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B
SCARED_PHQ9_1\_GLM_GSN_LOG SCARED, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B
SCARED_PHQ9_1\_OLS_CLL SCARED, PHQ9 Secondary Analysis B

To review the summary information about the predictive performance of a specific model, use:

                 mdl_nms_chr = "PHQ9_SOFAS_1_OLS_CLL")
#>        Parameter Estimate    SE          95% CI
#> 1 SD (Intercept)    0.348 0.017   0.312 , 0.382
#> 2      Intercept    0.428 0.129   0.174 , 0.686
#> 3  PHQ9 baseline   -9.115 0.249 -9.601 , -8.618
#> 4    PHQ9 change   -7.331 0.339 -8.007 , -6.665
#> 5 SOFAS baseline    0.960 0.172   0.616 , 1.292
#> 6   SOFAS change    1.146 0.235   0.674 , 1.607
#> 7             R2    0.767 0.012   0.743 , 0.788
#> 8           RMSE    0.925 0.004   0.922 , 0.928
#> 9          Sigma    0.406 0.012   0.384 , 0.429

More information about a selected model can be found in the online model catalogue, the link to which can be obtained with the following command:

                 mdl_nm_1L_chr = "PHQ9_SOFAS_1_OLS_CLL")

[1] “

Prepare a prediction dataset for use with a selected transfer to utility model

Import data

You can now import and inspect the dataset you plan on using for prediction. In the below example we use fake data.

data_tb <- make_fake_ds_one()
Illustrative example of a prediction dataset
UID Timepoint Date PHQ_total SOFAS_total
Participant_1 Baseline 2021-09-20 7 69
Participant_10 Baseline 2021-08-18 17 60
Participant_10 Follow-up 2021-11-02 17 64
Participant_100 Baseline 2021-05-09 0 76
Participant_1000 Baseline 2021-07-18 0 71
Participant_1000 Follow-up 2021-10-13 0 71

Confirm dataset can be used as a prediction dataset

The prediction dataset must contain variables that correspond to all the predictors of the model you intend to apply. The allowable range and required class of each predictor variable are described in the min_val_dbl, max_val_dbl and class_chr columns of the model predictors lookup table, which can be accessed with a call to the get_predictors_lup function.

predictors_lup <- get_predictors_lup(mdls_lup = mdls_lup,
                                     mdl_nm_1L_chr = "PHQ9_SOFAS_1_OLS_CLL")
Model predictors lookup table
short_name_chr long_name_chr min_val_dbl max_val_dbl class_chr increment_dbl class_fn_chr mdl_scaling_dbl covariate_lgl
PHQ9 PHQ9 total score 0 27 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_phq9 0.01 FALSE
SOFAS SOFAS total score 0 100 integer 1 youthvars::youthvars_sofas 0.01 TRUE

The prediction dataset must also include both a unique client identifier variable and a measurement time-point identifier variable (which must be a factor with two levels). The dataset also needs to be in long format (ie where measures at different time-points for the same individual are stacked on top of each other in separate rows). We can confirm these conditions hold by creating a dataset metadata object using the make_predn_metadata_ls function. In creating the metadata object, the function checks that the dataset can be used in conjunction with the model specified at the mdl_nm_1L_chr argument. If the prediction dataset uses different variable names for the predictors to those specified in the predictors_lup lookup table, a named vector detailing the correspondence between the two sets of variable names needs to be passed to the predr_vars_nms_chr argument. Finally, if you wish to specify a preferred variable name to use for the predicted utility values when applying the model, you can do this by passing this name to the utl_var_nm_1L_chr argument.

predn_ds_ls <- make_predn_metadata_ls(data_tb,
                                      id_var_nm_1L_chr = "UID",
                                      msrmnt_date_var_nm_1L_chr = "Date",
                                      predr_vars_nms_chr = c(PHQ9 = "PHQ_total",SOFAS = "SOFAS_total"),
                                      round_var_nm_1L_chr = "Timepoint",
                                      round_bl_val_1L_chr = "Baseline",
                                      utl_var_nm_1L_chr = "AQoL6D_HU",
                                      mdls_lup = mdls_lup,
                                      mdl_nm_1L_chr = "PHQ9_SOFAS_1_OLS_CLL")

Apply the selected transfer to utility model to a prediction dataset to predict Quality Adjusted Life Years (QALYs)

Predict health utility at baseline and follow-up timepoints

To generate utility predictions we use the add_utl_predn function. The function needs to be supplied with the prediction dataset (the value passed to argument data_tb) and the validated prediction metadata object we created in the previous step.

data_tb <- add_utl_predn(data_tb,
                         predn_ds_ls = predn_ds_ls)
#> Joining, by = c("UID", "Timepoint")

By default the add_utl_predn function samples model parameter values based on a table of model coefficients when making predictions and constrains predictions to an allowed range. You can override these defaults by adding additional arguments new_data_is_1L_chr = "Predicted" (which uses mean parameter values), force_min_max_1L_lgl = F (removes range constraint) and (if the source dataset makes available downloadable model objects) make_from_tbl_1L_lgl = F. These settings will produce different predictions. It is strongly recommended that you consult the model catalogue (see above) to understand how such decisions may affect the validity of the predicted values that will be generated.

Prediction dataset with predicted utilities
UID Timepoint Date PHQ_total SOFAS_total AQoL6D_HU
Participant_1 Baseline 2021-09-20 7 69 0.9080468
Participant_10 Baseline 2021-08-18 17 60 0.5533808
Participant_10 Follow-up 2021-11-02 17 64 0.4006010
Participant_100 Baseline 2021-05-09 0 76 0.6809903
Participant_1000 Baseline 2021-07-18 0 71 0.9877882
Participant_1000 Follow-up 2021-10-13 0 71 0.9602037

Our health utility predictions are now available for use and are summarised below.

#>    Min. 1st Qu.  Median    Mean 3rd Qu. 
#> 0.06646 0.42781 0.63403 0.62335 0.83351 
#>    Max. 
#> 1.00000

Calculate QALYs

The last step is to calculate Quality Adjusted Life Years, using a method assuming a linear rate of change between timepoints.

data_tb <- data_tb %>% add_qalys_to_ds(predn_ds_ls = predn_ds_ls,
                                       include_predrs_1L_lgl = F,
                                       reshape_1L_lgl = F)
Prediction dataset with QALYs
UID Timepoint Date PHQ_total SOFAS_total AQoL6D_HU AQoL6D_HU_change_dbl duration_prd qalys_dbl
Participant_1 Baseline 2021-09-20 7 69 0.9080468 0.0000000 0S 0.0000000
Participant_10 Baseline 2021-08-18 17 60 0.5533808 0.0000000 0S 0.0000000
Participant_10 Follow-up 2021-11-02 17 64 0.4006010 -0.1527798 76d 0H 0M 0S 0.0992507
Participant_100 Baseline 2021-05-09 0 76 0.6809903 0.0000000 0S 0.0000000
Participant_1000 Baseline 2021-07-18 0 71 0.9877882 0.0000000 0S 0.0000000
Participant_1000 Follow-up 2021-10-13 0 71 0.9602037 -0.0275845 87d 0H 0M 0S 0.2319990 - Use utility mapping algorithms to help implement cost-utility analyses

Using tools (soon to be formalised into ready4 framework modules) from the youthu R package, it is possible to use utility mapping algorithms to help implement cost-utility analyses. This tutorial illustrates the main steps for doing so using psychological and functional measures collected on clinical samples of young people.

This below section renders a vignette article from the youthu library. You can use the following links to:

This vignette illustrates the rationale for and practical decision-making utility of youthu’s QALYs prediction workflow. Note, this example is illustrated with fake data and should not be used to inform decision-making.


The main motivation behind the youthu package is to extend the types of economic analysis that can be undertaken with both single group (e.g. pilot study, health service records) and matched groups (e.g. trial) longitudinal datasets that do not include measures of health utility. This article focuses on its application to matched group datasets.

Example dataset

First, we must first import our data. In this example we will use a fake dataset.

ds_tb <- make_fake_ds_two()
#> Joining, by = c("fkClientID", "study_arm_chr")

Our dataset includes 268 matched comparisons, with each comparison containing baseline and follow-up records for one intervention arm participant and one control arm participant. The first few records are as follows.

First few records from input dataset
fkClientID round date_psx duration_prd PHQ9 SOFAS costs_dbl study_arm_chr match_idx_int
Participant_20 Baseline 2022-05-19 0S 16 41 301.1868 Intervention 1
Participant_593 Baseline 2022-03-26 0S 19 43 259.3190 Control 1
Participant_593 Follow-up 2022-09-17 175d 0H 0M 0S 16 65 1290.4220 Control 1
Participant_20 Follow-up 2022-11-13 178d 0H 0M 0S 15 74 1787.4242 Intervention 1
Participant_259 Baseline 2022-07-14 0S 19 39 311.0018 Control 2
Participant_962 Baseline 2022-08-26 0S 10 45 276.2181 Intervention 2

This dataset contains features that make it possible to use in conjunction with youthu’s economic analysis functions. These requirements are described in the vignette about finding and using models compatible models to predict QALYs;

The dataset also contains a cost variable, which is a requirement for most, though not all, of the economic analyses that can be undertaken with youthu.

Limitations of datasets without measures of health utility

A notable omission from the dataset is any measure of utility. This omission means that, in the absence of using mapping algorithms such as those included with youthu, the most feasible types of economic evaluation to apply to this dataset would likely be cost-consequence analysis (where a synopsis of the differences in a range of measures are presented alongside cost differences) and cost-effectiveness analysis (where a summary statistic - the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio or ICER - is calculated by dividing differences in costs by differences in a single outcome measure).

These types of economic analyses can be relatively simple to interpret if either the intervention or control arm is simultaneously cheaper and more effective across all included outcome measures. However, these conditions don’t hold in our sample data.

summary((ds_tb %>% dplyr::filter(study_arm_chr == "Control" & round == "Baseline"))[5:6])
#>       PHQ9          SOFAS      
#>  Min.   : 0.0   Min.   :39.00  
#>  1st Qu.: 7.0   1st Qu.:60.00  
#>  Median :12.0   Median :66.00  
#>  Mean   :10.9   Mean   :66.13  
#>  3rd Qu.:15.0   3rd Qu.:72.00  
#>  Max.   :19.0   Max.   :89.00
summary((ds_tb %>% dplyr::filter(study_arm_chr == "Control" & round == "Follow-up"))[5:7])
#>       PHQ9            SOFAS         costs_dbl     
#>  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :39.00   Min.   : 889.9  
#>  1st Qu.: 4.000   1st Qu.:64.00   1st Qu.:1321.1  
#>  Median : 8.000   Median :71.00   Median :1486.7  
#>  Mean   : 8.493   Mean   :70.65   Mean   :1489.0  
#>  3rd Qu.:13.000   3rd Qu.:77.00   3rd Qu.:1627.0  
#>  Max.   :27.000   Max.   :98.00   Max.   :2216.5
summary((ds_tb %>% dplyr::filter(study_arm_chr == "Intervention" & round == "Baseline"))[5:6])
#>       PHQ9           SOFAS      
#>  Min.   : 0.00   Min.   :36.00  
#>  1st Qu.: 7.00   1st Qu.:61.00  
#>  Median :11.00   Median :67.00  
#>  Mean   :10.81   Mean   :66.74  
#>  3rd Qu.:15.00   3rd Qu.:72.25  
#>  Max.   :19.00   Max.   :88.00
summary((ds_tb %>% dplyr::filter(study_arm_chr == "Intervention" & round == "Follow-up"))[5:7])
#>       PHQ9            SOFAS      costs_dbl     
#>  Min.   : 0.000   Min.   :40   Min.   : 923.4  
#>  1st Qu.: 2.000   1st Qu.:60   1st Qu.:1625.6  
#>  Median : 6.500   Median :68   Median :1777.3  
#>  Mean   : 6.851   Mean   :68   Mean   :1807.8  
#>  3rd Qu.:11.000   3rd Qu.:77   3rd Qu.:1996.0  
#>  Max.   :25.000   Max.   :93   Max.   :2872.7

The pattern of results summarised above create some significant barriers to meaningfully interpreting economic evaluations that are based on cost-consequence or cost-effectiveness analysis:

  • A cost-effectiveness analysis in which change in PHQ-9 was the benefit measure would be difficult to interpret as the Intervention arm is both more effective and more costly, which begs the question is it worth paying the extra dollars for this improvement? Also - would a judgment of cost-effectiveness remain the same if the study had measured a slightly different incremental benefit or recorded change over a longer or shorter time horizon? It is likely that there is no commonly used value for money benchmark for improvements measured in PHQ-9, nor is there any time weighting associated with the measure. Furthermore, if the potential funding for the intervention is from a budget that is allocated to non-depressive illnesses (e.g. physical health), results from a cost-effectiveness analysis using PHQ-9 as its benefit measure are not readily comparable with economic evaluations of interventions from other illness groups using different benefit measures that are potentially competing for the same scarce funding.

  • A cost consequence analyses that summarised the differences in costs with the differences in changes in PHQ-9 and SOFAS score would be difficult to interpret because while the intervention is more effective than control for improvements measured on PHQ-9 (where lower scores are better), the control group is superior if benefits are based on functioning improvements as measured by SOFAS scores (where higher scores are better). The lack of any formal weighting for how to trade off clinical symptoms and functioning means that interpretation of this analysis will be highly subjective and likely to change across potential decision makers.

These types of short-comings can be significantly addressed by undertaking cost-utility analyses (CUAs) as:

  • they use a measure of benefit - the Quality Adjusted Life Year (QALY) - that captures multiple domains of health, weighted by time and population preferences in a single index measure that can be applied across health conditions;
  • there are published benchmark willingness to pay values for QALYs that are routinely used by decision makers in many countries to make ICER statistics readily interpretable in the context of health budget allocation.

The rest of this article demonstrates how youthu functions can be used to undertake CUA based analyses on the type of data we have just profiled.

Using youthu in a cost-utility analysis workflow

Predict adolescent AQoL-6D health utility

Our first step is to identify which youthu models we will use to predict adolescent AQoL-6D and apply these models to our data. This step was explained in more detail in another vignette article about finding and using transfer to utility models, so will be dealt with briefly here.

First we make sure that our dataset can be used as a prediction dataset in conjunction with the model we intend using.

predn_ds_ls <- make_predn_metadata_ls(ds_tb,
                                      cmprsn_groups_chr = c("Intervention", "Control"),
                                      cmprsn_var_nm_1L_chr = "study_arm_chr",
                                      costs_var_nm_1L_chr = "costs_dbl",
                                      id_var_nm_1L_chr = "fkClientID",
                                      msrmnt_date_var_nm_1L_chr = "date_psx",
                                      round_var_nm_1L_chr = "round",
                                      round_bl_val_1L_chr = "Baseline",
                                      utl_var_nm_1L_chr = "AQoL6D_HU",
                                      mdls_lup = get_mdls_lup(utility_type_chr = "AQoL-6D",
                                                              mdl_predrs_in_ds_chr = c("PHQ9 total score",
                                                                                       "SOFAS total score"),
                                                              ttu_dv_nms_chr = "TTU"),
                                      mdl_nm_1L_chr =  "PHQ9_SOFAS_1_OLS_CLL")

We now use our preferred model to predict health utility from the measures in our dataset.

ds_tb <- add_utl_predn(ds_tb,
                       predn_ds_ls = predn_ds_ls) %>%
  dplyr::select(fkClientID, round, study_arm_chr, date_psx, duration_prd, dplyr::everything())
#> Joining, by = c("fkClientID", "round")

Calculate QALYs

Next we combine the health utility data with the interval between measurement data to calculate QALYs and add them to the dataset.

ds_tb  <- ds_tb %>% add_qalys_to_ds(predn_ds_ls = predn_ds_ls,
                                    include_predrs_1L_lgl = T,
                                    reshape_1L_lgl = T)
First few records from updated dataset with QALYs
fkClientID study_arm_chr match_idx_int date_psx_Baseline date_psx_Follow-up duration_prd_Baseline duration_prd_Follow-up costs_dbl_Baseline costs_dbl_Follow-up PHQ9_Baseline PHQ9_Follow-up SOFAS_Baseline SOFAS_Follow-up AQoL6D_HU_Baseline AQoL6D_HU_Follow-up PHQ9_change_dbl_Baseline PHQ9_change_dbl_Follow-up SOFAS_change_dbl_Baseline SOFAS_change_dbl_Follow-up AQoL6D_HU_change_dbl_Baseline AQoL6D_HU_change_dbl_Follow-up qalys_dbl_Baseline qalys_dbl_Follow-up
Participant_10 Control 243 2022-03-04 2022-08-28 0S 177d 0H 0M 0S 647.9386 1696.235 8 10 61 64 0.7597988 0.6079774 0 2 0 3 0 -0.1518214 0 0.3314119
Participant_1000 Control 191 2022-04-30 2022-10-31 0S 184d 0H 0M 0S 428.9205 1619.037 4 2 63 82 0.8459579 0.7688131 0 -2 0 19 0 -0.0771448 0 0.4067322
Participant_1001 Intervention 230 2022-03-25 2022-09-20 0S 179d 0H 0M 0S 429.3703 1844.219 10 14 59 72 0.6138300 0.8607305 0 4 0 13 0 0.2469005 0 0.3613228
Participant_1003 Intervention 115 2022-04-23 2022-10-22 0S 182d 0H 0M 0S 395.1637 1537.365 9 0 71 81 0.5808015 0.9315788 0 -9 0 10 0 0.3507773 0 0.3768011
Participant_1005 Intervention 183 2022-07-25 2023-01-27 0S 186d 0H 0M 0S 402.9910 1826.511 17 0 78 88 0.5460607 0.9593811 0 -17 0 10 0 0.4133204 0 0.3833158
Participant_1006 Intervention 219 2022-08-20 2023-02-15 0S 179d 0H 0M 0S 534.2285 2401.478 9 14 75 73 0.7239490 0.5885972 0 5 0 -2 0 -0.1353518 0 0.3216232

Analyse results

Now we can run the main economic analysis. This is implemented by the make_hlth_ec_smry function, which first bootstraps the dataset (implemented by the boot function from the boot package) before passing the mean values for costs and QALYs from each bootstrap sample to with bcea function of the BCEA package to calculate a range of health economic statistics. For this example we pass a value of 50,000 for the willingness to pay parameter, as this is the dollar amount commonly used in Australia as a benchmark for the value of a QALY.

Note, for this illustrative example we only request 1000 bootstrap iterations - in practice this number may be higher.

he_smry_ls <- ds_tb %>% make_hlth_ec_smry(predn_ds_ls = predn_ds_ls,
                                                 wtp_dbl = 50000,
                                                 bootstrap_iters_1L_int = 1000L)

As part of the output of the make_hlth_ec_smry function is a BCEA object, we can use the BCEA package to produce a number of graphical summaries of economic results. One of the most important is the production of a cost-effectiveness plane. This plot highlights that, with an ICER of $-98,145.56, less than half of the bootstrapped iteration incremental cost and QALY pairs fall within the zone of cost-effectiveness (green). In fact, at the cost-effectiveness threshold we supplied, the results suggest there is a 8% probability that the intervention is cost-effective.

BCEA::ceplane.plot(he_smry_ls$ce_res_ls, wtp =50000,    
                   area_color = "green",
                    graph = "ggplot2",
          theme = ggplot2::theme_light())
#> Warning: Duplicated aesthetics after name standardisation: colour - Develop choice models

Using tools (soon to be formalised into ready4 framework modules) from the mychoice R package, it is possible to develop choice models from responses to a discrete choice experiment survey.

This below section renders a vignette article from the mychoice library. You can use the following links to:

The tools in mychoice are designed to make it easier to develop and use choice models with ready4 - an open source health economic model of the systems shaping mental health and wellbeing in young people.

This development version of the mychoice package has been made available as part of the process of testing and documenting the package.

Currently there are no vignettes available. However, examples of the application of mychoice functions to a real world discrete choice experiment are in programs available at (design of a discrete choice experiment survey) and (analysis of discrete choice experiment survey responses). PDF versions of each program, along with the artefacts produced by each are available in the online dataset at

5.2.2 - Modules for modelling places

Modules for spatio-temporal modelling of the environments that shape young people’s mental health are collectively referred to as the “Springtides” model. No places modules are yet available - just an app built using unreleased work in progress modules.

5.2.3 - Modules for modelling platforms

Modules that model the processes, eligibility requirements, staffing and configurations of youth service platforms are collectively referred to as the “First Bounce” model. No platforms modules are yet available - see details on unreleased work in progress.

5.2.4 - Modules for modelling programs

Modules for modelling the efficacy, cost-effectiveness and budget impact of youth mental health programs (e.g. interventions for prevention, treatment and wellbeing) are collectively referred to as the “On Target” model. No programs modules are yet available - see details on preliminary work in progress.

5.3 - Modules pipeline

Unreleased software and other preliminary work is currently being developed into modules for modelling people, places, platforms and programs.

5.3.1 - Pipeline of people modules

Current unreleased work to develop modules for modelling the characteristics, relationships, behaviours, risk factors and outcomes of young people and those important to them.

Our current pipeline of modules for modelling people is principally focused on developing tools for:

  • creating synthetic household datasets from multiple longitudinal datasets of varying structure, including modules specifically designed to streamline wrangling data from the HILDA and LSAC datasets (both from Australia); and

  • implementing agent based model simulations.

A significant amount of work has already been completed on both projects and initial development releases of each, along with one scientific manuscript, are anticipated in late 2023 / early 2024.

5.3.2 - Pipeline of places modules

Current unreleased work to develop modules for modelling the demographic, environmental and proximity drivers of access, equity and outcomes in youth mental health.

Our current pipeline of modules for modelling places is principally focused on producing libraries to:

  • synthesise geometry and spatial attribute data;

  • simulate changes in spatial attribute count data (e.g. area resident populations);

  • predict prevalence and incidence by area; and

  • provide a user-interface (i.e. software to implement an updated version of the currently deprecated Springtides app).

Although unreleased, the source code for the above projects has been used to generate analysis during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initial development releases of places module libraries, along with an updated app, are anticipated in the second half of 2023.

5.3.3 - Pipeline of platforms modules

Current unreleased work to develop modules for modelling the optimal staffing and configuration of support services for young people.

Our current pipeline of modules for modelling platforms includes code for implementing:

  • a discrete event simulation of primary mental health services for young people;
  • a simple cohort model of early psychosis services; and
  • a blended (systems dynamics / discrete event simulation) model for optimising eligibility and referral policies across multiple services.

The first two of the above models are currently implemented in R and are sufficiently advanced to produce exploratory analysis. However, neither are adequately documented or tested and need to be redeveloped as ready4 model modules and re-validated prior to development releases. The optimisation model was implemented in Java and was populated with toy data - this will require more substantial development prior to public release.

5.3.4 - Pipeline of programs modules

Current very preliminary work to develop modules for modelling the affordability, value for money and appropriate targeting of interventions for young people.

A very early development release of bimp - a library for undertaking budget impact analysis, is currently available. However, as bimp is largely untested, undocumented and highly preliminary (e.g. not yet implemented as ready4 modules), we have chosen not to list it in the summary table of ready4 model module libraries. The pace of future development of bimp and new modules for efficiently deploying existing open source economic evaluation tools within the ready4 framework will depend on how we mobilise support from a nascent ready4 community.

5.4 - Authoring ready4 modules

Tools from the ready4class, ready4 fun and ready4pack R packages streamline and standardise the authoring of ready4 modules.

5.4.1 - Authoring model data structures

The ready4class R package supports partially automated and standardised workflows for defining the data structures to be used in computational models.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4class library. You can use the following links to:


The ready4 model uses object oriented programming (OOP) to implement modular approaches to computational models of mental health systems. That means that a standardised approach to developing modules (S4 classes) and sub-modules (S3 classes) is required. ready4class provides the tools to implement this workflow.


Prototyes, constructor and manifest

The main classes exported as part of ready4class are readyclass_manifest and ready4class_constructor. ready4class_pt_lup is a tibble based ready4 sub-module, which contains metadata on the prototypes of classes that can be used as sub-components of ready4 modules and sub-modules (for example a tibble based class can be used as a slot in an S4 class). When authoring ready4 R packages, you will create a ready4class_pt_lup instance and store it in an online repository that you have write permissions to. As you create new ready4 modules and sub-modules using ready4class tools, your ready4class_pt_lup object will be updated so that these classes can be made available to any future modules or sub-modules that you author. The ready4class_pt_lup sub-module recently used in workflows for authoring ready4 modules is reproduced below.

x <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4",
                               gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0") %>%
  ingest(fls_to_ingest_chr = "prototype_lup",
         metadata_1L_lgl = F) 
x %>%
  exhibit(scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Class Prototypes Lookup Table
Class Value Namespace Function Default Is Old Class
character NA_character\_ base NA_character\_ FALSE
data.frame data.frame() base data.frame() FALSE
integer NA_integer\_ base NA_integer\_ FALSE
list list(list()) base list list() FALSE
logical NA base NA FALSE
numeric NA_real\_ base NA_real\_ FALSE
POSIXt .POSIXct(NA_character\_) base .POSIXct NA_character\_ FALSE
dfidx dfidx::dfidx(dfidx()) dfidx dfidx dfidx() FALSE
Ready4Module ready4::Ready4Module() ready4 Ready4Module FALSE
Ready4Private ready4::Ready4Private() ready4 Ready4Private FALSE
Ready4Public ready4::Ready4Public() ready4 Ready4Public FALSE
sf sf::st_sf(sf::st_sfc()) sf st_sf sf::st_sfc() FALSE
tbl_df tibble::tibble() tibble tibble FALSE
ready4show_authors ready4show::ready4show_authors() ready4show ready4show_authors TRUE
ready4show_institutes ready4show::ready4show_institutes() ready4show ready4show_institutes TRUE
ready4show_correspondences ready4show::ready4show_correspondences() ready4show ready4show_correspondences TRUE
Ready4showPaths ready4show::Ready4showPaths() ready4show Ready4showPaths FALSE
Ready4showSynopsis ready4show::Ready4showSynopsis() ready4show Ready4showSynopsis FALSE
ready4use_distributions ready4use::ready4use_distributions() ready4use ready4use_distributions TRUE
ready4use_dataverses ready4use::ready4use_dataverses() ready4use ready4use_dataverses TRUE
ready4use_imports ready4use::ready4use_imports() ready4use ready4use_imports TRUE
ready4use_mapes ready4use::ready4use_mapes() ready4use ready4use_mapes TRUE
ready4use_dictionary ready4use::ready4use_dictionary() ready4use ready4use_dictionary TRUE
Ready4useFiles ready4use::Ready4useFiles() ready4use Ready4useFiles FALSE
Ready4useRaw ready4use::Ready4useRaw() ready4use Ready4useRaw FALSE
Ready4useProcessed ready4use::Ready4useProcessed() ready4use Ready4useProcessed FALSE
Ready4useArguments ready4use::Ready4useArguments() ready4use Ready4useArguments FALSE
Ready4useDyad ready4use::Ready4useDyad() ready4use Ready4useDyad FALSE
Ready4useIngest ready4use::Ready4useIngest() ready4use Ready4useIngest FALSE
Ready4useRepos ready4use::Ready4useRepos() ready4use Ready4useRepos FALSE
Ready4usePointer ready4use::Ready4usePointer() ready4use Ready4usePointer FALSE
Ready4useRecord ready4use::Ready4useRecord() ready4use Ready4useRecord FALSE
ready4fun_badges ready4fun::ready4fun_badges() ready4fun ready4fun_badges TRUE
ready4fun_abbreviations ready4fun::ready4fun_abbreviations() ready4fun ready4fun_abbreviations TRUE
ready4fun_objects ready4fun::ready4fun_objects() ready4fun ready4fun_objects TRUE
ready4fun_functions ready4fun::ready4fun_functions() ready4fun ready4fun_functions TRUE
ready4fun_executor ready4fun::ready4fun_executor() ready4fun ready4fun_executor TRUE
ready4fun_description ready4fun::ready4fun_description() ready4fun ready4fun_description TRUE
ready4fun_metadata_a ready4fun::ready4fun_metadata_a() ready4fun ready4fun_metadata_a TRUE
ready4fun_metadata_b ready4fun::ready4fun_metadata_b() ready4fun ready4fun_metadata_b TRUE
ready4fun_manifest ready4fun::ready4fun_manifest() ready4fun ready4fun_manifest TRUE
ready4fun_dataset ready4fun::ready4fun_dataset() ready4fun ready4fun_dataset TRUE
ready4class_constructor ready4class::ready4class_constructor() ready4class ready4class_constructor TRUE
ready4class_pt_lup ready4class::ready4class_pt_lup() ready4class ready4class_pt_lup TRUE
ready4class_manifest ready4class::ready4class_manifest() ready4class ready4class_manifest TRUE
ready4pack_manifest ready4pack::ready4pack_manifest() ready4pack ready4pack_manifest TRUE
youthvars_aqol6d_adol youthvars::youthvars_aqol6d_adol() youthvars youthvars_aqol6d_adol TRUE
youthvars_phq9 youthvars::youthvars_phq9() youthvars youthvars_phq9 TRUE
youthvars_bads youthvars::youthvars_bads() youthvars youthvars_bads TRUE
youthvars_gad7 youthvars::youthvars_gad7() youthvars youthvars_gad7 TRUE
youthvars_oasis youthvars::youthvars_oasis() youthvars youthvars_oasis TRUE
youthvars_scared youthvars::youthvars_scared() youthvars youthvars_scared TRUE
youthvars_k6 youthvars::youthvars_k6() youthvars youthvars_k6 TRUE
youthvars_sofas youthvars::youthvars_sofas() youthvars youthvars_sofas TRUE
YouthvarsDescriptives youthvars::YouthvarsDescriptives() youthvars YouthvarsDescriptives FALSE
YouthvarsProfile youthvars::YouthvarsProfile() youthvars YouthvarsProfile FALSE
YouthvarsSeries youthvars::YouthvarsSeries() youthvars YouthvarsSeries FALSE
ScorzProfile scorz::ScorzProfile() scorz ScorzProfile FALSE
ScorzAqol6 scorz::ScorzAqol6() scorz ScorzAqol6 FALSE
ScorzAqol6Adol scorz::ScorzAqol6Adol() scorz ScorzAqol6Adol FALSE
ScorzAqol6Adult scorz::ScorzAqol6Adult() scorz ScorzAqol6Adult FALSE
ScorzEuroQol5 scorz::ScorzEuroQol5() scorz ScorzEuroQol5 FALSE
specific_models specific::specific_models() specific specific_models TRUE
specific_predictors specific::specific_predictors() specific specific_predictors TRUE
SpecificParameters specific::SpecificParameters() specific SpecificParameters FALSE
SpecificPrivate specific::SpecificPrivate() specific SpecificPrivate FALSE
SpecificShareable specific::SpecificShareable() specific SpecificShareable FALSE
SpecificResults specific::SpecificResults() specific SpecificResults FALSE
SpecificProject specific::SpecificProject() specific SpecificProject FALSE
SpecificInitiator specific::SpecificInitiator() specific SpecificInitiator FALSE
SpecificModels specific::SpecificModels() specific SpecificModels FALSE
SpecificPredictors specific::SpecificPredictors() specific SpecificPredictors FALSE
SpecificFixed specific::SpecificFixed() specific SpecificFixed FALSE
SpecificMixed specific::SpecificMixed() specific SpecificMixed FALSE
SpecificConverter specific::SpecificConverter() specific SpecificConverter FALSE
SpecificSynopsis specific::SpecificSynopsis() specific SpecificSynopsis FALSE
TTUSynopsis TTUSynopsis() TTU TTUSynopsis FALSE
TTUReports TTUReports() TTU TTUReports FALSE
TTUProject TTUProject() TTU TTUProject FALSE

ready4class_constructor is another tibble based ready4 sub-module that summarises the desired features of the ready4 modules and sub-modules that you are authoring. An instance of ready4class_constructor is combined with a ready4fun_manifest sub-module to create a ready4class_manifest sub-module. Instances of ready4class_constructor are most efficiently created using the make_pt_ready4class_constructor function.

Typical use

The most important method included in ready4class is the author method for the ready4class_manifest sub-module, that enhances the author method defined for the ready4fun_manifest so that consistently documented R package classes are also generated.

## Not run


ready4class sub-modules and methods are not intended for independent use, but instead should be deployed as part of ready4pack R package authoring workflow.

Future documentation

It should be noted that some ready4class methods require files of a standardised format to be saved in specific sub-directories of the package data-raw directory. Detailed instructions on how to prepare these files are not yet available, but will be outlined in documentation to be released in 2022.

5.4.2 - Authoring model algorithms

The ready4fun R package supports standardised approaches to code authoring that facilitate partial automation of the documenting of model algorithms.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4fun library. You can use the following links to:


The ready4 youth mental health systems model is implemented using an object-oriented programming (OOP) approach. One motivation for using OOP is the concept of “abstraction” - making things as simple as possible for end-users of ready4 modules by exposing the minimal amount of code required to implement each method.

However, some users of the ready4 modules will want to “look under the hood” and examine the code that implements module algorithms in much more detail. Reasons to do so include to:

  • gain detailed insight into how methods are implemented;
  • test individual sub-components (“functions”) of methods as part of code verification and model validation checks;
  • re-use functions when authoring new methods.

Therefore when authoring ready4 code libraries, it is important to ensure that “under the hood” code can be readily understood. Two ways for achieving this goal is to ensure that all functions (even those not intended for use by modeller end-users) are adequately documented and adopt a consistent house style (e.g. naming conventions). ready4fun provides workflow tools (classes, methods, functions and datasets) to achieve these goals.

ready4fun function authoring taxonomies, abbreviations and workflow

The ready4fun package uses a dataset of taxonomies and abbreviations to ensure standardised function code style and documentation. A copy of this dataset (dataset_ls) can be downloaded from a repository associated with the ready4 package using tools from the ready4use package package.

dataset_ls <- ready4use::Ready4useRepos(gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4",
                               gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0") %>%
  ingest(metadata_1L_lgl = F)

Function names begin with a meaningful verb

Consistent with a naming convention popular in the R development community, all ready4 framework functions begin with a verb. Furthermore, the choice of verb is meaningful - it communicates something about the type of task a function implements. For example, all functions beginning with the word “fit” will fit a model of a specified type to a dataset. The definitions of all meaningful verbs currently used by ready4 functions (excluding methods) are stored in element fn_types_lup of dataset_ls, the key features of which are reproduced below.

dataset_ls$fn_types_lup %>% 
  ready4fun_functions() %>%
  renew(filter_cdn_1L_chr = "!is_generic_lgl & !stringr::str_detect(fn_type_nm_chr, pattern = ' ')") %>%
  exhibit(select_int = 1:2,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Meaningful verbs
Verb Description
Add Updates an object by adding data to that object.
Assert Validates that an object conforms to required condition(s). If the object does not meet all required conditions, program execution will be stopped and an error message provided.
Bind Binds two objects together to create a composite object.
Calculate Performs a numeric calculation.
Close Closes specified connections.
Extract Extracts data from an object.
Fit Fits a model of a specified type to a dataset
Force Checks if a specified local or global environmental condition is met and if not, updates the specified environment to comply with the condition.
Format Modifies the format of an output.
Get Retrieves a pre-existing data object from memory, local file system or online repository.
Import Reads a data object in its native format and converts it to an R object.
Impute Imputes data.
Knit Knits a rmarkdown file
Launch Launches an application
Make Creates a new R object.
Plot Plots data
Predict Makes predictions from data using a specified statistical model.
Print Prints output to console
Randomise Randomly samples from data.
Read Reads an R script into memory.
Remove Edits an object, removing a specified element or elements.
Rename Renames elements of an object based on a pre-speccified schema.
Reorder Reorders an object to conform to a pre-specified schema.
Replace Edits an object, replacing a specified element with another specified element.
Reset Edits an object, overwriting the current version with a default version.
Rowbind Performs custom rowbind operations on table objects.
Scramble Randomly reorders an object.
Transform Edits an object in such a way that core object attributes - e.g. shape, dimensions, elements, type - are altered.
Unload Performs a custom detaching of a package from the search path.
Update Edits an object, while preserving core object attributes.
Validate Validates that an object conforms to required criteria.
Write Writes a file to a specified local directory.

Function inputs and outputs have meaningful suffices

The type of input (arguments) required and output (return) produced by a function can be efficiently communicated by using meaningful suffices. For example all objects ending in “_chr” are character vectors and all objects ending in “_int” are integer vectors. The meaningful suffices currently used by to describe objects in the ready4 framework are stored in element seed_obj_type_lup of dataset_ls, the key features of which are reproduced below.

dataset_ls$seed_obj_type_lup %>% 
  ready4fun_objects() %>%
  exhibit(select_int = 1:2,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Meaningful suffices
Suffix Description
arr array
chr character
dbl double
df data.frame
dtm date
env environment
fct factor
fn function
int integer
lgl logical
ls list
lup lookup table
mat matrix
mdl model
plt plot
prsn person
r3 ready4 S3
r4 ready4 S4
rgx regular expression
s3 S3
s4 S4
sf simple features object
tb tibble

Consistent use of abbreviations

Further information about the purpose of a function and the nature of its inputs and outputs can be encoded by using naming conventions that make consistent use of abbreviations. A master table of the abbreviations used throughout the ready4 framework is maintained in the abbreviations_lup element of dataset_ls. The list of abbreviations is now quite extensive and continues to grow as the ready4 suite of software expands. The initial few entries of abbreviations_lup are reproduced below.

dataset_ls$abbreviations_lup %>% 
  head() %>%
  exhibit(select_int = 1:2,
          scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Abbreviation Description
... additional arguments
1L length one
1L_chr character vector of length one
1L_chr_ls list of character vectors of length one
1L_chr_r4 ready4 S4 collection of character vectors of length one
1L_dbl double vector of length one



The main class exported as part of ready4fun is the ready4 sub-module ready4fun_manifest which is used to specify metadata (including details of the repository in which the fn_types_lup, seed_obj_lup_tb and abbreviations_lup objects are stored) for the functions being authored and the R package that will contain them.

Typical Usage

A ready4fun_manifest object is most efficiently created with the aid of the make_pkg_desc_ls and make_manifest functions rather than a direct call to the ready4fun_manifest() function.

## Not run
x <- ready4fun::make_pkg_desc_ls(pkg_title_1L_chr = "Your Package Title",
                                 pkg_desc_1L_chr = "Your Package Description.",
                                 authors_prsn = c(utils::person("Author 1 Name",
                                                                role = c("aut", "cre")),
                                                  utils::person("Author 2 Name", role = c("cph"))),
                                 urls_chr = c("Package website url",
                                              "Package source code url",
                                              "Project website")) %>%
  ready4fun::make_manifest(copyright_holders_chr = "Organisation name",
                           custom_dmt_ls = ready4fun::make_custom_dmt_ls(user_manual_fns_chr = c("Functions to be included in main user manual are itemised here")),
                           dev_pkgs_chr = c("Any development package dependencies go here"),
                           path_to_pkg_logo_1L_chr = "Local path to package logo goes here",
                           piggyback_to_1L_chr = "GitHub Release Repository to which supporting files will be uploaded",
                           ready4_type_1L_chr = "authoring",
                           zenodo_badge_1L_chr = "DOI badge details go here")

The main method defined for ready4fun_manifest is author which, assuming the raw undocumented function files are saved in the appropriate directories, will author an R package in which all functions are consistently documented.

## Not run


The ready4fun_manifest sub-module and its methods along with the make_pkg_desc_ls and make_manifestfunctions are designed to be used as part of the ready4pack R package authoring workflow. That vignette includes links to two examples of where the ready4pack workflow has been used to author R package. To illustrate how readyfun tools used as part of that workflow are used to document functions, we are just going to focus on the program used to create the ready4show package.

That program makes use of ready4fun tools that read all undocumented package functions, performs automated checks to ensure that these functions appropriately use the taxonomies and abbreviations mentioned previously (prompting authors to make specific amendments if they do not) and then rewrites these functions to the package R directory, appending tags (with the aid of the sinew package) that will generate meaningful documentation.

For example, one of the functions to be documented is the knit_from_tmpl, which is transformed to a version with tags. The tags added to all functions are then used to generate the package documentation, including the package manual. Two versions of the ready4show package manual are generated - a slimmed down version for end-users and a more detailed inventory of contents intended for developers.

Future documentation

Detailed guidance for how to apply ready4fun workflow tools has yet to be prepared but will be released in 2022.

5.4.3 - Dissemating citable, documented and quality assured model module libraries

ready4 supports tools to streamline the testing, description and distribution of computational model modules.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4pack library. You can use the following links to:

ready4pack is a toolkit for authoring collections of modules for the ready4 youth mental health systems model and disseminating them as R packages that are:

  • Citable (with a Zenodo generated DOI and an algorithm generated CITATION file);
  • Community-minded (applying deprecation conventions supported by lifecycle);
  • Documented (applying a function self-documenting algorithm that extends sinew, deploying a GitHub pages hosted and pkgdown generated website and authoring PDF manuals stored in a GitHub Release via piggyback);
  • Internally consistent implementing automated checks to ensure consistency in naming conventions, etc;
  • Licensed (via a usethis generated GPL-3 license);
  • Quality assured (using continuous integration via GitHub actions and R-CMD-Check); and
  • Versioned (applying usethis version increments).

ready4pack builds on both third party development workflow tools (such as devtools) and ready4 tools for authoring functions (ready4fun) and classes (ready4class). ready4pack integrates these tools in a common workflow, while adding tools for authoring and documenting R package datasets.

A combination of the ready4_pack_manifest class and author method are used to implement this workflow. This workflow has been used to author all public versions of the ready4 R packages available in the ready4 github repository.



The main class exported as part of ready4pack is readypack_manifest list based ready4 sub-module, that extends the ready4fun_manifest and ready4class_manifest sub-modules.

Typical usage

readypack_manifest sub-module is most efficiently created with the aid of the make_pt_ready4pack_manifest function and combines instances of the ready4fun_manifest and ready4class_constructor sub-modules.

x <- make_pt_ready4pack_manifest(ready4fun::ready4fun_manifest(),
                                 constructor_r3 = ready4class::ready4class_constructor()) %>%

The main method defined for readypack_manifest is author which extends the author method for ready4class_manifest to author a consistently documented R package.

## Not run


Workflow example one

The program to author and document the ready4show package is relatively simple and authors:

Workflow example two

The program to author and document the youthvars package is a bit more complex as it includes syntax to create package datasets. In addition to the package datasets, the algorithm creates content corresponding to the previous example, specifically:

Future documentation

A more detailed guide to using ready4pack will be created in 2023.

6 - Data

To the greatest extent feasible, the data supplied to ready4 modules is accessed and shared via open access data repositories.

6.1 - Finding and using open access data

Tools from the ready4 and ready4use libraries can be used to search for relevant open access data collections and ingest data from these collections.

6.1.1 - Search open access data collections

Online open access data repositories are the preferred storage locations for ready4 model datasets.

The make_datasets_tb function from the ready4 library can be used to create a summary table of the open access datasets we curate in our ready4 Dataverse Collection.

make_datasets_tb("ready4") -> x

One way to inspect this information is to group contents by Dataverse Collections using the print-data function.

           by_dv_1L_lgl = T) %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Dataverse Name Description Creator Datasets
fakes Fake Data For Instruction And Illustration Fake data used to illustrate toolkits developed with the ready4 open science framework. Orygen 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
firstbounce First Bounce A ready4 framework model of platforms. Aims to identify opportunities to improve the efficiency and equity of mental health services. Orygen
ready4fw ready4 Framework A collection of datasets that support implementation of the ready4 framework for open science computational models of mental health systems. Orygen 6
readyforwhatsnext readyforwhatsnext Data collections for the readyforwhatsnext mental health systems model. Orygen 7, 8
springtides Springtides A ready4 framework model of places. Synthesises geometry (boundary, coordinate) and spatial attribute (e.g. population counts, environmental characteristics, service identifier and model coefficients associated with areas) data. Orygen 9
springtolife Spring To Life A ready4 framework model of people. Models the characteristics, behaviours, relationships and outcomes of groups of individuals relevant to policymakers and service planners aiming to improve population mental health. Orygen 10
TTU Transfer to Utility A collection of transfer to utility datasets developed with the ready4 open science framework. Orygen 11

Alternatively, we can itemise individual Dataverse Datasets. When doing so, it makes sense to prepare separate views for toy datasets designed for instruction and real datasets appropriate for use in modelling.

Datasets appropriate for use in modelling projects can be returned by supplying the value “real” to the what_1L_chr argument of print_data.

           what_1L_chr = "real") %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Title Description Dataverse DOI
ready4 Framework Abbreviations and Definitions This dataset contains resources that help ready4 Framework Developers adopt common standards and workflows. ready4fw 10.7910/DVN/RIQTKK
readyforwhatsnext posters A collection of poster summaries about the readyforwhatsnext project and its outputs. readyforwhatsnext 10.7910/DVN/QBZFQV
Australian demographic input parameters for Springtides model Geometry, spatial attribute and metadata inputs for the demographic module of the readyforwhatsnext model. The demographic module is a systems dynamics spatial simulation of area demographic characteristics. The current version of the model is quite rudimentary and is designed to be extended by other models developped with the ready4 open science mental health modelling tools. readyforwhatsnext 10.7910/DVN/JHSCDJ
Springtides reports for Local Government Areas in the North West of Melbourne This dataset is a collection of reports generated by a development version of the Springtides Model Of Places. Each report summarises prevalence projections for a specified mental disorder / mental health condition for a Local Government Area that is wholly or partially within the catchment area of the Orygen youth mental health service in North West Melbourne. As these reports were generated by a development version of the Springtides Model, these projections should be regarded as exploratory. springtides 10.7910/DVN/V3OKZV
Modelling the online helpseeking choice of socially anxious young people

Models to predict the online helpseeking choices of socially anxious young people in Australia and replication code and documentation to implement the discrete choice experiment that generated the models.

All study outputs were created with the aid of the mychoice R package (

springtolife 10.7910/DVN/VGPIPS
Transfer to AQoL-6D Utility Mapping Algorithms Catalogues of models (and the programs that produced them) that can be used in conjunction with the youthu R package to predict AQoL-6D health utility (and thus, derive QALYs) from measures collected in youth mental health services. TTU 10.7910/DVN/DKDIB0

To view toy datasets, instead supply the value “fakes”.

           what_1L_chr = "fakes") %>%
  kableExtra::scroll_box(width = "100%")
Title Description Dataverse DOI
TTU (Transfer to Utility) R package - AQoL-6D vignette output This dataset has been generated from fake data as an instructional aid. It is not to be used to inform decision making. fakes 10.7910/DVN/D74QMP
TTU (Transfer to Utility) R package - EQ-5D vignette output This dataset is provided as a teaching aid. It is the output of tools from the TTU R package, applied to a synthetic dataset (Fake Data) of psychological distress and psychological wellbeing. It is not to be used to support decision-making. fakes 10.7910/DVN/612HDC
Synthetic (fake) youth mental health datasets and data dictionaries The datasets in this collection are entirely fake. They were developed principally to demonstrate the workings of a number of utility scoring and mapping algorithms. However, they may be of more general use to others. In some limited cases, some of the included files could be used in exploratory simulation based analyses. However, you should read the metadata descriptors for each file to inform yourself of the validity and limitations of each fake dataset. To open the RDS format files included in this dataset, the R package ready4use needs to be installed (see ). It is also recommended that you install the youthvars package ( ) as this provides useful tools for inspecting and validating each dataset. fakes 10.7910/DVN/HJXYKQ
ready4use R package vignette output This dataset is provided so that others can compare the output they generate when implementing vignette code with that generated by the authors. fakes 10.7910/DVN/W95KED
Specific R Package - AQoL-6D Vignette Output This dataset is provided so that others can apply the algorithms we have developed, consistent with the principles of the ready4 open science framework for data synthesis and simulation in mental health. fakes 10.7910/DVN/GW7ZKC

6.1.2 - Ingest data from an open access repository

A tutorial from the Acumen website about using ready4 to search and retrieve data from the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse.

This below section renders a R Markdown program from the Acumen website. You can use the following links to:

1. Objectives

On completion of this tutorial you should be able to:

  • Understand basic concepts relating to the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection; and

  • Have the ability to search for, download and ingest files contained in Dataverse Datasets that are linked to by the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection using two alternative approaches;

    • Using a web based interface; and
    • Using R commands.

2. Prerequisites

You can complete most of this tutorial without any specialist skills or software other than having a web-browser connected to the Internet. However, if you wish to try running the R code for finding and downloading files described in the last part of the tutorial, then you must have R (and ideally RStudio as well) installed on your machine. Instructions for how to install this software are available at .

3. Concepts

Before searching for or retrieving data from the Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection, the following concepts are useful to understand:

  • The Dataverse Project is “an open source web application to share, preserve, cite, explore, and analyze research data.” It is developed at Harvard’s Institute for Quantitative Social Science (IQSS). More information about the project is available on the Dataverse Project’s website.

  • There are many Dataverse Installations around the world (85 at the time of writing this tutorial). Each Dataverse Installation is an instance of an organisation installing the Dataverse Project’s software on its own servers to create and manage online data repositories. At the time of writing there is one Australian Dataverse Installation listed on the Dataverse Project’s website, which is the Australian Data Archive.

  • The Harvard Dataverse is a Dataverse Installation that is managed by Harvard University, that is open to researchers from all disciplines from anywhere in the world. More details are available from its website.

  • A Dataverse Collection (frequently and confusingly also referred to as simply a “Dataverse”) is a part of a Dataverse Installation that a user can set up to host multiple “Dataverse Datasets” (see next bullet point). Dataverse Collections typically share common attributes (for example, are in the same topic area or produced by the same group(s) of researchers) and can be branded to a limited degree. Dataverse Collections will also contain descriptive metadata about the purpose and ownership of the collection.

  • A Dataverse Dataset is a uniquely identified collection of files (some of which, again confusingly, can be tabular data files of the type that researchers typically refer to as “datasets”) within a Dataverse Collection. Each Dataverse Dataset will have a name, a Digital Object Identifier, a version number, citation information and details of the licensing/terms of use that apply to its contents.

  • A Linked Dataverse Dataset is a Dataverse Dataset that appears in a Dataverse Collection’s list of contents without actually being in that Dataverse Collection (it is hosted in another Dataverse Collection and is potentially owned and controlled by another user).

  • The Australian Mental Health Systems Models Dataverse Collection (which we will refer to as “our Dataverse Collection”) is a Dataverse Collection of Linked Dataverse Datasets within the Harvard Dataverse. We established our Dataverse Collection in the Harvard Dataverse because of the robustness and flexibility that this service provides. A factor in our choice of the Harvard Dataverse was that the aim of our Dataverse Collection is to promote easy access to non-confidential data relevant to modelling Australian mental health policy and service planning topics. The non-confidential nature of the data means that the additional administrative requirements that some other Dataverse Installations place on users were potentially unnecessary for our specific purposes. As a collection of Linked Dataverse Datasets, our Dataverse Collection can be used by modelling groups as both a centralised location to find relevant data and as an additional promotion / distribution channel to share Dataverse Datasets from their own Harvard Dataverse Collections without surrendering any control over the management of their data (they continue to curate their Dataverse Dataset and can modify Dataverse Dataset contents, metadata and terms of use as they see fit).

3. Search and download dataset files

There are multiple options for searching and downloading files contained in our Dataverse Collection. This tutorial will discuss just two - one based on using a web browser and the other based on using R commands. For details on other options, it is recommended to consult the Harvard Dataverse user guide and (for more technical readers) api guide.

3.1. Web browser approach

Searching and retriving data from our Dataverse Collection via a web-browser is very simple, and this methods is suitable for low volume requests (i.e. occasional use) where reproducibility is not important.

To find and download data using your web browser, implement the following steps:

  • Go to our Dataverse Collection at

  • Search for the Linked Dataverse Dataset most of interest to you by using the tools provided on the landing page.

  • Click on the link to your selected Dataverse Dataset. Note that by doing so you will leave our Dataverse Collection and be taken to the Dataverse Collection controlled by the Dataverse Dataset’s owner.

  • (Optional) - Click on the “Metadata”, “Terms” and “Versions” tabs or (if available) the Related Publication links to discover more about the dataset. When you are done, click on the “Files” tab to review the files contained in the Dataverse Dataset.

  • Select the files that you wish to download using the checkboxes and click on the “Download” button.

  • When prompted, review any terms of use you are presented with and either accept them or cancel the download as you feel appropriate.

More detail on some of the above steps is available in the following section of the Harvard Dataverse user guide:

3.2 Using R commands

Some limitations of relying purely on a web-browser are that it is a purely manual approach that can become inefficient for large number of data requests and which is not reproducible (thereby limiting transparency about the specific data items / versions used in an analysis). It can therefore be desirable to explore alternatives that are based on programming commands. Programmatic approaches have the advantage of being more readily incorporated into automated and reproducible workflows.

There are a range of software tools in different languages that can be used to programmatically search and retrieve files in Dataverse Collections. More information on these resources on a dedicated page within the Dataverse Project’s documentation.

One of these tools is dataverse - “the R Client for Dataverse Repositories”. The dataverse R package has a range of functions that are very helpful for general tasks relating to the search and retrieval of files contained in Dataverse Datasets. These functions are not the focus of this tutorial, but you can read more about them on the [packages documentation website]((

The remainder of this tutorial is focused on the use of another R package called ready4use which created by Orygen to help manage open-source data for use in mental health models. The ready4use R package extends the dataverse R package and one of its applications is to ingest R objects stored in Dataverse Datasets in the “.Rds” file format directly into an R Session’s working memory. More information about ready4use is available on its documentation website.

3.2.1 Install and load required R packages

As ready4use is still a development package, you may need to first install the devtools package to help install it. The following commands entered in your R console will do this.


We now load the ready4use package and the ready4 framework for youth mental health modelling that it depends on. The ready4 framework will have been automatically installed along with ready4use.

3.2.2 Specify repository details

The next step is to create a Ready4useRepos object, which in this example we will call X, that contains the details of the Dataverse Dataset from which we wish to retrieve R objects. We need to supply three pieces of information to Ready4useRepos. Two of these items of information will be the same for any data item retrieved from our Dataverse Collection and are the Dataverse Collection identifier (which for us is “openmind”) and the server on which the containing Dataverse Installation is hosted (in our case “”). The one item of information that will vary based on your requirements is the name / identifier (DOI) of the Dataverse Dataset from which we wish to retrieve data. In this example we are using the DOI for the “Synthetic (fake) youth mental health datasets and data dictionaries” Dataverse Dataset.

X <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "openmind",
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "",
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "")

Having supplied the details of where the data is stored we can now ingest the data we are interested in. We can either ingest all R object in the selected Dataverse Dataset or just objects that we specify. By default R objects are ingested along with their metadata, but we can choose not to ingest the metadata.

3.2.3 Ingest all R objects from a Dataverse Dataset along with its metadata

To ingest all R objects in the dataset, we enter the following command.

Y <- ingest(X)

We can now create separate list objects for the ingested data and its metadata.

data_ls <- procureSlot(Y,"b_Ready4useIngest@objects_ls")
meta_ls <- procureSlot(Y,"a_Ready4usePointer@b_Ready4useRepos@dv_ds_metadata_ls$ds_ls")

We can itemise the data objects we have ingested with the following command.

#> [1] "eq5d_ds_dict"         "eq5d_ds_tb"           "ymh_clinical_dict_r3"
#> [4] "ymh_clinical_tb"

We can also see what metadata fields we have ingested.

#>  [1] "id"                  "datasetId"           "datasetPersistentId"
#>  [4] "storageIdentifier"   "versionNumber"       "versionMinorNumber" 
#>  [7] "versionState"        "lastUpdateTime"      "releaseTime"        
#> [10] "createTime"          "termsOfUse"          "fileAccessRequest"  
#> [13] "metadataBlocks"      "files"

There can be a lot of useful information contained in this metadata list object. For example, we can retrieve descriptive information about the Dataverse Dataset from which we have ingested data.

#> [1] "The datasets in this collection are entirely fake. They were developed principally to demonstrate the workings of a number of utility scoring and mapping algorithms. However, they may be of more general use to others. In some limited cases, some of the included files could be used in exploratory simulation based analyses. However, you should read the metadata descriptors for each file to inform yourself of the validity and limitations of each fake dataset. To open the RDS format files included in this dataset, the R package ready4use needs to be installed (see ). It is also recommended that you install the youthvars package ( as this provides useful tools for inspecting and validating each dataset."

The metadata also contains descriptive information on each file in the Dataverse Dataset.

#> [1] "A synthetic (fake) dataset representing clients in an Australian primary youth mental health service. This dataset was generated from parameter values derived from a sample of 1107 clients of headspace services using a script that is also included in this dataset. The purpose of this synthetic dataset was to allow the replication code for a utility mapping study (see: to be run by those lacking access to the original dataset. The dataset may also have some limited value as an input dataset for purely exploratory studies in simulation studies of headspace clients, as its source dataset was reasonably representative of the headpace client population. However, it should be noted that the algorithm that generated this dataset only captures aspects of the joint distributions of the psychological and health utility measures. Other sample characteristic variables (age, gender, etc) are only representative of the source dataset when considered in isolation, rather than jointly."

3.2.4 Ingest all R objects from a Dataverse Dataset without metadata

If we wished to ingest only the R objects without metadata, we could have simply run the following command.

data_2_ls <- ingest(X,
                    metadata_1L_lgl = F)

We can see that this ingest is identical to that made using the previous method.

identical(data_ls, data_2_ls)
#> [1] TRUE

3.2.5 Ingest selected R objects

If we only want to ingest one specific object, we can supply its name.

ymh_clinical_tb <- ingest(X,
                          fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb"),
                          metadata_1L_lgl = F)

The output from an object specific call to the ingest method is the requested object.

ymh_clinical_tb %>%
#> # A tibble: 6 × 43
#>   fkClientID    round  d_interv…¹ d_age d_gen…² d_sex…³ d_sex…⁴ d_ATSI d_cou…⁵
#>   <chr>         <fct>  <date>     <int> <chr>   <chr>   <fct>   <chr>  <chr>  
#> 1 Participant_1 Basel… 2020-03-22    14 Male    Male    Hetero… No     Austra…
#> 2 Participant_2 Basel… 2020-06-15    19 Female  Female  Hetero… Yes    Other  
#> 3 Participant_3 Basel… 2020-08-20    21 Female  Female  Other   NA     NA     
#> 4 Participant_4 Basel… 2020-05-23    12 Female  Female  Hetero… Yes    Other  
#> 5 Participant_5 Basel… 2020-04-05    19 Male    Male    Hetero… Yes    Other  
#> 6 Participant_6 Basel… 2020-06-09    19 Male    Male    Hetero… Yes    Other  
#> # … with 34 more variables: d_english_home <chr>, d_english_native <chr>,
#> #   d_studying_working <chr>, d_relation_s <chr>, s_centre <chr>,
#> #   c_p_diag_s <chr>, c_clinical_staging_s <chr>, k6_total <int>,
#> #   phq9_total <int>, bads_total <int>, gad7_total <int>, oasis_total <int>,
#> #   scared_total <int>, c_sofas <int>, aqol6d_q1 <int>, aqol6d_q2 <int>,
#> #   aqol6d_q3 <int>, aqol6d_q4 <int>, aqol6d_q5 <int>, aqol6d_q6 <int>,
#> #   aqol6d_q7 <int>, aqol6d_q8 <int>, aqol6d_q9 <int>, aqol6d_q10 <int>, …

We can also request to ingest multiple specified objects from a Dataverse Dataset.

data_3_ls <- ingest(X,
                    fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb","ymh_clinical_dict_r3"),
                    metadata_1L_lgl = F)

This last request produces a list of ingested objects.

#> [1] "ymh_clinical_dict_r3" "ymh_clinical_tb"

6.2 - Authoring model data

The ready4use R package provides tools for supplying data to youth mental health computational models.

6.2.1 - Share data via online repositories

The retrieval and dissemination of data from online data repositories is an essential enabler of open source modelling. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to manage this process.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4use library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

ready4use includes a number of tools for sharing data used in conjunction with the ready4 open source model of youth mental health systems.

Identify data to be shared

To illustrate how to share data using ready4use classes and methods, we will first need some data to publish. In this example, we are going to share X, a Ready4useDyad (a data structure explained in another vignette) that we can create using data ingested from an online repository.

objects_ls <- ingest(Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                                    dv_server_1L_chr = "",
                                    gh_repo_1L_chr = "ready4-dev/ready4",
                                    gh_tag_1L_chr = "Documentation_0.0"),
                     fls_to_ingest_chr = c("ymh_clinical_tb","ymh_clinical_dict_r3"),
                     metadata_1L_lgl = F)
X <- Ready4useDyad(ds_tb = objects_ls$ymh_clinical_tb,
                   dictionary_r3 = objects_ls$ymh_clinical_dict_r3) %>%

Share data

We now specify where we plan to publish X in Y, a Ready4useRepos object (described in another vignette). Note, you must have write permissions to the repositories you specify in this step. The values entered in this example (the dataset from the fakes dataverse will not work for you).

Y <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes", # Replace with values for a dataverse & dataset for which
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "", #  you have write permissions.
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "")

We can now upload X to our preferred data repository using the share method. By default, if more than one data repository was specified in Y, then the dataverse repository will be preferred when sharing. We can overwrite this default by passing either “prefer_gh” or “all” values to the type_1L_chr argument. The Ready4useDyad object is now available for download at

Y <- share(Y,
           obj_to_share_xx = X,
           fl_nm_1L_chr = "ymh_clinical_dyad_r4",
           description_1L_chr = "An example of a Ready4useDyad - a dataset (clinical youth mental health, AQoL-6D) and data dictionary pair. Note this example uses fake data.")

6.2.2 - Add a data dictionary to a dataset

Pairing a dataset with its dictionary makes it easier to interpret. This tutorial describes how a module from the ready4use R package can help you to pair a dataset and its dictionary.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4use library. You can use the following links to:

Note: This vignette is illustrated with fake data. The dataset explored in this example should not be used to inform decision-making.

ready4use includes a number of tools for labeling data used in conjunction with the ready4 open source model of youth mental health systems.

Create a dataset-dictionary pair

A data dictionary containts useful metadata about a dataset. We can ingest examples of a fake dataset and its data-dictionary using the method explained in another vignette.

objects_ls <- Ready4useRepos(dv_nm_1L_chr = "fakes",
                    dv_ds_nm_1L_chr = "",
                    dv_server_1L_chr = "") %>%
  ingest(metadata_1L_lgl = F)

Importantly (and a requirement for subsequent steps), the data dictionary we ingest is a ready4use_dictionary object.

#> [1] "ready4use_dictionary" "ready4_dictionary"    "tbl_df"              
#> [4] "tbl"                  "data.frame"

We can now pair the data dictionary with its dataset in a new object X, a Ready4useDyad.

X <- Ready4useDyad(ds_tb = objects_ls$eq5d_ds_tb,
                   dictionary_r3 = objects_ls$eq5d_ds_dict)

Inspect data

We can inspect X by printing selected information about it to console using the exhibit method. If we only wish to see the first or last few records, we can pass “head” or “tail” to the display_1L_chr argument.

         display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
uid Timepoint data_collection_dtm d_age Gender d_sex_birth_s d_sexual_ori_s d_relation_s d_ATSI CALD Region d_studying_working eq5dq_MO eq5dq_SC eq5dq_UA eq5dq_PD eq5dq_AD K10_int Psych_well_int
1 BL 2019-10-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual In a relationship No No Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 1 2 11 87
2 BL 2019-10-17 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 1 2 1 1 1 14 65
2 FUP 2020-02-14 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 3 1 1 1 1 10 71
3 BL 2020-02-15 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 3 1 1 13 74
3 FUP 2020-06-14 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 2 1 1 10 64
4 BL 2019-12-14 12 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 3 1 18 40

The dataset may be more meaningful if variables are labelled using the descriptive information from the data dictionary. This can be accomplished using the renew method.

X <- renew(X,
           type_1L_chr = "label")
        display_1L_chr = "head",
         scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Unique identifier Data collection round Date of data collection Age Gender (grouped) Sex at birth Sexual orientation Relationship status Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Culturally And Linguistically Diverse Region of residence (metropolitan or regional) Education and employment status EQ5D - Mobility domain score EQ5D - Self-Care domain score EQ5D - Usual Activities domain score EQ5D - Pain / Discomfort domain score EQ5D - Anxiety / Depression domain score Kessler Psychological Distress - 10 Item Total Score Overall Wellbeing Measure (Winefield et al. 2012)
1 BL 2019-10-22 14 Male Male Heterosexual In a relationship No No Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 1 2 11 87
2 BL 2019-10-17 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 1 2 1 1 1 14 65
2 FUP 2020-02-14 19 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Regional Studying only 3 1 1 1 1 10 71
3 BL 2020-02-15 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 3 1 1 13 74
3 FUP 2020-06-14 21 Female Female Other Not in a relationship NA NA Metro Studying only 1 1 2 1 1 10 64
4 BL 2019-12-14 12 Female Female Heterosexual In a relationship Yes Yes Metro Not studying or working 1 1 1 3 1 18 40

To remove dataset labels, use the renew method with “unlabel” passed to the type_1L_chr argument.

X <- renew(X,
           type_1L_chr = "unlabel")

By default, the exhibit method will print the dataset part of the Ready4useDyad instance. To inspect the data dictionary, pass “dict” to the type_1L_chr argument.

        display_1L_chr = "head",
        type_1L_chr = "dict",
        scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%"))
Data Dictionary
Variable Category Description Class
CALD demographic Culturally And Linguistically Diverse factor
d_age demographic age integer
d_ATSI demographic Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander character
d_relation_s demographic relationship status character
d_sex_birth_s demographic sex at birth character
d_sexual_ori_s demographic sexual orientation factor

7.1 - Decision aids

Decision aids provide user interfaces that make it easy to generate practical insight from ready4.

7.1.1 - Predicting the spatial epidemiology of emerging mental disorders

We previously developed a user interface for the epidemiology modules of our Springtides model of places.

The Springtides app reproduced below is currently deprecated, pending a new version to be released in 2023. We don’t encourage use of this app to inform decision making as the input data has become dated and the current web based version often fails if generating large / or customised geometries. The app is reproduced below purely for illustrative purposes. If you try it out, we recommend that you only select the default type of geometry (“Select from a menu of existing options”) as the web version is not configured to render all bar the simplest custom geometries. To use the app you need to first confirm your selections in the “Where” tab, before confirming selections from the “What” box, then from the “Who” box and finally the “When” box before an orange box appears that gives you the option to generate a report. When trying this app out, we recommend keeping the number of simulations low (e.g. 10) as it takes several minutes for even small numbers of runs to execute.

7.2 - Code to reproduce and/or replicate scientific studies

The code used when applying ready4 to a number of real world youth mental health policy and research projects is publicly available.

7.2.1 - Model youth choices

Replication programs for designing, analysing and reporting discrete choice experiments. - Design a Discrete Choice Experiment

We used functions (soon to be formalised into ready4 modules) from the mychoice R package to design to a discrete choice experiment.

This below section embeds a PDF version of an R Markdown program. The following alternative options may provide improved viewing experience, more contextual information and access to more useful code formats: - Analyse the results of a Discrete Choice Experiment

Using functions (soon to be formalised into ready4 framework modules) from the mychoice R package, it is possible to develop choice models from responses to a discrete choice experiment survey.

This below section embeds a PDF version of an R Markdown program. The following alternative options may provide improved viewing experience, more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:

7.2.2 - Create synthetic populations

Replication programs for constructing synthetic populations. - Create a synthetic population of young people attending primary mental health services

We created a basic synthetic dataset of to represent a clinical youth mental health sample.

This below section renders an R Markdown program. The following alternative options may provide improved viewing experience, more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:


This program generates a purely synthetic (i.e. fake - no trace of any real records) population that is reasonably representative of the input data we used for the utility mapping study described in the article

No access to the real data is required in order to use this program - it is based on summary statistics (e.g. means and standard deviations of variables, correlation matrices). It should be noted however, that a different (and simpler) workflow can be implemented when you do have access to the source dataset (for example, by using the syn function from the synthpop package).

The output of this program is very similar but not identical to a fake dataset created by an earlier version of this program and which is saved in the “ymh_clinical_dict_r3.RDS” file from the data repository.

Install required R packages

If you do not have the following packages already installed, uncomment and run the following lines.

# install.packages("faux")
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/ready4) 
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/youthvars) 
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/scorz) 
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/specific") 
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/TTU")
# devtools::install_github("ready4-dev/youthu")

Load the ready4 framework package.

Specify parameters to generate outcome fake data

AQoL item response parameters

The first set of input data are the proportions for each allowed response for each of the twenty AQOL-6D questions at both baseline and followup.

aqol_items_prpns_tbs_ls <- list(bl_answer_props_tb = tibble::tribble(
    ~Question, ~Answer_1, ~Answer_2, ~Answer_3, ~Answer_4, ~Answer_5, ~Answer_6,
    "Q1", 0.35, 0.38, 0.16, 0.03, NA_real_,100, # Check item 5 in real data.
    "Q2", 0.28, 0.38, 0.18, 0.08, 0.04,100,
    "Q3", 0.78, 0.18, 0.03, 0.01, 0.0, 100,
    "Q4", 0.64, 0.23, 0.09, 0.0, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q5", 0.3, 0.48, 0.12, 0.05, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q6", 0.33, 0.48, 0.15, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_,
    "Q7", 0.44, 0.27, 0.11, 100, NA_real_, NA_real_,
    "Q8", 0.18, 0.29, 0.23, 0.21, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q9", 0.07, 0.27, 0.19, 0.37, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q10", 0.04, 0.15, 0.4, 0.25, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q11", 0.03, 0.13, 0.52, 0.25, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q12", 0.06, 0.21, 0.25, 0.34, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q13", 0.05, 0.25, 0.31, 0.28, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q14", 0.05, 0.3, 0.34, 0.25, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q15", 0.57, 0.25, 0.12, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_,
    "Q16", 0.48, 0.42, 0.06, 100, NA_real_, NA_real_,
    "Q17", 0.44, 0.3, 0.16, 0.07, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q18", 0.33, 0.38, 0.25, 0.04, 0.0, 100,
    "Q19", 0.33, 0.49, 0.16, 0.02, 0.0, 100,
    "Q20", 0.67, 0.21, 0.02, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_),
    fup_answer_props_tb = tibble::tribble(
    ~Question, ~Answer_1, ~Answer_2, ~Answer_3, ~Answer_4, ~Answer_5, ~Answer_6,
    "Q1", 0.51, 0.33, 0.12, 0.02, NA_real_, 100,
    "Q2", 0.36, 0.38, 0.16, 0.06, 0.02,100,
    "Q3", 0.81, 0.15, 0.04, 0.00, 0.0, 100,
    "Q4", 0.73, 0.18, 0.09, 0.0, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q5", 0.36, 0.42, 0.12, 0.05, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q6", 0.48, 0.40, 0.11, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_,
    "Q7", 0.57, 0.25, 0.09, 100, NA_real_, NA_real_,
    "Q8", 0.31, 0.33, 0.17, 0.12, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q9", 0.13, 0.35, 0.19, 0.23, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q10", 0.1, 0.21, 0.43, 0.16, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q11", 0.06, 0.25, 0.48, 0.18, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q12", 0.08, 0.27, 0.26, 0.25, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q13", 0.07, 0.37, 0.31, 0.19, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q14", 0.08, 0.37, 0.34, 0.15, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q15", 0.62, 0.23, 0.09, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_,
    "Q16", 0.52, 0.40, 0.06, 100, NA_real_, NA_real_,
    "Q17", 0.51, 0.28, 0.15, 0.06, 100, NA_real_,
    "Q18", 0.37, 0.35, 0.25, 0.03, 0.0, 100,
    "Q19", 0.43, 0.40, 0.16, 0.01, 0.0, 100,
    "Q20", 0.77, 0.21, 0.02, 100, NA_real_,NA_real_)) %>%

Outcome variable correlation parameters

First we specify the names of variables we will be creating as outcome variables.

var_names_chr <- c("aqol6d_total_w","phq9_total","bads_total",

The next step is to specify the correlations between outcome variables (variables assumed to be ordered as in previous step) at baseline and follow-up timepoints.

cor_mat_ls <- list(matrix(c(1,-0.78,0.72,-0.67,-0.71,-0.65,-0.67,

We now specify the univariate distribution parameters for each of the outcome variables.

synth_data_spine_ls <- list(cor_mat_ls = cor_mat_ls,
                            nbr_obs_dbl = c(1068,643),
                            timepoint_nms_chr = c("BL","FUP"),
                            means_ls = list(c(0.6,12.8,78.2, 10.4,8.1,34.2,12.2),
                                            c(0.7,9.8,89.4, 7.9,6.3,28.8,9.8)),
                            sds_ls = list(c(0.2,6.6,24.8,5.7,4.7,17.9,5.8),
                            missing_ls = list(c(0,4,10,6,7,7,4),
                            min_max_ls = list(c(0.03,1),
                            discrete_lgl = c(F,rep(T,6)),
                            var_names_chr = var_names_chr,
                            aqol_tots_var_nms_chr = c(cumulative = "aqol6d_total_c",
                                                      weighted = "aqol6d_total_w")) 

Generate fake data

Create fake outcome variable datasets

We now use the parameters we have just specified to create baseline and follow-up datasets with fake data for our nominated outcome variables.

aqol_scores_pars_ls <- list(means_dbl = c(44.5,40.6), 
                            sds_dbl = c(9.9,9.8),
                            corr_dbl = -0.95)
aqol6d_adol_pop_tbs_ls <- aqol_items_prpns_tbs_ls %>%
  scorz::make_aqol6d_adol_pop_tbs_ls(aqol_scores_pars_ls = aqol_scores_pars_ls,
                                     series_names_chr =  c("bl_outcomes_tb",
                                     synth_data_spine_ls = synth_data_spine_ls,
                                     temporal_cors_ls = list(aqol6d_total_w = 0.85))
#> Joining, by = c("id", "match_var_chr")
#> Joining, by = "id"
#> Joining, by = c("id", "match_var_chr")
#> Joining, by = "id"

Create fake descriptive variables

We now specify the names and statistical parameters of the variables we will be using in descriptive statistics. For this analysis we are not interested in capturing the joint distribution between these variables, so we only use univariate parameters.

descriptives_BL_tb <- tibble::tibble(fkClientID = aqol6d_adol_pop_tbs_ls$bl_outcomes_tb$fkClientID,
                                     round = c(1) ,
                                     d_age = rnorm(1068,18.1,3.3) %>% 
                                       purrr::map_dbl(~min(.x,25) %>% 
                                     d_gender = c(rep(1,653),
                                                  rep(NA_real_,17)) %>% 
                                       specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                                       factor(labels = c("Female","Male","Other")),
                                     d_sexual_ori_s = c(rep(1,738),
                                                        rep(NA_real_,41)) %>% 
                                       specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                                       factor(labels = c("Straight","Other")),
                                     Region = c(rep(1,671),
                                                rep(2,397)) %>% 
                                       specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                                       factor(labels = c("Metro","Regional")),
                                     CALD = c(rep(T,759),
                                              rep(NA,140)) %>% 
                                     d_studying_working = c(rep(1,405),
                                                            rep(NA_real_,32)) %>% 
                                       specific::scramble_xx() %>% 
                                       factor(labels = c("Studying only",
                                                         "Working only",
                                                         "Studying and working",
                                                         "Not studying or working")),
                                     c_p_diag_s = c(rep(1,182),
                                                    rep(NA_real_,53)) %>% 
                                       specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                         factor(labels = c("Depression", "Anxiety","Depression and Anxiety", "Other")),
                         c_clinical_staging_s = c(rep(1,625),
                                                  rep(NA_real_,31)) %>% 
                           specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                           factor(labels = c("0-1a","1b","2-4")),
                         c_sofas = c(rnorm(1068-30,65.2,9.5),
                                     rep(NA_real_,30)) %>% 
                           purrr::map_dbl(~min(.x,100) %>% 
                                            max(0)) %>% 
                         s_centre = NA_character_, 
                         d_agegroup = NA_character_, 
                         d_sex_birth_s = NA_character_, 
                         d_country_bir_s = NA_character_,
                         d_ATSI = NA_character_,
                         d_english_home = NA, 
                         d_english_native = NA, 
                         d_relation_s = c(rep(1,325),
                                          rep(NA_real_,31)) %>% 
                           specific::scramble_xx() %>%
                           factor(labels = c("REPLACE_ME_1",
                                             "REPLACE_ME_3")))  %>%
  dplyr::mutate(d_sex_birth_s = dplyr::case_when( ~ NA_integer_,
                                                 as.integer(d_gender) %in% 
                                                   c(1L,2L) & 
                                                   runif(1068)>0.995 ~ as.integer(d_gender) %>%
                                                   purrr::map_int(~ ifelse(, 
                                                 as.integer(d_gender) == 3 ~ sample(c(1L,2L), 
                                                                                    replace = T),
                                                 TRUE ~ as.integer(d_gender)
                                                 ) %>%
                  factor(labels = c("Female","Male")))
#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'ggalt':
#>   method                  from   
#>   grid.draw.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
#>   grobHeight.absoluteGrob ggplot2
#>   grobWidth.absoluteGrob  ggplot2
#>   grobX.absoluteGrob      ggplot2
#>   grobY.absoluteGrob      ggplot2#> Registered S3 methods overwritten by 'rmutil':
#>   method         from 
#>   plot.residuals psych
#>   print.response httrdescriptives_FUP_tb <- descriptives_BL_tb %>% 
  dplyr::filter(fkClientID %in% 
                  aqol6d_adol_pop_tbs_ls$fup_outcomes_tb$fkClientID) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(round = 2,
                d_age = d_age + 0.25,
                Region = Region %>% 
                d_studying_working = d_studying_working %>%
                c_p_diag_s = c_p_diag_s %>% 
                c_clinical_staging_s = c_clinical_staging_s %>% 
                c_sofas = c_sofas + rnorm(643,4.7,10) %>% 
                         purrr::map_dbl(~min(.x,100) %>% max(0)))
bl_tb <- dplyr::inner_join(descriptives_BL_tb,
#> Joining, by = "fkClientID"fup_tb <- dplyr::inner_join(descriptives_FUP_tb,
#> Joining, by = "fkClientID"

We make some adjustments to ensure that the c_sofas variable is correlated with our aqol6d_total_w variable at both baseline and follow-up.

bl_tb <- bl_tb %>%
  dplyr::mutate(c_sofas = faux::rnorm_pre(bl_tb$aqol6d_total_w %>% 
                                          mu = 65.2, 
                                          sd = 9.5, 
                                          r = 0.5, 
                                          empirical = T) %>% 
                  purrr::map_dbl(~min(.x,100) %>% max(0)))
fup_tb <- fup_tb %>%
  dplyr::mutate(c_sofas = faux::rnorm_pre(fup_tb$aqol6d_total_w %>% 
                                          mu = 69.9, 
                                          sd = 10, 
                                          r = 0.5, 
                                          empirical = T) %>% 
                  purrr::map_dbl(~min(.x,100) %>% max(0)))

Combine datasets

We now add the fake outcome variables dataset to the fake descriptive variables dataset.

composite_tb <- dplyr::bind_rows(bl_tb, fup_tb) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(d_age = floor(d_age)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(d_gender = d_gender %>% as.character() %>%
                                         sample(c("Genderqueer/gender nonconforming/agender",
                s_centre = Region %>% as.character() %>%
                                         "Regional Centre")),
                d_country_bir_s = CALD %>%
                       d_ATSI = CALD %>%
                       d_english_home = CALD %>%
                       d_english_native = CALD %>%
                ) %>%
  dplyr::select(-CALD) %>%
composite_tb <- composite_tb %>%
composite_tb <- composite_tb %>%
  dplyr::mutate(c_sofas = as.integer(round(c_sofas,0))) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(round = factor(round, labels = c("Baseline",
                                                 "Follow-up"))) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(d_relation_s = dplyr::case_when(d_relation_s %in% 
                                                  c("REPLACE_ME_1","REPLACE_ME_2") ~ 
                                                  "Not in a relationship",
                                                T ~ "In a relationship")) %>%
  youthu::add_dates_from_dstr(bl_start_date_dtm = Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(600),##
                              bl_end_date_dtm = Sys.Date() - lubridate::days(420),
                              duration_args_ls = list(a = 60, b = 140, mean = 90, sd = 10),
                              duration_fn = truncnorm::rtruncnorm,
                              date_var_nm_1L_chr = "d_interview_date") %>%
  dplyr::select(-duration_prd) %>%
  youthvars::transform_raw_ds_for_analysis() %>%
  dplyr::rename(phq9_total = PHQ9,
                bads_total = BADS,
                gad7_total = GAD7,
                oasis_total = OASIS,
                scared_total = SCARED,
                k6_total = K6,
                c_sofas = SOFAS) %>%
  dplyr::select(-c("d_agegroup","Gender", "CALD", "Region"))

7.2.3 - Model health utility

Replication programs for developing, finding and applying utility mapping algorithms. - Develop health utility mapping algorithms

Using modules from the TTU, youthvars, scorz and specific libraries, we developed utility mapping algorithms from a sample of young people attending primary mental health care services.

This below section embeds a PDF version of an R Markdown program. The following alternative options may provide improved viewing experience, more contextual information and access to more useful code formats: - Predict health utility

Using functions (soon to be formalised into ready4 framework modules) from the youthu R package, we predicted health utility for a synthetic population of young people attending primary mental health care services.

This below section embeds a PDF version of an R Markdown program. The following alternative options may provide improved viewing experience, more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:

7.3 - Subroutine templates for authoring analysis reports

Sub-routine programs can be used to automatically generate standardised reports of analyses undertaken with ready4.

7.3.1 - Make a catalogue of utility mapping models

A subroutine for generating catalogues of utility mapping models created with the TTU library.

This below section reproduces the README file of an R Markdown sub-routine. The following alternative options may provide more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:


Markdown files to create utility mapping (transfer to utility) model catalogues


7.3.2 - Author a template scientific manuscript

A template subroutine for generating a scientific manuscript for use with the ready4show library.

ms_tmpl: Generate a template scientific manuscript


7.3.3 - Author a draft scientific manuscript for a utility mapping study

A subroutine for generating a scientific manuscript of a longitudinal utility mapping study undertaken with the TTU library.

This below section reproduces the README file of an R Markdown sub-routine. The following alternative options may provide more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:

Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study

This sub-routine program extends the R package TTU ( by providing a toolkit for automatically authoring a first draft of a scientific manuscript from results generated by TTU functions.

The program is intended for use and as the last component of TTU’s reporting workflow for longitudinal modelling projects. An example of this workflow is available at: . This program generalises a program that produced the manuscript for a real world study (

The program can produce manuscripts in PDF / LaTex (example - and Word (example - It should be noted that the Word output requires some manual editing to adapt section numbering, modify table headers and resize tables to page boundaries.

There are two suggested workflows to further develop the algorithm-authored first draft into something that could be submitted for publication:

Suggested citation (bibTeX):

@software{hamilton_matthew_2022_6931146, author = {Hamilton, Matthew and Gao, Caroline}, title = {{ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study}}, month = jul, year = 2022, note = {{Matthew Hamilton and Caroline Gao (2022). ttu_lng_ss: Create a Draft Scientific Manuscript For A Utility Mapping Study. Zenodo. Version}}, publisher = {Zenodo}, version = {}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.5976987}, url = {} }


7.3.4 - Make results summary for a Discrete Choice Experiment

A subroutine for a summary of the main results from a Discrete Choice Experiment implemented with the mychoice library.

This below section reproduces the README file of an R Markdown sub-routine. The following alternative options may provide more contextual information and access to more useful code formats:

Report results from a Discrete Choice Experiment implemented with the mychoice R package.

Suggested citation (bibTeX):

@software{hamilton_matthew_2022_6931146, author = {Hamilton, Matthew}, title = {{mychoice_results: Report results from a Discrete Choice Experiment implemented with the mychoice R package}}, month = nov, year = 2022, note = {{Matthew Hamilton (2022). mychoice_results: Report results from a Discrete Choice Experiment implemented with the mychoice R package. Zenodo. Version}}, version = {}, doi = {10.5281/zenodo.7297904}, url = {} }


7.4 - Authoring reproducible analyses

Tools from the ready4show R package support authoring of programs and subroutines to implement and report analyses with ready4.

7.4.1 - Authoring scientific manuscripts

Tools from the ready4show R package support authoring of scientific summaries of analyses with ready4.

This below section renders a vignette article from the ready4show library. You can use the following links to:


Open science workflows should ideally span an unbroken chain between data-ingest to production of a scientific summary such as a manuscript. Such extensive workflows provide an explicit means of linking all content in a scientific summary with the analysis that it reports.


ready4show includes a number of classes and methods that help integrate manuscript authoring into a reproducible workflow. These tools are principally intended for use with the ready4 youth mental health system model.

Create a synopsis of the manuscript to be authored

To start with we create X, an instance of Ready4showSynopsis, a ready4 module (S4 class). We can use X to record metadata about the manuscript to be authored (including details about the study being summarised and the title and format of the intended output).

X <- Ready4showSynopsis(background_1L_chr = "Our study is entirely fictional.",
                        coi_1L_chr = "None declared.",
                        conclusion_1L_chr = "These fake results are not interesting.",
                        digits_int = 3L,
                        ethics_1L_chr = "The study was reviewed and granted approval by Awesome University's Human Research Ethics Committee (1111111.1).",
                        funding_1L_chr = "The study was funded by Generous Benefactor.",
                        interval_chr = "three months",
                        keywords_chr = c("entirely","fake","do", "not","cite"),
                        outp_formats_chr = "PDF",
                        sample_desc_1L_chr = "The study sample is fake data that pretends to be young people aged 12 to 25 years who attended Australian primary care services for mental health related needs between November 2019 to August 2020.",
                        title_1L_chr = "A hypothetical study using fake data")

Add authorship details

Authorship details can be added to slots of X that contain ready4show_authors and ready4show_instututes ready4 sub-modules.

As we can see from the below call to exhibitSlot, X was created with no authorship information.

            scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
First-name Middle-name Last-name Title Qualifications Institutes Sequence Position Corresponding Email Joint-first

We can add details on each author by repeated calls to the renewSlot method.

X <- renewSlot(X,
          first_nm_chr = "Alejandra",
          middle_nm_chr = "Rocio",
          last_nm_chr = "Scienceace",
          title_chr = "Dr",
          qualifications_chr = "MD, PhD",
          institute_chr = "Institute_A, Institute_B",
          sequence_int = 1,
          is_corresponding_lgl = T,
          email_chr = "") %>%
            first_nm_chr = "Fionn",
            middle_nm_chr = "Seamus",
            last_nm_chr = "Researchchamp",
            title_chr = "Prof",
            qualifications_chr = "MSc, PhD",
            institute_chr = "Institute_C, Institute_B",
            sequence_int = 2,
            email_chr = "") 

The updated authorship table can now be inspected.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
First-name Middle-name Last-name Title Qualifications Institutes Sequence Position Corresponding Email Joint-first
Alejandra Rocio Scienceace Dr MD, PhD Institute_A, Institute_B 1 TRUE \ NA
Fionn Seamus Researchchamp Prof MSc, PhD Institute_C, Institute_B 2 NA \ NA

We now need to add additional information for each author institute.

X <- renewSlot(X,
          short_name_chr = "Institute_A", 
          long_name_chr = "Awesome University, Shanghai") %>%
            short_name_chr = "Institute_B", 
            long_name_chr = "August Institution, London") %>%
            new_val_xx = "use_renew_mthd",
            short_name_chr = "Institute_C", 
            long_name_chr = "Highly Ranked Uni, Montreal")

The updated institutes table can now be inspected.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) 
Reference Name
Institute_A Awesome University, Shanghai
Institute_B August Institution, London
Institute_C Highly Ranked Uni, Montreal

Add correspondences

We can also add a look-up table about any changes we wish to make from the analysis code of how names of variables / parameters are presented in the manuscript text.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               old_nms_chr = c("PHQ9", "GAD7"),
               new_nms_chr = c("PHQ-9", "GAD-7"))

These edits can now be inspected with a call to exhibitSlot.

X %>%
              scroll_box_args_ls = list(width = "100%")) # Add Exhibit Method
Old name New name

Specify output directory

We now update X with details of the directory to which we wish to write the manuscript we are authoring and all its supporting files.

X <- renewSlot(X,
               new_val_xx = tempdir())

Create dataset of literate programming files

Our next step is to copy a dataset of files that can implement a literate program to generate our manuscript. If you have a template you wish to work with, you can specify its local path using the a_Ready4showPaths@mkdn_source_dir_1L_chr slot of the X. Skip this step if you wish to use the default markdown dataset, which leverages popular rmarkdown toolkits such as bookdown and rticles.

## Not run
# procureSlot(X,
#             "a_Ready4showPaths@mkdn_source_dir_1L_chr",
#             new_val_xx  = "PATH TO MARKDOWN DATASET")

We create the dataset copy with the authorData method.

Having created a local copy of the template literate program files dataset, it is now possible to manually edit the markdown files to author the manuscript. However, in this example we are skipping this step and will continue to use the unedited template in conjunction with the metadata we have specified in X. We combine the two to author a manuscript using the authorReport method.

If we wish, we can now ammend X and then rerun the authorReport method to generate Word and HTML versions of the manuscript.

          new_val_xx = "Word") %>%
          new_val_xx = "HTML") %>%

The outputed files are as follows:

8 - Contributions

How to contribute to ready4’s development.

8.1 - Our priorities

Our current list of priorities for the development of ready4 shape when and how we need your help.

8.1.1 - Priority 1: Launch ready4 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) systems model

We want to give potential users confidence that they can appropriately apply ready4 to their decision problems by bringing all our existing development release and unreleased software to production release status.


All our software, regardless of status is supplied without any warranty. However, our views about whether an item of software is potentially appropriate for others to use in undertaking real world analyses can be inferred from its release status. If it is not a production release, we probably believe that it needs more development and testing and better documentation before it can be used for any purpose other than the specific studies in which we have already applied it. Partly for this reason, it is unlikely that any item of our software will be widely adopted until it is available as a production release. We also cannot meaningfully track uptake of our software until it becomes available in a dedicated production release repository. We need a critical mass of modules available as production releases so that they can be combined to model moderately complex systems.


By bringing all our current development version and pipeline libraries to production release, we aim to launch the ready4 Minimum Viable Product (MVP) systems model. The MVP model will comprise our modelling framework plus an initial skeleton of production ready modules for modelling people, places, platforms and programs.

The most important types of help we need with achieving this goal are funding, code contributions, community support and advice.


The main tasks to be completed to bring all of our existing code libraries to production releases is as follows:

  1. (For unreleased software) Address all issues preventing public release of code repositories (e.g. fixing errors preventing core functions working, removing all traces of potentially confidential artefacts from all versions/branches of repository, etc.).

  2. (For code libraries are implemented using only the functional programming paradigm) Author and test new modules.

  3. Write / update unit tests (tests of individual functions / modules for multiple potential uses / inputs that will be automatically run every time a new version of a library is pushed to the main branch of its development release repository).

  4. Enhance the documentation that is automatically authored by algorithms from our model authoring tools. This will involve some or all of:

  1. Adding human authored documentation for the modules contained in each library.

  2. (For some libraries) Adding a user-interface.


Our production releases will be submitted to the Comprehensive R Archive Network (CRAN). CRAN does not allow for submitted R packages to depend on development version R packages, so the dependency network of our code-libraries shapes the sequence in which we bring them to production releases.

The planned sequence for bringing current development release code libraries to production releases is:

  1. Three of the six framework libraries - the ready4 foundation followed by the ready4show and ready4use authoring tools.

  2. The seven module libraries that are sufficiently developed to have been used in real world scientific studies, in the following order: youthvars, scorz, specific, TTU, youthu, mychoice and heterodox.

  3. The very early stage bimp library from the modelling programs pipeline,

  4. The three remaining computational model authoring tools framework libraries, starting with ready4fun, then ready4class and finally ready4pack.

The planned sequence for bringing unreleased code first to development releases and then to production releases is:

  1. The four development module libraries from the modelling places pipeline (the library for synthesising geometry and spatial attribute data, followed by the spatial attribute simulator, the prevalence predictor and user interface libraries).

  2. The two module libraries from the modelling people pipeline (the synthetic household creation library and that agent based modelling library).

  3. The three module libraries from the modelling platforms pipeline (the primary mental health service discrete event simulation, followed by the early psychosis cohort model, followed by the service system eligibility and referral policy optimisation model).

How quickly we can launch production releases of all our code depends on how much and what type of help we get. Working within our current resources we expect the first of the 23 libraries listed to be released early in 2023 and the last during late 2025. With your help this release schedule can be sped up.

8.1.2 - Priority 2: Maintain ready4

We want the ready4 framework, model, datasets and decision aids to continually improve and update in response to the needs of potential users and stakeholders.


A significant limitation of many health economic models is that they are not updated and can become progressively less valid with time. The importance of maintaining a computational model increases if, like ready4, it is intended to have multiple applications and users. As we progressively make production releases to launch theready4 MVP model, we intend that people will start using it. As ready4 becomes more widely used, its limitations (errors, bugs, restrictive functionality and confusing / inadequate documentation) are more likely to become exposed and to require remediation. Addressing such issues needs to implemented skillfully and considerately to avoid unintended consequences on existing model users (e.g. to ensure software edits to fix one problem do not prevent previously written replication code or downstream dependencies from executing correctly). Open source projects like ready4 also need to make changes in response to decisions by third parties - such as edits to upstream dependencies and changes in the policies of hosting repositories and to update citation / acknowledgement information to appropriately reflect new contributors.


All ready4 software needs to be maintained and updated to identify and fix bugs, enhance functionality and usability, respond to changes in upstream dependencies and to conscientiously deprecate outdated code. Open access datasets made available for use in modelling analyses need to be actively curated to ensure they remain relevant to current decision contexts. Decision aids need to be reviewed and updated to ensure they continue to use the most up to date and appropriate modules and input data.

The most important types of help we need with this priority area are funding, code contributions, community support and advice.


The main tasks for the maintenance of framework and model software are to:

  1. Appropriately configure and update the settings of the ready4 GitHub organisation and its constituent repositories to facilitate easy to follow and efficient maintenance workflows.

  2. Proactively:

  1. Reactively elicit, review and address feedback and contributions from ready4 community (e.g. bugs, issues and feature-requests).

The main tasks for curating model data collections include:

  1. Implementing ongoing improvements and updates to meta-data descriptors of data collections and individual files.

  2. Facilitating the linking of datasets to and from the ready4 Dataverse.

  3. Reviewing all collections within the ready4 Dataverse to identify datasets or files that are potentially out of date.

  4. Creating and publishing new versions of affected datasets with the necessary additions, deletions and edits and updated metadata. Prior versions of data collections remain publicly available.

  5. Informing the ready4 community of the updated collections.

The main tasks for curating decision aids include:

  1. Monitoring the repositories of the software and the data used by the app for important updates.

  2. Deploying an updated app bundle of software and data to a test environment on

  3. Testing the new deployment and elicit user feedback.

  4. Implementing any required fixes identified during testing.

  5. Deploying the updated app to a production environment.

  6. Informing the ready4 community of the updated decision aid.


Maintenance is an ongoing and current responsibility. Maintenance obligations are expected to grow considerably as we launch more production releases, extend the ready4 model and grow the ready4 community.

8.1.3 - Priority 3: Apply ready4 to undertake replications and transfers

We want maintained production releases of ready4 module libraries to be used to implement replications and transfers of the original studies for which that software was developed.


In this relatively early stage of ready4’s development, the authoring of new ready4 modules can involve a significant investment of time and skills, an investment that is typically made in the context of implementing a modelling project for a scientific study. However, once authored, these modules may significantly streamline the implementation of modelling analyses that replicate or transfer the studies for which they were developed. For modellers and other researchers, using ready4 for this purpose may provide the highest reward to effort ratio of any contribution to the ready4 community. Network effects also kick in - more replications and generalisations mean more open access data and module customisations available to other users, enhancing the practical utility of ready4.


We plan to demonstrate that studies implemented with ready4 are relatively straightforward and efficient to replicate and transfer. The most important initial types of help we need with achieving this goal are funding, projects, code contributions and advice.


The main tasks for implementing study replications and transfers are:

  1. Identify the example study to be replicated or transferred.

  2. Review that study’s analysis program:

  • do the data used in this program have similar structure / concepts / sampling to the data for which a new analysis is planned?
  • are modules used in that program from production release module libraries and do any of them require authoring of inheriting modules to selectively update aspects of module data-structures or algorithms?
  1. Create a new input dataset, labelling and (for non-confidential data) storing the data in an online repository (which can be kept private for now).

  2. (If new inheriting modules are required) Make a code contribution to create and test new inheriting modules.

  3. Adapt the original study’s analysis program to account for differences in input data, model modules and study reporting.

  4. Share new new analysis program in the ready4 Zenodo community.

  5. Ensure the online model input dataset is made public and submit it as a Linked Dataverse Dataset in the appropriate section of the ready Dataverse.


In most cases, we recommend waiting until production releases of relevant module libraries are available. However, we are currently planning or actively undertaking some initial study analysis transfers using the development versions of our utility mapping and choice modelling module libraries. We are undertaking this work in parallel with testing and, where necessary, extending the required modules. We suggest that, should you believe that any of our development version software is potentially relevant to a study you wish to undertake, you first get in touch with our project lead to discuss the pros / cons and timing of using this software.

8.1.4 - Priority 4: Grow a ready4 community

We want to develop a community of ready4 users, contributors and stakeholders to sustain the development, maintenance, application, extension and impact of the project.


ready4 is open source because we believe that transparent and collaborative approaches to model development are more likely to produce accountable, reusable and updatable models. No one modelling team has the resources or breadth of expertise and diversity of values to adequately address all of the important decision topics in youth mental health systems design and policy. Opportunities for modellers to test, re-use, update and combine each other’s work help make modelling projects more valid and tractable. Models have become increasingly complex, so simply publishing model code and data may have limited impact on improving model transparency. These aretefacts also need to be understood and tested. Clear documentation and frequent re-use in different contexts by multiple types of stakeholder make it more likely that errors and limitations can be exposed and remedied. Decentralising ownership of a model to an active community can help sustain the maintenance and extension of a model over the long term and mitigate risks and bottlenecks associated with dependency on a small number of team members.


Our aim is to enhance the resilience, quality, legitimacy and impact of ready4 by developing a community of users and contributors. The most important initial types of help we need with achieving this goal are funding, community support and advice.


The process of developing the ready4 community involves the following tasks:

  1. Creating and recruiting to volunteer advisory structures to elicit guidance on strategic, technical and conceptual topics.

  2. Enhancing the ease of use for third parties of existing framework authoring tools.

  3. Developing improved documentation and collateral (e.g. video tutorials) for ready4 software and data.

  4. Configuring hosting repositories to implement clear collaborative development workflows.

  5. Promoting ready4 to potential users and stakeholders.

  6. Continually expanding, diversifying and updating the authorship and maintenance responsibilities of all ready4 software.


We plan to begin seeking input into nascent advisory structures during 2023. The speed at which we undertake other activities to grow the ready4 community depends on our success at securing funding to provide required support infrastructure.

8.1.5 - Priority 5: Extend the scope of the ready4 model

We want progressively extend the capability of the ready4 model to explore new decision topics in youth mental health.


We hope that once launched, the ready4 MVP systems model will be accountable, reusable and updatable model that can demonstrate its usefulness for addressing some important topics in youth mental health. However, there will inevitably be a much greater number of topics for which that the MVP model lacks the scope to adequately address. The two main scope limitations of the MVP model are expected to be omissions and level of abstraction. Some relevant system features will be ommitted from representation by the MVP model - for example our pipeline of platforms modules does not currently include any planned modules for modelling the operations of digital mental health services or schools. System features that are represented in the MVP model may only have one level of abstraction, which may be either too simple or too complex to be appropriately applied to some modelling goals.


We plan to progressively extend the scope of ready4 and the range of decision topics to which it can validly be applied. The most important initial types of help we need to achieve this goal are funding, projects and advice.


The two main strategies for extending ready4 are to translate existing models and develop new models. The process for developing new models is outlined elsewhere as the steps required to undertake a modelling project.

Translating existing models involves the following steps:

  1. Identify existing computational model(s) of relevant youth mental health systems to be redeveloped using the ready4 framework. Processes for identifying models could include:
  • A modelling team reviewing some of the models that they have previously implemented using other software; and/or
  • A systematic search of published literature and/or model repositories.
  1. (Optional - only if a single project plans to redevelop multiple models) Develop a data extraction tool into which data on relevant model features will be collated and categorised.

  2. Extract data on relevant model features. In the (highly likely) event that the reporting and documentation of the model being redeveloped lacks important details:

  • Contact the original model authors for assistance; and/or
  • Seek relevant advice to help determine plausible / appropriate values for missing data.
  1. Author module libraries for representing the included model(s).

  2. Author labelled open access datasets of model input data (which can be set to private for now).

  3. Author analysis and reporting programs designed to replicate the original modelling study / studies.

  4. Compare results from original and replication analyses. Ascertain the most plausible explanations for any divergence between results. Where this explanation relates to an error or limitation in the new ready4 modules or analysis programs that have been authored, fix these issues.

  5. Complete documentation of model libraries, datasets and analyses.

  6. (If not already done) Publish / link to datasets on the ready4 Dataverse and share releases of libraries and programs in the ready4 Zenodo community.


As our current focus in on developing the MVP model, we are not yet actively pursuing this priority. That will change if we are successful in securing more support from funders. In the mean time, if you are a researcher and/or modeller who is interested in leading a project that can help extend ready4, you can contact our project lead for guidance and/or to discuss the potential for collaborations.

8.1.6 - Priority 6: Integrate ready4 with other open source tools

We want coders and modellers working in languages such as python to be able to readily use and contribute to ready4.


Currently all ready4 software is developed using the R language. Although R is powerful, popular and flexible, there are limitations to relying on this toolkit alone. For some tasks, tools written in other languages provide superior performance. Requiring coders to have knowledge of R erects barriers to participation that thus the rate and quality of ready4’s development.


We aim to support and integrate the development and use of tools to implement and extend the ready4 model in multiple languages, with an initial focus on python. The most important initial types of help we need with achieving this goal are advice, funding and code contributions.


This is a longer term program of activity that has yet to be planned. We expect the first step in this process will be convening an advisory group of interested stakeholders to help us identify appropriate actions.


We have no active plans to progress this during our current 2023-2025 activity cycle. However, we are open to providing whatever support and guidance we can to researchers and organisations who are interested in leading a project of this nature.

8.2 - Contribution types

There are a number of ways you can contribute to ready4.

8.2.1 - Provide advice

ready4 needs the guidance of young people, decision-makers and technical experts to shape its development.


We need advice:


We wan advice from our users (coders, modellers and planners), stakeholders (funders, researchers and young people) and other supporters (those with relevant expertise in technical communication, building open source communities, product development, etc).


Advice can be provided by:

  1. Joining a volunteer advisory board to help shape the evolution of ready4. We plan on inviting expressions of interest (EOIs) for this type of role later in 2023. If you want to ensure that you are sent details of the EOI invitations, contact the ready4 project lead.

  2. Participate in the advisory structures and events of individual modelling projects. The nature of these opportunities will vary by project and the team responsible for implementing each project. For those projects we lead ourselves, we typically promote such EOIs via the Orygen website and associated social media channels.

  3. Flag software features, usability and documentation issues. If you have the capacity and willingness to also fix the issues you can approach this using the process for making a code contribution. Otherwise, you can do so by creating an issue on that software projects repository in our GitHub organisation. For example, to create a new issue relating to the ready4 foundation library, use (you will need a GitHub account).

8.2.2 - Contribute code

Help improve the reliability, functionality and ease of use of ready4 software.


Test, improve or extend our software. This is essential to us achieving our following priority goals:

  1. Launching the ready4 MVP systems model.

  2. Maintaining ready4.

  3. Applying ready4.

  4. Growing a ready4 community.


To make a code contribution, you need to be a coder familiar with R, R Markdown and git. You will also need a GitHub account. For many types of contribution, you will also need to use our framework’s module authoring tools. We have yet to adequately document and refine these tools to make them easier for third parties to use (we plan to do this), so if you are interested in making anything other than a relatively minor code edit, we recommend that you first contact our project lead to discuss your idea.

As a contributor to ready4, you will also be expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant

How ?

The process for making a code contribution, broadly conforms to the steps we itemise below, that we have minimally adapted from this template. If you need further help to make a contribution, you can contact the ready4 project lead directly.

  1. Find an issue that you are interested in addressing or a feature that you would like to add. Ideally consider how your planned contribution matches our current priorities.

  2. Fork the repository associated with the issue from our GitHub organization to your local GitHub organization. This means that you will have a copy of the repository under your-GitHub-username/repository-name.

  3. Clone the repository to your local machine using:

git clone
  1. Create a new branch for your fix using:
git checkout -b branch-name-here
  1. Make the appropriate changes for the issue you are trying to address or the feature that you want to add.

  2. To add the file contents of the changed files to the “snapshot” git uses to manage the state of the project, also known as the index, use:

git add insert-paths-of-changed-files-here
  1. To store the contents of the index with a descriptive message, use:
git commit -m "Insert a short message of the changes made here"
  1. Push the changes to the remote repository using:
git push origin branch-name-here
  1. Submit a pull request to the upstream repository.

  2. Title the pull request with a short description of the changes made and the issue or bug number associated with your change. For example, you can title an issue like so “Added more log outputting to resolve #4352”.

  3. In the description of the pull request, explain the changes that you made, any issues you think exist with the pull request you made, and any questions you have for the maintainer. It’s OK if your pull request is not perfect (no pull request is), the reviewer will be able to help you fix any problems and improve it!

  4. Wait for the pull request to be reviewed by a maintainer.

  5. Make changes to the pull request if the reviewing maintainer recommends them.

  6. Celebrate your success after your pull request is merged!

8.2.3 - Fund projects

Help us secure our future and accelerate our development.


Provide cash or in-kind resources to support us to achieve any or all of our priority goals:

  1. Launching the ready4 MVP systems model.

  2. Maintaining ready4.

  3. Applying ready4.

  4. Growing a ready4 community.

  5. Extending ready4.

  6. Integrating ready4 with other tools.


We are seeking support from multiple different types of funder. At this early stage of our development we would expect that the most impactful way of supporting ready4’s development will be to award funding for that purpose directly to ready4’s two institutional sponsors: Orygen and Monash University. Other ways to support ready4 will be to fund ready4 modelling projects led by other research institutions and which may or may not be formally affiliated with us.


The two main categories of funding we seek are:

  1. Core infrastructure. Essential to the success of priorities 1-2 and 3-6 above is adequately resourced support infrastructure. Financial support we receive for this purpose will primarily be dedicated to recruit a skilled team of data scientists (coders), modellers, technical documentation / training developers, community builders and stakeholder managers. Other important resource requirements relate to licensing appropriate technical solutions (hosting, security, workflow optimisation, etc) to support the ready4 community.

  2. Modelling projects To advance priorities 3 and 5 above, teams with high quality plans to undertake modelling projects with ready4 need to be backed with financing. Typically funding provided to these types of projects will be primarily spent on employing modellers, data-scientists and other researchers and on supporting processes to meaningfully engage young-people, planners and other stakeholders.

If you would like to invite a funding proposal from ready4, contact the project lead. You can also simply make a direct donation to Orygen (please remember to specify as the reference for the project you would like to support!).

8.2.4 - Undertake projects

Plan, conduct and disseminate ready4 modelling projects.


A ready4 modelling project undertakes novel analysis of youth mental health topics by using, enhancing and/or authoring model modules, datasets and executables. Each ready4 modelling project has its own unique funder(s), governance, objectives and team. The links between modelling projects are in the form of a common framework and membership of a collaborative community.

Undertaking modelling projects will help us achieve our following priority goals:

3. Applying ready4.

5. Extending ready4.


Modelling projects should typically be led by a researcher (who may or may not be a modeller) or planner. The core project team will always include modelling expertise and, should authorship of new modules (or extensions to existing modules) be required, will also need to include coders. Advisory structures to engage young people and planners are also recommended.


There are three main steps in implementing a ready4 modelling project.

Step 1: Develop model

Each project’s computational model is constructed by adopting one or more of the following strategies:

As part of the validation and verification process for all new and derived modules, tests should be defined, bundled as part of the relevant module libraries and rerun every time these libraries are edited.

Step 2: Add data

By data we typically mean digitally stored information, principally relating to model parameter values, that can be added to the ready4 computational model to tailor it to a specific decision context (e.g. a particular population / jurisdiction / service / intervention) and set of underpinning beliefs (e.g. preferred evidence sources). Data for a ready4 modelling project will be from one or both of the following options:

Step 3: Run analyses

ready4 project analyses apply algorithms contained in ready4 modules to supplied data to generate insight and can be implemented by:

When reporting analyses, using a reporting template can be useful.

8.2.5 - Support the ready4 community

Help develop high quality, clear and comprehensive documentation, instruction and responsive help.


Help other members of the ready4 community to apply ready4 by authoring documentation, developing training and posting answers in online help. This support is essential for us to advance the following project goals:

2. Maintaining ready4.

4. Growing a ready4 community.

5. Extending ready4.


Any community member (user or other stakeholders) can help us to improve the accessibility, clarity and usefulness of our documentation. Coders and modellers are particularly welcome to contribute support that leverages their technical expertise.


The types of support that we welcome contributions on include:

  1. Improving the documentation contained on this website. To do this, you will need a GitHub account. Once you have that, you can:
  1. Improve the documentation for specific library, executable or dataset:
  • for software documentation edits, you can use the same workflow as that for making a code contribution; and

  • for improvements to dataset documentation, we have yet to set up a streamlined workflow for this process, so for moment please contact the ready4 project lead directly if you ar interested in making this type of contribution.

  1. Contributing to developing other training and support resources (e.g. answering questions in online help, video turorials, etc). We believe that this type of content is most likely to become relevant when we have made more progress in developing the ready4 community. But again, if you are interested in this area, please contact the project lead to discuss.

8.3 - Contributor covenant (code of conduct)

To foster an inclusive and respectful community, all contributors to ready4 are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant.

Our pledge

We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, caste, color, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.

We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community.

Our standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:

  • Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people
  • Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences
  • Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback
  • Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience
  • Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community

Examples of unacceptable behavior include:

  • The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind
  • Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks
  • Public or private harassment
  • Publishing others’ private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission
  • Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting

Enforcement responsibilities

Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate.


This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event.


Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.

All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident.

Enforcement guidelines

Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:

1. Correction

Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.

Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested.

2. Warning

Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.

Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban.

3. Temporary ban

Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.

Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban.

4. Permanent ban

Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.

Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community.


This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.1, available at

Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla’s code of conduct enforcement ladder.

For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at